
Friday, November 30, 2012

Don't Turn Your Back

Don’t turn your back on God when things seem tough. Understand you should be running toward God and not away from Him. You have to keep in mind that God has THE FINAL SAY and he’s ultimately in control so don’t give up on God. God has a way of making your cloudy days feel like sunny days when you learn to rest in Him. He has a way of making you realize what’s really important in life. Tests and trials should ultimately show you that with God you can make it through ANYTHING. With God all things are definitely possible, you just have to believe. (Matthew 19:26) Know that scriptures say, “WITH” God all things are possible and that means if you have the Greater One on the inside of you there’s NOTHING you can’t get through. With the Greater One we can move mountains, With the Greater One we can have peace in what should be chaotic situations, with the Greater One we can keep moving forward when we don’t feel like it. God empowers us to do all things through Christ who strengthens us. (Philippians 4:13) Whenever we go through we should see Christ and what He had to endured and tell yourself THERE’S NOWAY I’m giving up, because of what Christ did! Tell your situation when Christ said IT IS FINISHED that’s what he meant! (John 19:30) We live in Christ and He lives in us. (John 15:4) When we truly understand this truth we’ll get though ANYTHING. When you understand that the One who created what you see lives on the inside of you, it gives you uncommon strength. When you think back on who God is, you somehow seem to get more determined. You have to understand that God equips those he calls!! So if you’re going through something God already equipped you to get out of it! God will never put you in a place to get destroyed! God gave us one of the most important tools, he gave us HIS word!! His Word empowers us, it gives us knowledge about who He is! We have to structure our lives around The Word (Bible), meaning get up early enough to get in the Word to feed our spirits, to empower our angels. Don’t let your natural job prevent you from not having enough time to seek God and get to know Him, do what‘s necessary to have adequate time with your Father. You can’t have an excuse because you need to be filled with God’s word to survive. The bible says in Hosea 4:6, “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.“ As we speak the Word of God it gives our angels strength, our angels respond to God’s voice!! (Psalm 103:20) His voice is His word! The more you really know God the less tempted you’ll be to turn your back on him when going through. Whatever you face in life keep telling yourself, it’s ALL working for my good.(Romans 8:28) That’s the Word of God. So refuse to let “time-sensitive” test cause you to turn your back on an unlimited, unrestricted, unbound God. Know that test are eventually over, they don’t last! Tests bring promotions!! Keep your joy! Get your promotion and let God take you to where he want you to be. So keep smiling, keep singing& praising, keep your eyes on God because truly HE IS going to bring you through EVERY situation. When you can stick with God regardless of what you go through, that’s when you’ll really start to see things work out for your good. (Romans 8:28). DON'T turn your back on God, He's faithful!! Know the truth and be free. (John 8:36) Stay in the race.

1 comment:

  1. Yes Yes Yes, Eri I thank God for U letting Him use you, The Word Of God For The Day, Praise God! J rose
