
Sunday, June 24, 2012

Winners Don't Quit

Winners don't quit. Winners endure to the finish line. We must have stamped in our minds that if God allowed us to be at a certain place he'll help us to get through it. God will help us reach our goals in life. You may have started your journey off full of energy and faith but due to the length of the race and the huddles you've had to encounter in life you may have gotten weary. We have to remember what the word of God says, let us not get weary in well doing we shall reap if we faint not (Galatians 6:9). We'll receive the reward if we don't faint or give up. We must understand that in order to win the race (your promise or whatever your goal is) you must endure.Your race can be anything you face that requires you to endure in order to receive your desired result.  All races are not given to the fastest (Ecclesiastes 9:11) because at times when we start too fast we get tired too quickly and are not able to complete what we started. Learn to pace yourself to end strong.

Know that obstacles on the road of life build our faith. Once we overcome a situation our faith grows. Know that you can overcome anything with God. Know that you're always bigger than the test and that the test is not given to kill you, it's given to make you better. At times your race may seem like a marathon but know it's ok to slow down to grab a drink of water or to catch your breath just don't quit! Focus on the prize or the purpose and keep in mind that the end result will be better than where you started.

So every time you feel like quitting just see yourself at the end victorious with your reward. Let God renew your strength and keep moving toward the finish line (Isaiah 40:31)! You were made a winner, don't quit. Stay in the race. -Eri @eriholmes


  1. Great message. When is the book coming or motivational speaking career going to start?

    1. Wow!!! Thanks for the encouragment and confirmation, all glory to God! In this season you'll see it:) Stay tuned!! God Bless you.

  2. We are truly winners, some people just don't know, just as God is getting ready to manifest something we have been waiting for the enemy comes along to trick them to give up, then they have to wait again for God to show up. Just like you say, don't give up, wait on the Lord, He will move for us. Praise God! J rose
