Don't compare yourself to others. It seems once people compare themselves to others that's when dissatisfaction/discontent, and jealously starts to set in. You have to understand our journeys will be different to get us to the place God want us to be at. You're the only one that can fill your shoes and that other person you may be looking at is the only person that can fill their shoes. As Christians, our goal to give God all the glory & spread the Gospel is the same but everybody's route to carry that out may be different. Looking in someone else's yard all the time will cause you to desire what they have. Instead you need to stay focused on God and what He has for you. When you look at what someone else has for too long you can get distracted and forget what you have, that's dangerous. What God gives another fits their life and purpose. Know that following the plans and purpose God has for your life will release the necessities it takes to fulfill your purpose.
God will give you what you need on YOUR journey not someone else's journey. So be content with what God has for you on your path. Know that what God has for you compliments who you are. So the next time you see someone accomplish something or move forward in life congratulate them because they're carrying out THEIR purpose then allow God to help you carry out yours.
No reason to be jealous, discontent, or depressed, God is not a respecter of person he plans to bless us all(Romans 2:11). Trust Him. Stay in the race. -Eri
Wow good word, very good word. I thank God for who I am! J rose