
Tuesday, April 9, 2013

The Chosen Shall end First Place

You may start last but stay encouraged that's not your final destination. The Bible says, last shall be first for many are called but few are chosen (Matthew 20:16). The race is not about who can start the quickest but it's about who can endure to the end. Just because everyone around you may seem to be soaring by you, that doesn't mean you'll end in last place. As I often say, you have to know your race and know your pace. God can soar you beyond expectation in a blink of an eye. Everyone may have counted you out, forgotten about you, people may have even given up on you but if you'll just hold on to God he'll soar you to where you need to be. As the late Apostle Betty would say, God is up to something good. Never forget that. Know that people don't determine your success, you do by the choices you make so keep moving. God is in the business of using the foolish things(the world may think) to shame the wise (1 Corinthians 1:27). He takes those who people least expect and make them kings and queens (1 Samuel 16). He can take who He pleases at any moment regardless of education, qualification, financial position, status, and bring you from the back to the front. Rejoice because God remains faithful and He ALWAYS has your best interest at heart(Hebrews 10:23). So don't get discouraged if you started getting established late in life or if you have to start over or if you don't feel qualified because God qualifies those He calls! Keep moving forward in the things of God and know who God is. HE can't lose, keep Him first. God Bless. -Eri

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha Great Word From God! We Will Continue To keep Moving In God!!! J rose
