
Thursday, January 1, 2015


Know that God is not bound by time, so whatever you've been waiting for God to do in 2014 can still happen now. Stay encouraged and know that God is faithful! Learn to enjoy life where you're at. Be content with what you have and thank God for what He's already given you. A grateful heart will see more in their life time. If you always focus on what you don't have, you'll miss the blessing/lesson in where you're at or what God is trying to show you.

Pray then make declarations for 2015. Expect them to happen and be consistent. God is doing great things right now, we just have to stay tuned in to see it. Be aware of what you're allowing to go through your mind. Check what's not right and being a distraction to you. Whatever God is calling you to do right now, do it. There will always be favorable results when we're obedient to God. God will always lead you to victory so never be afraid to do what God is telling you to do. He sees the bigger picture and knows all things.

Trust and move forward. There is fulfillment in your obedience. People are waiting for what God has placed inside of you to manifest, so go forth. No time for excuses, time for His results.


**For prayer requests, send email to

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