
Tuesday, December 22, 2015


It's your time for Jubilee. Freedom from past hurts, pains, failures, and disappointments. You were shown who is for you so you can now soar. Remember, those who are for you, make an effort. Many will look and try to figure out how you got where you are. No one seen the dark and challenging nights, no one knew your struggles but you and God. Because you kept silent and didn't scream in the streets when things seemed chaotic, it's your time to celebrate. 

Let go of embarrassment and shame, your double portion of love and blessings are at your feet. Celebrate.



Sunday, December 13, 2015


Find the good in every situation. Learn every situation gives the opportunity to grow. If we're breathing we should never stop growing or progressing in life. Each day brings something new to learn or appreciate. 

Use your God given authority. If something is presented before you that you don't agree with you have the authority to make a wise decision. Don't allow negatively to make you a puppet. You have the power to stand your ground, the ground God's given you. Don't let anyone or thing trick you out of what God has already given you.

Keep the right mindset. Your mind is the gold-mine. You can choose what comes in and goes out. The right mindset can keep you successful. A lot of things in life are mind over matter. It's what you think. Do what you can, with the help of God, to stay positive and productive.

Have peace and love. Know every step you plan may not turn out exactly how it was planned but know if God gave you the blueprint, you will get the end result promised. Regardless of what your journey  has on it, learn to keep your peace and love. Love keeps you free. Forgive your past and love. 

We must keep growing in life. Remember, Your growth is never in vain. Let's keep God first.


Tuesday, November 10, 2015


We may not always get to pick and choose which environments we start in but we can choose which ones we stay in.

Ensure your surroundings are healthy. Make sure you are God lead and not people lead into the company you keep or places you go. Don't let the crowd choose your direction but allow God to. Your environment should encourage you to be better not send arrows to destroy you. Know that when you're God lead to any environment you'll come out in victory. No weapon formed against you will prosper, it won't work. Some environments are seasonal and some are permanent. Make sure you seek God to know which one you're in. God allows us to be in or around different environments (people, situations, and places) to grow and to know. 

So pay attention to what God is saying to you in this time and season. As He speaks listen and obey then you'll always have the results He desires for you to have. 

#Soar -Eri #Isaiah 54:17

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Listen and Obey

Listen and obey. God results come as we listen and obey. Even Jesus said he only did what he seen The Father do. (John 5:19) He spoke what he heard and did what He seen then results happened. We can't feel and obey but listen, be lead By God, then results will happen. 

Don't be emotionally lead. Emotions change all the time and can't be depended on. The only constant thing that can be depended on is God. God has the answers to all things. He sees all things, knows all things, and created all things. If we take the time to listen to what He's saying, we'll see the God results we've been promised. 

God is faithful. We just have to know God/Word, stand on it, and watch God results manifest. 
 Xoxo-you're victorious,

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Get your identity back

We're getting or recognizing our authority again. Opposing forces may have tried to make you believe that they have power and authority over you but the truth has come out. Read, read, read all about it, the truth is you've always had the authority over the enemy. God set you on earth this way, things in life are not supposed to overtake you but you're supposed to over it. You were made a ruler, a king/queen, to have dominion over all things on earth. Get your identity back, get your joy back, get your peace back, get what's yours back. Don't be tossed to or fro by lies of the enemy. We must know truth and the truth is in God. We are who God said we are, we have what God said we have. "With the tools we use, we can't lose." Our foundation and backing with everything in life is based on God. Get your voice back, I prophesy by the leading of the Holy Spirit, that YOU will recognize and live in truth, you will get your voice back, you will come out of whatever lie that's tried to hold you back, you will live free from bondage, you will have everything God says belongs to you. It's time to take God's word personal. At times we tend to take other stuff personal which a lot of time be the wrong things but NOW is time to take GOD/His Word personal. What has God said to you, what has he told you to do? Believe it and do it. God has good plans for you, He won't change his mind about you. Remember, people may change but God won't. God is faithful. No matter how things may seem now, stand on the truth which is God's truth. 

Remember, what Jesus has done for us was and will always be effective. Know your place and position. It's in God and he'll lead you to where you should be. Know who you are, you're a child of God. 
It's time for you be to get your identity back. 

Genesis 1:26
Luke 10:19
Jeremiah 29:11


Friday, July 3, 2015

Be thankful for today

Be thankful for what's already been given to you in the past. Be thankful for what you have right now at the present time and be thankful for what's to come.

Learn to appreciate the small things in life. Enjoy life not only because the things you have but because each day you wake up is a blessing. Learn to keep those around that bring you joy and mean you well. Never be afraid to let go of those who are toxic to your life. In life, those who care will show you they do, nothing is forced. 

Make the best out of every moment and keep making a positive impact everywhere you go.

Just a note of simplicity =).

-Matthew 6:33


Friday, April 17, 2015

It Matters

“You are the light of the world…” (Matthew 5:14). In life we have to remember that we were created by God to be a light. We are expected to shine the light God placed in us, which is Him, to others. Our lights shine when we share Jesus, the gifts, love, positivity, anything God placed in us to shine. With that said, how we treat others is part of being a light.  It’s vital that we do what we can to treat others well. Our actions do affect others and they do matter. How we react to how others treat us is up to us but regardless, our actions do affect others. The decisions we make in life can affect those close around us in major ways. Remember, we may be the only form of God that others may ever see.
 Each person on this earth was created by God and we must look at others that way. Treat others the way you’d like to be treated. Sometimes you may have to ask yourself, “Would I want someone to do what I just did to them?” Be honest with yourself. To intentionally treat someone harshly when you know better, holds you accountable for your actions and it dims your light. Also, the way we choose to speak to others says a lot about us and what’s going on inside of us, especially if we have many looking to us to be an example. Whenever you find yourself not being a light, ask God for forgiveness along with the person you hurt then ask God how to help you better yourself. We’re not perfect but we need to be conscious of our decisions and actions.
As we are the light in the world, God will allow us to touch more lives. God will expand our territory to bring him more glory as we continue to show love to others. Know that this message today is a love message and a message to open our eyes to do a self-evaluation to ensure we’re being the best we can be. There are people waiting to see your light, remember that.  Shine.

Monday, March 30, 2015

Regardless of How it Seems.....

Don't lose hope. Know that when you are tuned into God, the desires that won't go away are from Him. As we grow in God certain desires change that didn't need to be there and as we stay on the path God intended for us to be on the right desires will manifest in our lives. If God told you something, that makes it a promise. We know that God can't lie, is faithful, and the only thing he CAN'T do is fail. All things are possible with God if we don't give up before we see the manifestation. Remember, you may encounter your hardest times right before the manifestation of the promises God gave you. Challenging times do not mean the promise will not manifest, it's quite the opposite. For the most part, when you see opposition and you're following God's plan, that's an indication that you are on the right track.

Know your authority and don't let the enemy trick you into given up. You have the power to go all the way. You have the ability to have all that God said is yours but do you believe that?

Sometimes we have to check our beliefs and make sure they're lining up with God. We may have to do daily checks to ensure what we're saying, we actually believe. 

So regardless of how it seems...keep praising Him, keep trusting Him, celebrate, and know your greater is here. =) 


Monday, February 2, 2015


Stay in the fight even if it feels like you're fighting alone. Don't let things you go through in life drain you of your fight. You must know that what you're standing for is worth it. You've come too far to throw in the towel. You're closer than you've ever been to experiencing the victory in the natural that's already been preordained for you in the spiritual realm. You have to train and control your mind to think on true things, the things that God says. You are victorious, you're more than a conqueror, you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you, you're unstoppable with God on your side, God is for you so nothing with overtake you. We've all been through some undesirable things in life but know with you still here means that whatever you went through was not meant to kill you. God's intentions or plans for your life are for good. Keep telling yourself IT'S WORKING FOR MY GOOD! Keep telling yourself MY GREATER is HERE. Learn what you need to from what God allows you to go through. You are steps away from your greatest victory. KEEP going.


Thursday, January 1, 2015


Position yourself because God is ready to bless you. Position means to do what's in your power to get yourself in a place of readiness. One of the Online dictionaries say position means, "bodily posture or attitude." Another definition, "A manner of being placed."   It means being obedient to God to have "it" and/or to flow in the place where God has chosen you to be. If that means getting education, getting rid of certain things, adding certain things, praying more, fasting, etc. It's saying I'll do what I can and let you Father do the rest. It's being ready so when the release is here you don't have to get ready, you'll already be ready. Ask God, what do you need me to position myself for? Some of you are about to travel more for ministry , some of you are about to get married, some of you are about to step Into major amounts of money and crazy favor, some of you are about to experience a healing in an area that you only knew it was God, some of you are about to start a business, some of you have a business that is about to boom into that next dimension, some of you are about to become a household name and it's for the glory of God. Some of you are about to experience all of the above. It's time for God results. The Lord's release is here. Accept it and see. Within a few days it's going to start to be seen in the natural. In Jesus name.



Know that God is not bound by time, so whatever you've been waiting for God to do in 2014 can still happen now. Stay encouraged and know that God is faithful! Learn to enjoy life where you're at. Be content with what you have and thank God for what He's already given you. A grateful heart will see more in their life time. If you always focus on what you don't have, you'll miss the blessing/lesson in where you're at or what God is trying to show you.

Pray then make declarations for 2015. Expect them to happen and be consistent. God is doing great things right now, we just have to stay tuned in to see it. Be aware of what you're allowing to go through your mind. Check what's not right and being a distraction to you. Whatever God is calling you to do right now, do it. There will always be favorable results when we're obedient to God. God will always lead you to victory so never be afraid to do what God is telling you to do. He sees the bigger picture and knows all things.

Trust and move forward. There is fulfillment in your obedience. People are waiting for what God has placed inside of you to manifest, so go forth. No time for excuses, time for His results.


**For prayer requests, send email to