At times we need to sit back and determine where we are spending most of our time and giving most of our energy to, especially if we're not getting desired results. You have to understand that you can't get this moment back so you must use wisdom. You must make sure you're spending time on what's important and necessary. Your time should be spent on going after and walking into the destiny God has for your life. You should be so focused on God and what he has for you to do that you don't have time to waste on being unproductive. Your time should not be idle and wasted. When you're idle, people tend get in mess and lose their focus. When you're idle what's important gets pushed to the back. You must understand that God called you to do something greater and in order for that to be revealed you must spend an adequate amount of time with Him.
All your time & energy should not be focusing on what Dan or Janae or whoever is doing. The question is, what are you doing? Are you doing what God has called you to do or are you making excuses why you can't? Once you take time to focus on what God has for you, you won't be in others' business. Once you realize that God has called you to do something great, you can then take your focus off the wrong things. Realize, the more time you waste worrying about what he or she is doing right or not right, the more time you take away from going after your destiny. As the bible says, take the plank out your own eye first then you'll be able to see more clear.(Matthew 7:3-5) Also, (sidenote),know that how you see someone else is a direct reflection of how you see yourself. If you're always worried about others and never have anything good to say, you need to ask God to show you yourself.
I do believe that the more time we spend focusing on God, the more time and energy we can give towards our destinies, the less time we'll have to speculate on others. Once you actively put your time and energy on something productive you'll also begin to see the good in others. Time is too precious to waste and so is your destiny.You don't have to waste your time wishing you had someone else's life, you were given your specific life for a reason. Also, do know that the decisions we make in life do determine the type of life we see. So with that in mind, make up your mind to spend your precious time going after your God given destinies. Once you spend your time on the right things everything else will fall into place. Stay in the race. -Eri @EriHolmes
Wow! What a powerful word from God! I thank God staying focus on Him helps us forget about the negative thing in life and brings us closer to Him. Praise Him! J rose