
Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Don't be Deceived

Deception, something no one wants to experience. Betrayal, trickery, and dishonesty are all tied to deception. Deception is the one of the devil’s oldest tricks. Just look back to Genesis when the enemy deceived Eve (Genesis 3:13, 2 Corinthians 11:3). He knows how important it is to be in connection with God and the type of power we possess when we’re connected to God. He also knows deception keeps you from obtaining the promise God has for you because it keeps you from the truth. The devil’s desire is to try to prevent us from finding our true purpose and our true identities in God. The devil will use deception to make you believe that God doesn’t hear you, that you don’t hear God, that you don’t need God, that God won’t forgive you , that God’s word or promises will not come to pass for you so to take what you get, and that God doesn’t have a plan for your life. But you must understand that the devil is a liar, he can’t tell the truth if he wanted to. That’s why it’s vital to know what God says and stay connected to him. The enemy wants to push you off course and distract you as long as possible but don’t let him. Know that truth dispels deception. As the bible says “My people perish for lack of knowledge (Hosea 4:6).” Many perish or never get what God intended them to have due to lack of knowing truth. They get deceived out of the best God has for them. Don’t forget, we can also deceive ourselves by solely relying on our own wisdom thinking we can make it without God. Just like the bible says, “For if a man think himself to be something, when he is nothing, he deceiveth himself (Galatians 6:3).

To nullify deception you must know the word of God and believe it. You must believe God’s word regardless of how you feel or what you see. You have to know that God is not a man that he should lie nor son of man that he should repent (Numbers 23:19). If God told you something it will happen, just keep moving. Just like Abraham and Noah obtained the promise because they believed God regardless of what others said or what they seen. They believed God at His word. They understood if God could create everything you see around you he could surely bring a promise to pass. Just as the word says, “Don’t be deceived, God is NOT mocked (Galatians 6:7)”, meaning he does what he says, he keeps his word.

Many times we may not see what we’ve been waiting on quickly but you must understand that as a Believer “the just shall live by faith (Hebrews 10:38)”. This is not a sight walk but a faith walk. You have to fight by keeping your eyes on God. Don’t be tricked off course.

We can’t afford to be deceived, we have destiny to fulfill. Know that you hear God, you do have a purpose, you are special to God, and what God promised you will happen. We have to be able to know God’s voice so clearly that no doubt resides in us. We have to be able to decipher the truth from a lie. Give deception the boot by knowing the truth, God‘s word. Don’t be deceived, we can’t do this alone, we need God. Stay in the race. -Eri @EriHolmes


  1. What a Blessing, very powerful word from God. God will do just what he promised and that is real. Thanks Again Eri, J Rose

    1. Yes he will! He's so faithful! God Bless, thanks for your support.
