Whatever goes on around you, don’t be distracted from what you should be focusing on. When there is constant movement, it’s easy to get distracted or fearful. At times, we need to just stop for a moment to re-confirm with God that we are involved with what He want us to be with in our lives. Learn to remove those things and people that are only there to zap your energy & distract you. There has been a lot going on in this world lately but don’t lose focus or hope. Stay tuned into your purpose in life and keep being that light God created you to be. Don’t allow the things around you to cause you to be paralyzed by fear, but let these things motivate you to re-assess self to ensure you’re on the right path. Let these things that are happening around you be a wake up call if you were off path. Don’t ignore the warning signs if God is speaking to you.
Use this time wisely and re-align if needed. Don’t let the movement of this world cause you to get off your course. Stay focused and keep fulfilling destiny. Stay connected to God and he’ll continually lead you throughout your days.
“that if you will confess with your mouth that Yeshua is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.”
Romans 10:9 WMBBE