
Thursday, June 28, 2012

Know the Word of God For Yourself

Don’t be fooled, know the Word of God for yourself. Especially nowadays, many are being confused by many voices saying different things. The way to eliminate confusion is by knowing the Word of God for yourself. Remember the Word is God and God is the Word. (John 1:1). Don’t be deceived by different doctrines that try to lure you away from your right path with Christ but know your Shepherd’s voice. (Ephesians 4:14, Acts 17:11, John 10:14-16). Cover yourself, be tuned into the Spirit of God. It's so vital to hear God clearly and know what he‘s saying. If you’re wondering, “how do I know God’s voice?” the answer is clear, get in the Word (Bible) and let him speak to you. As you study the Word and as you’re lead by the Spirit of God you’ll then be able to distinguish what’s Him and not him. Remember, God is NOT of confusion so whenever confusion tries to invade you, step back and ask the Spirit of God to lead you into all truth.

Many things are changing nowadays so make sure your foundation is solid and right. Know the truth and stay free. Stay in the race. -Eri @EriHolmes

Wednesday, June 27, 2012


We all need to do a self reflection often. So many people can lose sight on what they need to change because they’re so busy focusing on what they think others need to change. Self reflection is critical for constant growth. We all need to look in the mirror at self to determine what needs to be worked on. It’s so easy to go through life pointing the finger at others which can cause us to live falsely thinking we’re perfect. A lot of time we see things in others that we need to change within ourselves. God will allow us to see something familiar in another person just to get our attention. You ever wonder why you keep attracting a certain type of person? Familiar spirits pick up like-kinds. The very thing you keep attracting could be the very thing you need to get rid of. If we don’t do a self reflection and assess self we’ll stay stagnated and won’t grow. We’ll also be easy to blame others because we’ll always see others’ wrongs. God wants us to grow so he can give us our grown up blessings J . He won’t give us something we’ll mess up.
Also, when we do an analysis of self, we may find things have been transmitted through our bloodline which are called generational curses. You could have a generational curse of anger that was passed down from parents or grandparents, you could have fear passed down, you could have impoverished mentality passed down, molestation could be passed down, so many things could be passed down from previous generations. When we come into the understanding that certain things were passed down you can then effectively break those generational curses by breaking the pattern. We have to understand that when Jesus gave his life up for us, that included the eradication of every generational curse, we just have to realize that and walk it out. (Galatians 3:13). Know that the ancestral sins were forgiven by the blood of Jesus, the curse is broken.

So, we must do a self reflection to see what the mirror is truly showing us. If we keep hearing everyone tell us the same things about ourselves that are not too good, we need to start listening, start reflecting. Ask God to show you yourself and he’ll do just that. Just be willing to accept and change what you see. We have to be willing to accept the idea that there are things that need to change in our lives just like everyone else‘s. Ask God to help you. No one is perfect, we can all get better.

Do the self reflection. Stay in the race. -Eri @EriHolmes

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Winners Don't Quit

Winners don't quit. Winners endure to the finish line. We must have stamped in our minds that if God allowed us to be at a certain place he'll help us to get through it. God will help us reach our goals in life. You may have started your journey off full of energy and faith but due to the length of the race and the huddles you've had to encounter in life you may have gotten weary. We have to remember what the word of God says, let us not get weary in well doing we shall reap if we faint not (Galatians 6:9). We'll receive the reward if we don't faint or give up. We must understand that in order to win the race (your promise or whatever your goal is) you must endure.Your race can be anything you face that requires you to endure in order to receive your desired result.  All races are not given to the fastest (Ecclesiastes 9:11) because at times when we start too fast we get tired too quickly and are not able to complete what we started. Learn to pace yourself to end strong.

Know that obstacles on the road of life build our faith. Once we overcome a situation our faith grows. Know that you can overcome anything with God. Know that you're always bigger than the test and that the test is not given to kill you, it's given to make you better. At times your race may seem like a marathon but know it's ok to slow down to grab a drink of water or to catch your breath just don't quit! Focus on the prize or the purpose and keep in mind that the end result will be better than where you started.

So every time you feel like quitting just see yourself at the end victorious with your reward. Let God renew your strength and keep moving toward the finish line (Isaiah 40:31)! You were made a winner, don't quit. Stay in the race. -Eri @eriholmes

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Get Back Up Again!

No matter how far we’ve gone astray or what we’ve done in life, we can get back up again. Remember Jesus didn’t come to condemn us he came to save us (John 3:17). The devil tries to bring condemnation and convince you that you’ll never be forgiven. He’ll try to tell you that if you can remember it you’re still not forgiven. He’ll try to blackmail you about your past but know that God forgives your sins and remembers them no more! (Isaiah 43:25). Rejoice.

You need to understand, one thing the enemy loves to do is to try to play with your mind. He likes to torment by bringing destructive thoughts or your past back up that causes you to stay bound. We have to be willing to take authority over our minds and get back up again. We have to accept deliverance and healing from what happened and move forward. You have to understand that the comeback is greater than the fall. Adam may have caused the fall of man but Jesus came back to rise us up again and even greater! (Romans 5:19-20). We have to know that just because you did something that you’re embarrassed about doesn’t mean that God loves you less. God knew what we’d face in life and that’s why he sent Jesus to die for our sins that were done, ones you’re doing, and sins that will be done, he paid& prepaid it all. You have to understand that you’re only defeated if you choose to stay down. But when you come to repentance (change from your ways) and remember what Jesus already did, you can then stay free.

Many of us temporary lose our minds or selves at times then end up on the wrong path. When you end up on the wrong path your thought patterns get out of whack and you don’t think straight, you become a person other then who God called you to be. We have to be willing to take on the mind of Christ. (Phillipians 2:5) Take on a victorious mindset a mind led by the Spirit of God, a mind of the peace God that surpasses all understanding( Phillipians 4:7), a mind of God’s perception, a mind that will push us to get back up again. Even the bible says though a good man fall he shall not be utterly cast down.(Psalms 37:24). God gives us his grace, we just have to be willing to accept it. God’s given us the tools and ability to get back up again! Renew your mind and find your self!

No excuses, do what’s necessary to get to get back up again. Stay in the race. -Eri @EriHolmes

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Rule in Your Place of Authority

From the beginning God gave us dominion over all things on earth (Genesis 1:26) even with Adam sinning Jesus came to undo what was done and much more(Romans 5:17). Because of Jesus, we are now back in proper place to rule and we must use our authority. When Jesus gave his life and overcame it all, it gave us the right to be victorious in life. As the Body of Christ, we have to understand who’s our head, whose team we’re on. If we allow any wicked things or anything less then God desires us to have rule in our lives, we are then living blindly. Wake up and see what’s already been done, let the Spirit of God remind you that the battles been won. In case we ever forget our dominion or proper ruling place, God was gracious enough to give us His Spirit that reminds us of what He says (John 14:26).

Remember, God said, we’re the head and not the tail, above& not beneath, lenders& not borrowers, we’re blessed, our families are blessed, we have generational blessings instead of curses (Deuteronomy 28:1-14). Wake up to see what was already done. Any demonic force that tries to take residence in ANY area of your life is TRESPASSING! So stop letting the enemy come in by your lack of knowledge. As the bible says, “my people perish due to lack of knowledge”(Hosea 4:6). Don’t perish just because you didn’t take the time to know God or your place of ruler ship. You have dominion, stop letting the devil trick you like he has authority over you! The only power the enemy has over you is what you give him! Stop letting the devil slap you around! Stop living beneath what God’s says is yours!! In this case, what you don’t know CAN hurt you.

You are an heir of God , co-heir with Christ (Romans 8:15-17)! Do you know what an heir is!? An heir is, “somebody who holds the (legal) right to receive a property, position, or title of somebody else when that person dies” (World English Dictionary) and the greatest thing about being a co-heir with Christ is that we get the inheritance and he STILL LIVES!! Now that’s a place to shout! J

Remind yourself, I’m walking this life out in victory in the name of JESUS. Say, I’m taking my place of authority. I was called to rule! Know that God’s given you His grace! “He’s empowered you to have the ability to go beyond your natural abilities,” GRACE! Health belongs to you, wealth belongs to you, power/love/&a sound mind belongs to you (2 Timothy 1:7)! No excuses, it’s time to take your authority! ~Eri @EriHolmes

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Get Yours!

Do what’s necessary to get yours. Cut bad relationships, cut bad circles, cut negative influences out, cut off drama, cut out doubt, cut out being double-minded, be free and get yours!

Get your relationship with God back

Get your deliverance

Get your freedom

Get your peace

Get your healing

Get your wealth

Get your mind back

Get your family back

Get your praise back

Get your proper position back

Get your job back

Get your dreams back

Get your ministry back

Get your education back

Get your life back

Get yours! It belongs to you!

Never let another person stop you from getting what God created you to have! Some times all it takes is an extra step of faith to get yours! So refuse to worry about what others may think, let them look while you go forth and get yours. Because of your decision to remain free you may lose old friends but don’t worry, you can’t take everything from the past into your future. Know that God will place new people in your life to edify and encourage you. So be bold and take that step to obtain what yours. You have the power to make the change. No excuses. Get yours. Stay in the race. -Eri @EriHolmes

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Tuesday, June 19, 2012


Experiencing rejection can be very trying to our faith. A lot of times when we’re faced with rejection the first thing we try to figure out is, “what’s wrong with me.“ Instead of always asking that question we need to reroute our minds to believing, if it doesn’t work out then God has something better in store.

Don’t go through life thinking you’re not good enough or that no one will ever want you. You have to understand that’s a lie from the devil. Remember that God thought you were so valuable that he sent his ONLY begotten Son to die for you, now that says a lot (John 3:16)! You have to know that God sees you as the apple of his eye and he has your best interest at heart (Psalm 17:8). Don’t think because you didn’t get the job you wanted or the attention you desired from a person that your worthless. Know that God loves you and sometimes certain doors are not opened to protect you. At times God will also allow us to see or experience a certain thing to let us know that better is on the way and he hasn’t forgotten about us. God sees more than we can see and wants us to have enough faith to trust him to give us better. He has the perfect job for you, the perfect husband/wife for you, you stay on the mind of God. When I say perfect I don’t mean flawless but I mean something or someone God has picked out solely for you.

So stay encouraged and remind yourself that God accepts you, he sees you as good enough, he’ll never refuse you. No matter what our background looks like God will never reject us. Renew your mind to keep the right mindset. Give rejection the boot and keep reminding yourself of what the word of God says. Stay in the race. -Eri @EriHolmes

Monday, June 18, 2012

Be Activated

I just want to briefly encourage you all to activate the gifts God's placed in you by walking in what he's called you to do. As the bible says, walk worthy of the calling(Ephesians 4:1). Know that if God called you for a specific position he'll also give you grace to carry it out (Romans 12:6-8). There's a specific purpose God's placed you in certain positions(1 Corinthians 12:18). Be willing to embrace what God has put in you for the greater purpose. Know that this life is to give God glory so allow him to use you for his glory(Romans 8:18). Don't allow fear to hinder you from moving forward in the things of God. When you feel God tugging that means it's time to respond. You have to know that when it's a God thing all you have to do is be a willing yielded vessel then God's power does the rest (2 Corinthians 4:7).

No excuses, activate those gifts, and do what God's chosen you to do. Stay in the race. - Eri @EriHolmes

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to God Bless always. **

Sunday, June 17, 2012

The Best Life

Just as most desire to have the best life, that was my desire as well. I went through life searching for what I thought was the best of everything. I went after the best clothes, cars, places to stay, best food, best guys, best times, whatever I thought was considered “the best“. But even after having all those things I still felt like something was missing. Somehow or way I would get disappointed or bored with what I had so I would go after something new to fill that void. I was on a search for something I needed but didn’t know what it was.

This desire to go after what I thought was the "best life" started at the age of thirteen. I started going to clubs using my older siblings I.D and getting tattoos. From the ages of fourteen to twenty-one I was clubbing on a regular, drinking, and whatever else came to mind to obtain this “best life”. In high school I would miss almost every Monday due to partying hard over the weekend and it was truly by the grace of God that I passed with flying colors. I really started growing up too fast ,doing way too much too soon all to experience this “greatest life.”

In a way my life reminded me of the prodigal son (Luke 15-11:32). I grew up in church, my parents are pastors, I came from a lineage of pastors and still I decided to go the other way. I was given everything I needed but I still felt to leave the church and do things my way. I felt church was boring and there had to be a better life out there. The problem was, I never took the time out to build a relationship with God because all I had ever experienced was church growing up and I thought it was time to try something new. But through a lot of disappointments, scars, hurts, and much foolishness, God still kept his hand on me and welcomed me back with open arms. I begin to get back into church and gave my life fully to God. After I gave my life to God I begin to experience the greatest love anyone could ever imagine. I begin to feel more fulfilled and complete than I’ve ever felt. Then I realized, God was what I was longing for throughout the years, a relationship with Him. I was so busy doing my own thing and trying to make happiness happen that I didn’t realize that eternal happiness was staring me in the face the whole time.

I now realize that the “Best Life” is a life in God. A life that puts God before anything or anyone. God is the ultimate life giver and gives it more abundantly(John 10:10). No man or material thing can compare to God, I wouldn’t exchange God for anything now. God is the best and the best things comes from God. I had to realize that as I go down the path God’s paved for me I’ll continue to receive the best of everything. God’s word says his plans are to prosper us and give us a future (Jeremiah 29:11). God wants to give us the best life but we have to go through Him to obtain it. We have to have a mindset that says, I can do ok by myself but I can do my best with God.

If you’re questioning how to obtain “The Best Life” start off by given your life to Christ and letting him be your Lord and personal Savior.(Romans 10:9). Once you do that, find a word church home, one that can teach you the word of God. You have to understand that once you allow God to be the head of your life he’ll always steer you in the right direction. You don’t ever have to have another empty day when you recognize, with God, your best days start now and are ahead of you. Stay in the race. -Eri @EriHolmes

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Saturday, June 16, 2012


Refresh means to, “Give new strength or energy to; re-invigorate” (The Free Dictionary).
You ever needed to be refreshed? Have you ever had so much on your plate and just needed a breather? We all need to be refreshed &rejuvenated at times and God does just that for us. We have to take time out for a refreshing. You can’t give your best if you’re always going and you never take time for refilling. Let God’s Spirit refresh you. Let God refresh your joy, peace, your ministry. So many people may be dependent on you and constantly giving without refilling can be very draining. I know from experience, that can take a toll on you mentally, spiritually, and physically. God doesn’t want us burned-out, he wants us to have rest too (Matthew 11:28,Psalm 116:7,Jeremiah 31:25) .

We have to understand that we can’t give what we don’t have and that‘s why we need refilling. Let God refresh you to give you new ideas, visions, dreams, inventions. Let God refresh you so you can produce the way he created you to. In short, we‘ll eventually run out of gas if we don‘t allow God to refill us. God’s word refills us. God’s love refills us. God’s presence refills us. We have to go to the great Re-filler to stay refreshed in life. Stay in the race. -Eri   @EriHolmes

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Friday, June 15, 2012

The Best Candidate

Candidate, applicant for office: “somebody who is being considered for a political office or an official position,” is World Dictionary’s definition of Candidate. You are being examined for your official position. You are the best candidate for the official position God has for you. God sees you as the best candidate for his glory, He sees you as the best candidate for his blessings, He sees you as the best candidate to be used as His vessel. God sees you as “fitting the position” but do you see yourself this way?
God wants you to see yourself as he sees you, “The righteousness of God”(2 Corinthians 5:21). Because of what Jesus did at the cross you are now God’s “best candidate”. See yourself without bondage, without confusion, without brokenness, see yourself whole. See yourself passing every test and triumphing in every battle, see yourself as the best candidate to be used by God. God will allow us to be tested to determine if we’re ready for the position he has for us. He’ll allow tests to come that measures your patience, measures your trust, measures your faith, measures the love you have. Even if we fail our tests at first God is merciful& gracious so he allows us to take another test. We have to allow God to prepare us through necessary processes for our official position for the Kingdom work.
We also have to keep in mind that God won’t allow something to come on us to overtake us (1 Corinthians 10:13) . He’s given us the ability to pass every test, we just have to study, have faith, and use our authority. We have the right to be over comers and receive all God has for us because of the Blood of Jesus. What God allows to come our way he’s already given us a way to escape it(1 Corinthians 10:13).
Reflect, what’s on your life resume? How have you done with your past tests? Have you shown love even when it was hard to? Do you have patience with others as God has patience with us? Do you quickly give people “a piece of your mind” whenever you feel offended or do you do give the situation to God? These are situations that prepare us for our destiny. Just like a natural job, if we go in for an interview and we’re not ready for the job it may go to another person. You don’t want your position to be given to another person so stay prepared for every opportunity. See yourself as God sees you and pass the test to be prepared for the official position for the Kingdom.
God has authorized you for this position, will you be ready for the interview? Are you ready for the tests? Are you ready to agree with God that you are “The Best Candidate” for what he has prepared for you?
Tell yourself, I am the best candidate and take your position. Take your place of authority, pass the test. Stay in the Race -Eri  @EriHolmes

Thursday, June 14, 2012

"The Will to Do It"

We’ve all heard of “the will to live”. This statement speaks of the drive to stay in the fight. It’s speaks of determination, motivation, being relentless, and being focused. It speaks of having a goal in mind and not letting anything or anyone hinder you from obtaining that goal. We have to possess a keen drive that pushes us to the finish line in every endeavor. God want us to have that drive to walk out the things he’s called us to do. We have to know that if God is for us who can be against us(Romans 8:31). We have to know that if God called us to do something we can’t allow man or even ourselves to say we can’t do it. When God speaks that settles it. We have to have a warrior’s mindset that says I’m NOT quitting until that thing manifest! Know that you’re God approved so go ahead and do what he’s called you to do. In the same sense of having “the will to live” we need to possess “the will to do it” whatever “it” may be.

Know that when you’re God approved you’ll have all the favor you need to get where you need to be. God will cause people to be attracted to you that have resources that were already set aside for you. Keep in mind even being God approved you still have to actively move. Abraham had to move(Genesis 12), Moses had to move(Exodus 3), Isaac had to move(Genesis 26). People of God, when God places a seed in us it requires cultivation. You have to nurture that seed, watch that seed, it requires action on your part. I’m not saying do God’s job but I am saying if you believed God’s word for your life, you’d move. You’d have a drive that no one can stop a fire that no one could put out. You’d be unstoppable because you know that one who gave you the promise is the Promise Keeper.

Don‘t try to use what happened yesterday as an excuse to why you‘re not moving today. Know that God gives us a new day EVERY day. We’ve never lived in this specific day, it’s new. Just like the bible says, God’s mercies are new everyday (Lamentations 3:23). It also speaks about God doing a new thing, do you not see it(Isaiah 43:19)! God wants us to have a new mindset that’s unstoppable to opposition. He wants us to believe in his Word just because he’s God. Let fear go, let negative outside voices go, activate that “Will to do It” to walk into that place God’s called you to be in. If you want what God has for you, move. Don’t quit until you get there. No excuses. Stay in the race. -Eri @EriHolmes

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Don't be Deceived

Deception, something no one wants to experience. Betrayal, trickery, and dishonesty are all tied to deception. Deception is the one of the devil’s oldest tricks. Just look back to Genesis when the enemy deceived Eve (Genesis 3:13, 2 Corinthians 11:3). He knows how important it is to be in connection with God and the type of power we possess when we’re connected to God. He also knows deception keeps you from obtaining the promise God has for you because it keeps you from the truth. The devil’s desire is to try to prevent us from finding our true purpose and our true identities in God. The devil will use deception to make you believe that God doesn’t hear you, that you don’t hear God, that you don’t need God, that God won’t forgive you , that God’s word or promises will not come to pass for you so to take what you get, and that God doesn’t have a plan for your life. But you must understand that the devil is a liar, he can’t tell the truth if he wanted to. That’s why it’s vital to know what God says and stay connected to him. The enemy wants to push you off course and distract you as long as possible but don’t let him. Know that truth dispels deception. As the bible says “My people perish for lack of knowledge (Hosea 4:6).” Many perish or never get what God intended them to have due to lack of knowing truth. They get deceived out of the best God has for them. Don’t forget, we can also deceive ourselves by solely relying on our own wisdom thinking we can make it without God. Just like the bible says, “For if a man think himself to be something, when he is nothing, he deceiveth himself (Galatians 6:3).

To nullify deception you must know the word of God and believe it. You must believe God’s word regardless of how you feel or what you see. You have to know that God is not a man that he should lie nor son of man that he should repent (Numbers 23:19). If God told you something it will happen, just keep moving. Just like Abraham and Noah obtained the promise because they believed God regardless of what others said or what they seen. They believed God at His word. They understood if God could create everything you see around you he could surely bring a promise to pass. Just as the word says, “Don’t be deceived, God is NOT mocked (Galatians 6:7)”, meaning he does what he says, he keeps his word.

Many times we may not see what we’ve been waiting on quickly but you must understand that as a Believer “the just shall live by faith (Hebrews 10:38)”. This is not a sight walk but a faith walk. You have to fight by keeping your eyes on God. Don’t be tricked off course.

We can’t afford to be deceived, we have destiny to fulfill. Know that you hear God, you do have a purpose, you are special to God, and what God promised you will happen. We have to be able to know God’s voice so clearly that no doubt resides in us. We have to be able to decipher the truth from a lie. Give deception the boot by knowing the truth, God‘s word. Don’t be deceived, we can’t do this alone, we need God. Stay in the race. -Eri @EriHolmes

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Loneliness, a far too common Enemy

We’ve all dealt with loneliness at some point in life and many may be dealing with it as we speak. Sadly, loneliness has become more prevalent amongst the saved and unsaved. We tend to often tie loneliness with being single which leaves many single ones feeling discouraged and unhappy. I’d like to say that there are many people in relationships that still feel lonely. To break it down, I believe loneliness originates from being unfulfilled. Lack of fulfillment stems from lack of relationship with God. Someone could “give you the world” and you still feel lonely. We have to understand that God said he’ll never leave nor forsake us several times in the bible (To name a few: Deuteronomy 31: 6,8, Joshua 1:5, 1 Chronicles 28:20, Hebrews 13:5) and when we feel lonely we need to tune in to God even more. We have to allow God to fill us with himself. We must learn how to be alone with God first to help prepare us. Just like Adam was alone with God first then Eve came (Genesis 2:7-23). A lot of times we may believe that if I had this person or that person I wouldn’t feel this way but we have to realize that people can only fill us to a certain extent, it’s God that gives eternal satisfaction. God created us this way, there will always be lack or void without God. Once we allow God to continually fill us we then can stay fulfilled in natural relationship as well. Our spending time with God prepares us for healthy relationships.

Again, God promises to be with us always but we have to know his Word, believe his Word, and remember His Word. We have to be opened to building a relationship with God which is a weapon for loneliness. Just like a natural relationship you must spend time with the person to build the relationship. Allowing God to fill us means spending time with him in his word, praying, worshiping/praising him, or just simply talking with him. Remember, also attending spiritual services count as spending time with God. The more time we spend with God, the more we believe his Word, the less ground we give to loneliness.

Most of us will go through seasons when it seems like we have no one to turn to but in those moments we have to be willing to seize every opportunity and spend it with God. So instead of complaining, feeling sorry for yourself, and murmuring be willing to reach out to God. We have to understand that we can’t give God’s place to a person, if we do we‘ll never stay fulfilled. When we understand this ,we’ll be more willing to spend time with God in our “alone” time and be content. Having a strong relationship with God prevents loneliness from overtaking you. However, I do believe there are times that we’re allowed to feel a bit lonely or unfulfilled to get us to commune more with God. At the same time, I also believe that the devil tries to discourage us with loneliness and tries to make us not believe God’s Word. So in order to not be deceived we have to stay close with God, let Him fill you.

Stay encouraged, God will place more people in our paths in due season so as we wait learn to commune more with God.

Stay in the Race. -Eri @EriHolmes

Monday, June 11, 2012

The War on Finding True Love

Nowadays, many things have been made complicated for the worst, like finding true love. So many incorrect definitions and ideas that surround us have caused us, in a way, to be blind to what true love is. Society portrays true love like a retail store. It’ll allow you to pick and choose what you’d like solely determined by what you see. Even worse , we’ve been given the idea that we can even return items after we try them if it wasn’t what we expected. This type of false love says: it’s ok to use people, bruise them, cause rejection, and many other unfortunate things. We too often look for “true love” with the wrong mentality. Instead of checking for character a lot of times we check for the checking account first. Instead of checking out morals we’d rather check their hair type. We must stop defining & selecting love by solely what we see.
Foremost, we must get the correct definition, an understanding, of what love is in our minds then go from there. We have be willing to unlearn the incorrect definitions and ways in order to recondition our minds to be able find true love. If we would go back to what the bible says about love, we’d find out that God is love and that love is rooted as an intrinsic thing. It’s what dwells in you, it’s part of your identity and when that’s the case it’s easy to display love. Just like 1John 4:16 says, “God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them.” Love should be determined/displayed by your actions not by what you have. Again back to the bible, “ For God so loved the World that he GAVE his only begotten Son.” God showed us the greatest example of true love when he gave his Son to die for our sins. We can’t get caught up on what a person has or how they look and say that’s love because looks can fade and things don’t last forever.

We must understand that 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 speaks about the characteristics of love. It’s states,
"Love is patient. Love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails." When we compare this definition to society’s definition of love we realize that true love starts from within. I’m not saying the that outer doesn’t mean anything I’m just implying that it doesn’t mean everything.

Truly ask yourself, if the make-up was wiped off and the millions were gone, would the love still be there? I can admit, I’m guilty of going after the false type of love but when it never completely satisfied me I knew something was wrong. I had to realize that true love comes from God and I needed Him to teach me how to love again the right way. He showed me a love that forgives, a love that help heals, a love that ministers/encourages, a love that covers, a love that mends, a love that never leaves, a love that keeps you satisfied, it’s a heartfelt love. Best of all, God showed me how to love him back and now I can love others. True love starts within and then comes out. Remember, love should be a part of your nature. Go back and let God show you what love is. Stay in the Race. -Eri @EriHolmes

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Be Encouraged, Stay in the Race

Hey, I wanted to take a moment to encourage you all. I know with everything going on around us today, it can be hard to keep your focus on what's important. With so many distractions and news alerts flashing before us, it could be easy to get discouraged or afraid. But I'd like to encourage you to refocus your attention on God along with his Word and cast your cares on him for he cares for you (1 Peter 5:7). When there's so much happening and we try to do everything on our own it can cause anxiety. Anxiety can cripple you, make you feel powerless, and cause you to feel bound. I found out that anxiety is caused by fear. Fearing what if I don't have enough, what if he/she leaves me, what if I let them down, what if that happens to me... Our minds are constantly going and constantly trying to find solutions to every problem. We have to understand that we can't do it all and that we need help. We have to be willing to give our situations to a higher power than us and trust that higher power(God) enough to handle them. I've learned that it's ok to need help and it's ok NOT to have all the answers.

Personally, I used to deal with extreme anxiety and fear. I was going through a lot of transitions in my life and I would literally have panic attacks every week as well as be in E.R. almost every week. At first, I didn't know what was going on and neither did the doctors. I had almost every test imaginable done to me and still nothing was found. This went on for about seven to eight months, I had never felt so helpless in my life.  I felt like giving up almost everyday and was losing hope. Since nothing" I" did was working I then refocused and gave it all to God. It's so crazy how we try everything else first then God, lol. After really focusing on God and meeting with a Christian counselor I begin to recognize that what I was dealing with was rooted in fear. I'm telling you as soon as I gave my situation to God and took authority over fear that thing left!

It's so important to have God as your central focus in life. Life will throw many things your way but know that with God you can make it through anything. Always remember, storms are temporary but God is permanent. Hang in there and don't allow fear and anxiety to overtake you. Also know that, God has not given you the spirit of fear but of power, love, and a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7). Put your hope in God. When things seem chaotic exhale and say, "Father, I'm giving this to you, I need your help." Whatever you do or whatever you encounter remember to stay in the race. I'm a living testimony, you will win if you endure! Stay encouraged. :)  -Eri   @eriholmes