Thursday, January 31, 2013
What You Have, Use It
Sometimes we search everywhere else looking for what we need when indeed what we need is closer than we think. Take a moment and reflect on what you have. Just as Jesus told Peter to go fishing and get the money out of the fish’s mouth that was needed to pay temple taxes, in that same way use what you know to do to meet your needs. (Matthew 17:24-27) Peter was a fishermen by trade, it‘s what he did for a living before becoming Jesus‘ disciple. (Matthew 4:18-20)You have to be willing to work with what you have now to get you to where you desire to be. Know that when God sees you doing what you know to do with what you have, he’ll give you more by opening up other doors to do more. God’s given us skills and gifts to be used, he‘s enabled us. So stay content and keep working toward your dreams. Stay in the Race.
Monday, January 28, 2013
Want to Say....
I just want to add this post really quickly. I want to encourage you all to hold on to whatever God has promised you and don’t be so easy to give up. When you feel like God’s placed something in your heart and it won’t go away, keep going after it. Use what you have right now even if it may not seem like enough and take it one step at time, you’ll get there. At times, we can give up so easily because what you’re going after can take more than you’re used to giving but know that great things are worth holding on for. So no matter what you face, if God told you it was in your future don’t let anything convince you otherwise. Yeah we all get tired sometimes but know that God will give you the strength to soar above anything opposing your dream so that you can get to it. I firmly believe that whatever you’re going through right now or whatever opposition you face today, won’t be able to measure up or compare to the things God has in store for you. Your latter will be greater than your former. I pray supernatural strength to you all. May you not faint and may you reach your due season. Receive the promise. God Bless. (Numbers 23:19, Galatians 6:9, Isaiah 40, Haggai 2:9)
Sometimes Rejection is Protection
Sometimes rejection is protection. Maybe you’re thinking too small. Maybe you’re not looking in the right direction. Maybe God want you to trust Him a bit more before that big break. Regardless of why, maybe the rejection you experience is for your protection. It could be protecting you from settling, it could protecting you from misery, it could be protecting you from making the wrong moves all together. When your life is in God’s hand it’ll always turn out better than expected. A simple “no” right now could be preparing you for the grand “yes” to come. So keep your joy, it’s all working together for your good (Romans 8:28) and keep declaring the Word over your life. So instead of focusing on the “why not” from your past, keep focusing on God and He’ll get you to the right future. Keep the hope, don’t lose heart, you’re not forgotten. You're a day closer to the manifestations of your heart's desires. Stay in the race.
Thursday, January 24, 2013
Your time with God is personal and will not be like everybody else's. Your relationship is customized to fit your life and not anyone else's. Just like naturally, you speak to different people in many ways. How God speaks to another person may be different from how God speaks to you. You may not have the "burning bush" (Exodus 3) experiences or angels walking in your room (Luke 1:26-38) as they did in the Bible but that doesn't mean that God isn't speaking to you or that He loves you less. You have to learn how to get a personal relationship with God for yourself and learn how to hear Him speak to you. He speaks to many through dreams, visions, books, shows, etc. At times, we can make it more difficult then it has to be to hear God's voice but if you just pay attention you'd notice He speaks all the time. He wants a relationship with you but it may be different from theirs and that's the beauty about our God, One God with so many ways to communicate and love on His people. So don't get stressed because you don't hear Him a certain way but open your eyes and heart to hear Him in a personal way. God wants to fellowship with you, be open. Remember, God knows what we need and how to get our attention so let Him love on you the way He sees fit. Stay in the race.
Thursday, January 17, 2013
Challenge Yourself
Once you make up in your mind to walk by faith, you can then have everything God told you that you can have. When you make the choice to walk by faith and not by sight you then make the decision that regardless of what's thrown at you in life you refuse to stop moving forward(2 Corinthians 5:7). When you walk by faith you learn that what you see is temporary, subject to change, so you don't allow yourself to get distracted by a temporary situation. Know that faith will get you to where you desire to be because faith doesn't take no for an answer. When walking by faith you learn to see the impossible now possible. A wise person said, "Impossible is only a mindset." You learn to change that mindset. You begin to understand that impossible is truly only a mindset and mindsets change when you take on God's perspective. Walking by faith may not be easy but it's necessary to see great dreams/promises happen. Understand when you're challenged you're being strengthened and matured. Faith comes to strengthen and mature you and to ultimately teach you to trust God. You may be saying well I've been walking by faith and nothing has happened but I'd like to encourage you to keep walking by faith because you could be at the cusp of your breakthrough. Don't let time discourage you but keep in mind that great things take time to develop. Also keep in mind that you're being prepared/trained for your next. So instead of focusing on how long it's taking to happen, keep your joy and stay on this faith walk.
Challenge yourself to walk by faith even more to see what may be impossible to someone else possible in your life. Remember, all you have to do is believe and keep moving forward, you'll get there. :) "And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart." NJKV Galatians 6:9. Stay encouraged.
Challenge yourself to walk by faith even more to see what may be impossible to someone else possible in your life. Remember, all you have to do is believe and keep moving forward, you'll get there. :) "And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart." NJKV Galatians 6:9. Stay encouraged.
Monday, January 14, 2013
You Don't Have to Know Everything
Knowing everything about your life is not necessary when God is leading it. What we must understand is that God has us in His best interest and we'll always be lead to victory. We have to keep in mind that God's love for us is beyond amazing and can't be totally comprehended. His love for us didn't even spare His Son(Romans 8:32). So we have to understand if God gave His only begotten Son for us, he definitely won't hold back any good thing(Psalm 84:11). Sometimes wanting to know too much can get you in trouble. Our focus shouldn't be on how God is going to do a certain thing for us but it should be on how good God is and worshiping Him. If Adam and Eve would've kept their focus right they would not have been distracted off what really mattered(Genesis 3). Their eyes didn't need to be opened anymore because God was already giving them what they needed in life. We have to be ok with what God allows us to know and trust him through what we don't know.(Proverbs 3:5-6) Just know that it's all working out for your good and He has a good future already paved ahead of you.(Romans 8:28,Jeremiah 29:11) So keep smiling and keep your joy. Learn to rest in God's Word and walk in peace(Isaiah 26:3). Stay encouraged.
Friday, January 4, 2013
See IT
Hey you all. I just wanted to leave a post to encourage everyone to keep seeing your situations change for the better. Even if you’ve met goals, keep making new ones and getting better. Learn to stay positive in life. Focus on God and the assignments He’s given you to complete. Handle each assignment God gives you as if you’re directly reporting to God. Colossians 3:23-24, "And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men,24 knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance; for you serve the Lord Christ." Do what you do to please God. Keep the task in eyes view, meaning stay focused on what you’re supposed to be doing. Keep renewing your mind daily and treat everyday as a new day for new opportunities. Romans 12:2 "And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God." Don’t bring yesterdays disappointments into today but let your day start fresh each day and let your joy be renewed daily. Don’t look at problems as something permanent but keep in mind problems don’t last always. Each day remember you have something to be thankful for. Each day try to encourage and pray for at least one person. Learn to be more selfless every day. As you pray and help others you’ll start to notice favorable change happening in your life. Tell yourself everyday that things are working out for your good. (Romans 8:28). Keep seeing your “desired result” ,whatever it may be, in front of you. Don’t let anything change your mind about what God has already told you! I believe and I speak that we are coming into a season where people will know without a shadow of doubt that we belong to God. We will not only be able to help ourselves but those around us to give glory to God’s name. New business ideas and new promotions are all around. Don’t be shocked when you see and experience the favor of God on a new level. Stay encourage you all. If anyone has a prayer request feel free to email God Bless.
**I also want to extend the invitation for anyone to be part of God’s family who don’t know Christ yet or who‘d like to rededicate their lives. Romans 10:9-10 says, “9 that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.” Also, Luke 11:13 informs that the Father gives the Holy Spirit if you ask. So please repeat this prayer: Father in Heaven, I thank you for loving me so much that you sent your only begotten Son to die for me. I ask you now to forgive me of my sins and come into my heart to make me new. I confess with my mouth that Jesus is Lord and I believe in my heart that you raised Him from the dead. I accept Christ as my Lord and Savior. Father, I’m ready to live for you. I also ask that you give me your Holy Spirit so I can continually be lead into all Truth. Thank you Father for saving me, In Jesus Name Amen.
Rejoice! You’re part of the family of God. Now allow God to make you over again into who He called you to be.
**I also want to extend the invitation for anyone to be part of God’s family who don’t know Christ yet or who‘d like to rededicate their lives. Romans 10:9-10 says, “9 that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.” Also, Luke 11:13 informs that the Father gives the Holy Spirit if you ask. So please repeat this prayer: Father in Heaven, I thank you for loving me so much that you sent your only begotten Son to die for me. I ask you now to forgive me of my sins and come into my heart to make me new. I confess with my mouth that Jesus is Lord and I believe in my heart that you raised Him from the dead. I accept Christ as my Lord and Savior. Father, I’m ready to live for you. I also ask that you give me your Holy Spirit so I can continually be lead into all Truth. Thank you Father for saving me, In Jesus Name Amen.
Rejoice! You’re part of the family of God. Now allow God to make you over again into who He called you to be.
Thursday, January 3, 2013
How do you want to be remembered? Think about it. Not telling you to think about this because you’re leaving Earth soon , lol, but to honestly think about the answer. A close friend of mine and myself was having this conversation a few weeks ago. We went to school together and was having a conversation about what we should really be representing. We both partied hard in school, etc, and was saying we didn’t want people to remember us as the “Party Girl” but as the “Child of God.” There are some things I did in my past that I’m not proud of and I don’t want to be remembered from those things. I’d rather be remembered as the person who made a difference in someone else life, the person who changed their life around and became the light God called them to be. I’d rather be remembered as someone who honored God and allowed His will to be done in my life. I want people to know that your past doesn’t have to define you but you can accept the identification that God gave you, a Child of God. (John 1:12) You can stand out and do what God has called you to. Regardless of who stands beside you as you do what God called you to do, He’s always there. It’s better to stand out for God alone than to blend in with many lost in darkness. Do things that you’re proud of, not continually do things that you regret. EVERYBODY makes mistakes but that doesn’t mean you can’t get better. We’re to learn from our mistakes and experiences and grow to that person God wants us to be. Instead of being remembered as mean, conceited, selfish, careless, and irresponsible I’d rather be remembered as kind, loving, selfless, accountable, loyal, and faithful. In order to be identified with those positive attributes I have to continually choose to do better and to live a life submitted to God. Being the old person I used to be won’t get me there. It may take time to change but it’s possible.It doesn't matter if you've been a certain way for 25 years, you can choose to change today. So reflect and find out what you’d like to be identified with and let God help you to get there. Desire to be identified with the things God identify with. Desire to please God. Know that the best life you can live is a life lead by God. You don’t have to be like everybody else but you can be the person God desires you to be. God gives us choices and doesn’t force us to do anything, he’s a gentlemen, so choose to be proud of the things you represent, not regretful. When people mention your name, what do you want them to remember? Stay positive and keep loving others.
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
Hey all! I wanted to take a moment to encourage you all to keep following after God. Whatever didn’t happen for your in 2012 keep expecting it to happen in 2013. Make sure what you’re desiring is aligned with God’s will and if so, do what’s necessary to see it manifest. Know that God can everything but fail! So keep a positive healthy mindset. Understand you’re in a place of victory because you’re being lead by God. You are where you’re supposed to be at this moment. Know that your steps are ordered by the Lord and look for the miraculous to happen this year (Psalm 37:23). Look for overflow in every area. Not only naturally but spiritually. Look to experience more of God’s glory. Look to be even closer to God this year. Know that the only things that last here is God/Word. So desire more things of Him. In 2013 realize your place of authority and exercise it. Don’t be deceived by a defeated foe. Don’t let excuses prevent you from seeing results. Don’t talk yourself out of your God ordained destiny because things are taking too long. But keep your mind stay on God and he’ll keep you in perfect peace. (Isaiah 26:3). Desire to let God use you more this year. Desire to help more people. Desire to encourage others. Desire to become more selfless. Begin to really have a heart for others. Never forget that we’re here to help ones who want to be helped. So keep your perspectives lined up with the Word and you’ll never be let down. Stay focused on having a deeper relationship with God and keep yourself surrounded with people who encouraged you to do better. Connect with others who have the same heartbeat and be about the Father’s business. It’s time for more Kingdom work to be done. So keep being that light everywhere you go and keep loving others. There are people waiting for what you have so be willing to birth it. Never give up, you were made to win! Much love.
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