
Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Power in the WORD

There is power in the Word of God. Never forget that. The Word is a sword in the spiritual realm. It IS the sword of the Spirit. As you speak the Word you’ll begin to see your earthly environment line up with it. There’s a reason why God said meditate on the word day and night. You have to get it inside you so whenever opposition comes your way, speak IT and watch barriers come down. As you speak the Word begin to visualize it cutting down whatever you’re facing. Literally see a sword coming out of your mouth damaging darkness. The Word is God, know what type of weapons you’re fighting with. You won’t lose with this tool! Jesus overcame temptation with it! Always remember, the enemy wouldn’t fight you if you didn’t have anything worth fighting for. There’s greatness in you. Keep moving and remind yourself everyday that the Word works, stay girded.


Ephesians 6:17, Joshua 1:8, Psalm 1:2, Matthew 4:1-11. John 1:1

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