Find the good in every situation. Learn every situation gives the opportunity to grow. If we're breathing we should never stop growing or progressing in life. Each day brings something new to learn or appreciate.
Use your God given authority. If something is presented before you that you don't agree with you have the authority to make a wise decision. Don't allow negatively to make you a puppet. You have the power to stand your ground, the ground God's given you. Don't let anyone or thing trick you out of what God has already given you.
Keep the right mindset. Your mind is the gold-mine. You can choose what comes in and goes out. The right mindset can keep you successful. A lot of things in life are mind over matter. It's what you think. Do what you can, with the help of God, to stay positive and productive.
Have peace and love. Know every step you plan may not turn out exactly how it was planned but know if God gave you the blueprint, you will get the end result promised. Regardless of what your journey has on it, learn to keep your peace and love. Love keeps you free. Forgive your past and love.
We must keep growing in life. Remember, Your growth is never in vain. Let's keep God first.