Once you make up in your mind to walk by faith, you can then have everything God told you that you can have. When you make the choice to walk by faith and not by sight you then make the decision that regardless of what's thrown at you in life you refuse to stop moving forward(2 Corinthians 5:7). When you walk by faith you learn that what you see is temporary, subject to change, so you don't allow yourself to get distracted by a temporary situation. Know that faith will get you to where you desire to be because faith doesn't take no for an answer. When walking by faith you learn to see the impossible now possible. A wise person said, "Impossible is only a mindset." You learn to change that mindset. You begin to understand that impossible is truly only a mindset and mindsets change when you take on God's perspective. Walking by faith may not be easy but it's necessary to see great dreams/promises happen. Understand when you're challenged you're being strengthened and matured. Faith comes to strengthen and mature you and to ultimately teach you to trust God. You may be saying well I've been walking by faith and nothing has happened but I'd like to encourage you to keep walking by faith because you could be at the cusp of your breakthrough. Don't let time discourage you but keep in mind that great things take time to develop. Also keep in mind that you're being prepared/trained for your next. So instead of focusing on how long it's taking to happen, keep your joy and stay on this faith walk.
Challenge yourself to walk by faith even more to see what may be impossible to someone else possible in your life. Remember, all you have to do is believe and keep moving forward, you'll get there. :) "And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart." NJKV Galatians 6:9. Stay encouraged.
Awesome Word From God Eri! I'm determine to Believe God, because Yes Yes Yes, With God All Things Are Possible! Thanks J rose