
Wednesday, May 31, 2017

The Purge

You can go far in life but you have to learn to cut off unnecessary weight as you go. In life, there are times when you are waiting and waiting for certain things to happen but fail to realize you have old weights hanging on you that's causing delays. There is a season for everything and we must all learn to let go and grow in order to experience everything God has for us. 

When elevated everyone can't go with you. There are parts of your personal journey that you have to take on your own. Be wise enough to say no when necessary, be strong enough to let go when needed, be loving enough to forgive to embrace more ahead of you, and must be tuned in enough to let God lead you to your next place of dominion ship. Take the journey God has set before you. Don't be afraid to obey God, what he tells you to do will work out for the best in your life. 

At times you may wonder why certain doors are closing right in your face or refuses to open and I believe it's due to God wanting to bring the new into your life and to show you beyond your expectations. At times we can waste time because we don't want to let go of our past in order to come into a greater now.
We can get complacent in an area and forget that everything has a season. We gotta let a purge take place that rids of the past that we need to let go of and current unprofitable habits that need to end. 

I want to speak a word into your life. I declare and decree that you will experience your greater days ahead if you let go of expired people, places, and things. As you let go, you will see the hand of God like never before. Your latter will be greater than your former. The things you're walking into that God has for you will make you forgot pain and toil because the blessing is so great. You won't forget the testimony but you will not be stuck in your past. I believe God has given you the peace to move forward and I pray you allow a purge to take place from inside out that will better you from this moment forward.

Greater blessings are your portion in Jesus name.

May God keep you, cover you, and make his face shine upon you.

Love and blessings,