
Sunday, June 2, 2013

Shine Where You’re At

Regardless of your environment, never stop shining for Christ. Know that your environment doesn't determine or stop your faith, you do. Don’t allow challenging or dark situations to smother out who God called you to be. Know that because of Christ, you are the light and salt of this earth (Matthew 5:13-16). You’re not supposed to compromise your faith or identity to fit in. Know that God doesn't put you in high places to fit in and be like everyone else but you’re placed in high places to be like Christ. Know your call and never forget who you are. Regardless of how they may look at you, or how weird they may think you are, never compromise your faith. When you don’t forget your purpose, God will excel you to realms you never even imagine. Think about Joseph and Daniel (Genesis 41:37-57, Book of Daniel) . They weren't in Christian environments but look at what God did for them. Favor never left them and neither did God. Because God was with them he excelled them beyond belief. God can make you Pharaohs right hand man, just like Joseph. God can be setting you up for promotion. Don’t despise or fear your environments.  We can’t be afraid to shine because of the ruler we see in place. Who we see in power today, can change tomorrow. The world need to see who God is too. Remember, Jesus came for the lost. We have to remember who God is and what He is capable of.  Know who YOU serve, the ALL powerful One. Just because a Pharaoh may be in high places doesn't mean God can’t put you in high places too. God will use who he pleases, remember that. So let the world know you’re not ashamed of the Gospel and you’re not shamed of who God created you to be. Don’t be religious but be real. Show the world what God can do when you keep Him first and refuse to compromise. Shine for Christ and never put your light out. Forward.

1 comment:

  1. Very Good Word Eri, We need this Word Praise God! J rose
