
Saturday, December 28, 2019

The Homestretch, you WILL Pass THIS test

You are hitting the homestretch, no matter what it felt like tried to stop you from accomplishing what God told you to do this season, God is saying, with Me- you will pass the test. God doesn’t need time-He is not bound by time and is always on time- He created time. What may seemed strenuous to you, is a piece of cake to God. Lean on Him, trust in Him, let Him lead you to victory. This last part of this season you will have grace to finish ON time. Never forget, God led you to THIS victory. Give HIM the glory. Amen. 🙏🏽


Saturday, December 14, 2019

Depends on You


In this season, how far you go will depend on your willingness to hear God. If you follow His voice, you will get what He has for you. Don’t delay and don’t allow distractions to keep you from what God has for you. There is a time coming where knowing His voice will be extremely critical. It already is, but this time coming up will cause you to excel further immediately. You see will more desires results doing things His way. If you trust His voice, you will not regret. 

Will you listen? The choice is up to you.


Wednesday, November 6, 2019


This is the month of the great finish. What God started in YOU He will complete for you this year. What He promised you will happen. Distractions, oppositions, delays have been removed. Keep your head from turning back. There is nothing back there. God has “the great” ahead of you. What God has been preparing you for-for this time- is being you released to you now. Expect things to change, expect things to line up. The next month will be even greater! Dawn of a new day. Receive it . It’s yours.


Monday, September 2, 2019

A September to Remember


God is going to do just what He promised you. Keep your eyes on God, it’s going to happen for you. You’re closer than you think. Don’t overthink where you are, God can see it all. Don’t stress nor worry, greater is ahead for you. Stay in position. Your time is near. Stay prepared and keep doing YOUR part. Your preparation shows God that you trust Him. 

4th Quarter- you’re about to see how faithful 
God is. Just what He said, is being released. 

“Let us hold tightly without wavering to the hope we affirm, for God can be trusted to keep his promise.”
‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭10:23‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Tuesday, August 6, 2019


Gold -Royalty and establishment will be yours. Positioning to elevate and expand. A new level of the realization of your authority. Things will shift as soon as realize your true identity. Favor, no fear. God will introduce more to you this year. In the meantime , let God establish where you are to prepare you for the next. 

As you move forward with what you have now-know that you have been sent. Sent ones have things prepared for them. So if God has given you the green light regarding anything, MOVE on it. It will work. 

#GodThing #August #Royalty #Queens #Kings #2019 #Love #Wholeness #Prosperity #EriHolmes 

Thursday, July 4, 2019


Soar into your destiny. God is given you grace to succeed. Things that seemed challenging last season to accomplish, God will give you grace to finish them this season. He’s mounting you up with wings as an Eagle to fly high. This means, yes you will encounter certain situations but He’s given you the ability to fly high above them and not be affected. This is a time of serenity because your trust in God will allow you to keep your peace on a new level this season. 

That God, fly high. 

Luv- Eri 

Sunday, June 2, 2019


I see new things blooming, I see blue which represents wholeness, royalty, richness, honor, respect, loyalty. You are about to step into something you’ve been praying for. It will begin to make sense why you had to go the way you did. God never forgot about you and will always honor His Word. This season you’ll be able to rest and have more peace because the things you’re coming into will bring you more peace and rest because they are God sent. Cling tighter to God, He’s going to show you more this month. Remember, when God is in “it” there are no limits. Reach up. There is so much more that God has in store.


Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Bloom where you are Planted!

In this month of May, I pray you Prosper where you’re planted. Because you stayed grounded and did not quit, I declare and decree you shall receive what you’ve been waiting on. May the showers/storms you endured, spring up something beautiful in your life THIS month. Keep a smile on your face because you’ve made it to this day, you’re still breathing. You have a lot to be grateful for and know that God has so much more in store for you throughout THIS YEAR!  What you’re about to receive or stepping into this month, is great but the days ahead will bring something even greater. So stay planted to receive ALL that’s yours! I declare and decree whatever you touch shall prosper! Where you put your feet, the ground shall be yours! I declare and decree you shall prosper in ALL areas of your LIFE THIS year! Receive it! Go ahead, it’s YOUR time, BLOOM . #Grounded #May #BestDaysAhead #Wednesday #Hope #Love #Peace #Relationships #Blessed #Inspire #Motivate #Encourage #2019 #MsEri #EriHolmes 

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Self-Check. Quarter Two

What type of seeds are you sowing? What type of energy do you give to other people? Do you support others, or do you just want to be supported? It’s time to do a self check with the 2nd quarter of this year started. We have to keep looking at self first, in order to grow and be promoted. Make sure your intentions are right with what you’re pursuing. Make sure you’re doing things that help you get better and support your growth. What we put out matters. If we want to see good energy etc, make sure you’re doing your part as well giving it out. There are a lot of things God still want to do through us this year, so keep your mind right and focus right.

Starts with YOU.

Luv ya!
-Eri Holmes

Friday, March 8, 2019

Month of Acceleration

Hey all! I pray your year has been kind to you! I want to speak a word of blessings over you all. May this month of March be a month of acceleration for you. A month were things that normally would have taken months to complete, that you can complete them in days. I believe that some things you've been waiting on are getting ready to arrive. I believe things you had a hard time letting go of, are now suddenly becoming easier to release. I believe this is your time to be released and reveal. Because you stayed on the path that God set before you, may you now bloom into something great. Because God's hand is on your life, may you prosper like never before.
In Jesus Name , Amen.



Sunday, February 10, 2019

Focus to Finish

I want to encourage you all to focus to finish. There are a lot of things that can become distractions in our lives but it’s up to us to choose not to be distracted. It can be easy to get distracted at times especially when it seems like things are small and not harmful. If we are not careful, things such as social media, cell phones, even gossiping conversations can become culprits of distraction. Therefore it’s important to do self-assessments to ensure what we give our time to, is necessary. Making the adjustments to better your life will help ensure you are remaining focus to finish.

Don't  beat yourself up. If you have allowed things or people to distract you, it’s time to recognize something needs to change in order to reach your desired goals. Keep a smile on your face. If you choose to remove distractions you’ll be headed to reach new levels of success. God wants to give you more, but it’s up to you to allow Him to.

Will you stay focused to finish? The choice is up to you.

Love you guys,


Tuesday, January 1, 2019


The Release

The Release is here, there will not be a failure to recover all this year. I speak that this is a year of blessings, favor, increase of everything good thing, and restoration of any good thing that was lost. May you use this time to rejoice and be glad because God has not forgotten about you. Make this year count by doing your part. Follow the instructions that God gives you, it's all going to work out in your favor!

#Listen #1Samuel30

Much Love,