Genesis 2:18 New Living Translation (NLT)
2: 18 “Then the Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper who is just right for him.”
I wanted to do this post especially for the ladies because I know there are a lot of singles out there, including myself, who desire to get married at one point and I wanted to do this post to encourage you. I want to start off by saying work on yourself in your singleness. Don’t be depressed in your singleness but look at this time as an opportunity to get closer with God. Learn how to entertain yourself. Know that your happiness shouldn’t be contingent on another person's presence. God did say it’s not good for man to be alone but he didn’t say that to make you depressed. He said that from the beginning to remind you that he’s created someone just for you. Also, realize that God made a helper for Adam so they could come together to do greater work for the Kingdom. Realize that Adam was given his purpose before he was given Eve, not only that but he knew who he was and he was working. Know that God made Adam and Adam was a man of God. He was originally created to follow after God, so women to follow the original plan of God you need to make sure you’re desiring a man that follows God. You can also begin to pray for your future husband (even if you don‘t know him yet), pray that generational curses are broken in his life, pray that his soul is healed and that he knows who he is in Christ. Pray the word of God over Him. Pray for your future family. As the bible says, call those things that be not as though they were, so you don’t have to physically see him to start praying for him. (Romans 4:17) Your words can make things manifest.
Until the time is right for God to allow you to meet your “just right”, keep working on yourself and stay content. I do want to say that the “just right” God has for you won’t be perfect but he’ll be just right for you. Don’t put your life on hold waiting until a man come, you must live now and live to the fullest. Know that a man doesn’t complete you, God already did that. So please don’t go into a relationship looking for someone to do what only God can do or looking for something that God’s already completed. I also want to mention this, sex will not make a man stay so don’t give up your body before it’s time to any man. Trust God enough to believe that he will send your “just right” at the right time. So hold on, God is faithful and it’ll be worth the wait.
I also want to elaborate more on working on self. I believe as a single you should be allowing God to heal your soul from any past hurts so when the right time comes you won’t be damaged goods seeking for a man to fix you. If you’ve been hurt in the past ask God to heal your soul and restore it. Ask God to show you what you need to change. Also ask God to show you who you are. God defined you, let him reiterate who you are, get in the scriptures, get in your secret place with Him. Learn how to be committed and faithful to God first. Learn how to love God back first, learn how to love yourself. Also, work on the more practical things like making sure your credit is in order, making sure you’re not debt heavy, making sure you’re good physically. Set more career goals to meet, new business ventures, travel, do you. You don’t have to be perfect to meet your “just right’ but you do need to know who the Perfect One is. I’m just saying, be willing to take care of yourself for you first.
I hope this post encouraged you and I hope you received some insight from this. I pray you stay content and work on your relationship with God first before getting into other relationships. Remember to stay prepared. God created someone just right for you so don’t give up! Stay in the race. -Eri @EriHolmes
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Sunday, July 22, 2012
God Path
You may have challenges on your God path but remember you’re more than conquerors and you can do all things through Christ who strengthen you.(Romans 8:37 &Philippians 4:13) No weapon formed against you will prosper. (Isaiah 54:17) Keep plowing until you reach the goals, dreams, promises, and visions that God’s given you. God gives us desires and dreams to fulfill them. You also have to make sure your environment is conducive or fitting to your God plan. If you have people or things in your life that are distracting you and taking your focus off your God path then you may need to distance yourself from them. You must know that the devil will try to distract and discourage you off your God path but don’t let him. The devil knows that your purpose is recognized on your God path, he also knows that the seeds God’s placed on the inside of you are birth on your God path. Don’t let anyone or thing push you off your God path. Your God path is where promises manifest. Be convinced that you’ll get everything God has for you if you stay on the path God paved for you. Regardless of how difficult life gets stay where God want you to be, don’t throw in the towel. Stay in the race. -Eri @EriHolmes
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Don't Live with a Broken Soul, Let God Restore it. Psalm 23:3
Many of us have been through some unthinkable things that’s caused us to go through life broken but God wants us restored. Your soul is three parts: mind, will, and emotions. Traumatic experiences can cause hurts to take root in your soul and live for many years. Bad relationships you may’ve encountered throughout the years can cause bitterness, resentment, anger, hurt, and so much more to be entangled in your soul. Some people go through life just angry with the world and they don’t know why because they thought they had gotten over the past. Truth is, if you don’t allow God to restore your soul after being hurt and forgive the person, it’ll start to show in your emotions, your choices, and your mental state.
Many times we make major decisions in life, like marriage, with broken souls and in the end many get divorce. You can’t make the best decisions with a broken soul. You have to do some soul searching and ask God to deliver, heal, and restore your soul. If we don’t take time to deal with our souls we’ll always see life from a broken perspective. You can’t obtain what you really need in life if your soul is damaged. You have to be willing to forgive your past to walk into a healthy future. You have the choice to live restored and free. God wants us complete but do we want the same thing for ourselves or do we want to continue walking around damaged mad at the world? Some situations are out of our control but we do control how we choose to react. Refuse to go through life miserable because of what someone did to you in the past. Refuse to live beneath the way God said you can live. Refuse to go another moment damaged. If you’re tired of your emotions being out of whack and tired of living in bondage because of past hurts then ask God now to uproot the bitterness, anger, resentments, etc and to restore your soul. Deal with the root issues that's caused your brokenness so they can't grow any longer. If you need to forgive someone who hurt you then do it now, if you need to ask someone to forgive you then do it now. As the bible says, if we don’t forgive, God won’t forgive us. (Matthew 6:14). Don’t let another person hold your happiness, that power belongs to you. We have to be healed and delivered so that we can go forth in the things of God completely. There’s a hurting world out here that needs us so let God restore you so we can help someone else. Stay in race. -Eri @EriHolmes
Many times we make major decisions in life, like marriage, with broken souls and in the end many get divorce. You can’t make the best decisions with a broken soul. You have to do some soul searching and ask God to deliver, heal, and restore your soul. If we don’t take time to deal with our souls we’ll always see life from a broken perspective. You can’t obtain what you really need in life if your soul is damaged. You have to be willing to forgive your past to walk into a healthy future. You have the choice to live restored and free. God wants us complete but do we want the same thing for ourselves or do we want to continue walking around damaged mad at the world? Some situations are out of our control but we do control how we choose to react. Refuse to go through life miserable because of what someone did to you in the past. Refuse to live beneath the way God said you can live. Refuse to go another moment damaged. If you’re tired of your emotions being out of whack and tired of living in bondage because of past hurts then ask God now to uproot the bitterness, anger, resentments, etc and to restore your soul. Deal with the root issues that's caused your brokenness so they can't grow any longer. If you need to forgive someone who hurt you then do it now, if you need to ask someone to forgive you then do it now. As the bible says, if we don’t forgive, God won’t forgive us. (Matthew 6:14). Don’t let another person hold your happiness, that power belongs to you. We have to be healed and delivered so that we can go forth in the things of God completely. There’s a hurting world out here that needs us so let God restore you so we can help someone else. Stay in race. -Eri @EriHolmes
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Shine on, Be You!
Be secure with who God made you to be. Our differences make us unique. Our differences make us stand out. Don’t let society strip you of your true identity. God made you after his own image and likeness. (Genesis 1: 26-27). What can be better than that! You’re a designer’s original. He made you to rule but how can you rule like he created you to if you’re trying to be someone else? He made us with everything we’re supposed to have, he’s given each and everyone of us a piece of Himself. If God wanted us to be like everybody else he would’ve made us all the same. Don’t let what another person look like stop you from showing who you really are. The world has been looking for something different, they’re looking for you! When we accept who God created us to be we can live free and more confidently. More people would be happier with themselves if they understood that God made them exactly who they were supposed to be. You’re the race you’re supposed to be, the height you’re supposed to be, you have the hair you’re supposed to have, embrace it be you! Let "you" shine and walk into "self" with joy. Don’t hide self any longer due to fear or low self-esteem, wake up and realize you’re the best you and can’t no one do you like you J
!! You are fearfully and wonderfully made! (Psalm 139:13-18) God thinks wonderfully about you but you have to think the same way about yourself. Remember, when you be who God created you to be you’ll begin to attract who God created you to have.J
Be bold enough to introduce you to the world, shine on J
. Stay in the race. -Eri @EriHolmes (twitter)
Monday, July 16, 2012
Get Out of Your Comfort Zone!
You have to be willing to step outside of your comfort zone to reach full potential. Stepping out of your comfort zone may not make sense at first but you’ll be glad you took that step when you experience desired results. Your comfort zone could be a place where you’ve hit the ceiling or highest peak but continue to stay there because it’s what you’re used to. A comfort zone is a place where you can’t grow anymore but you’re ok because you’re comfortable. We can’t get to a new place staying in a comfort zone. Comfort zones could be areas we’ve already mastered. We know how to pray for a certain amount of time a day and read the bible but what about fast? We have to go beyond what we’re used to. Stepping out of your comfort zone means being willing to do something different to get something different. God’s given us the approval or go ahead to live life fully but the choice is up to us to do it. We have to keep in mind what God’s already given us the ability to do. Yes, we must stay dependent on God but true dependence includes using what he’s already given you/placed inside you to go further in life. The only way we’ll continue to find out what God’s placed inside us is by moving out of comfort zones and discovering new things.
We also have to be aware of the practical things God’s given us the ability to do. We truly don’t have to live life miserable and always wishing for things. There comes a point when wishing isn’t enough, you need results. God’s given you the ability to get results, it‘s called action. With God’s guidance and your obedience you can make so many things manifest. A lot of times we need to stop waiting for this so called “genie” to make our wishes come true. God is not a genie, you can‘t rub him to make things manifest, you have to do something and do it by faith. God has empowered us with himself (His Spirit) and grace to carry out what’s needed for this journey (Ephesians 4:7, Romans 12:6). Don’t let fear and deception hinder you any longer, trust God and move. Let the seeds that God’s implanted inside you be birthed. Birth that book, birth that business, birth that ministry!
Regardless of how scary it may seem while moving out of your comfort zone, remember, God is with you every step of the way. So refuse to stay in a comfort zone if you want to see new results. You can’t continue to fit in things you’ve outgrown and expect to grow more. Take the necessary step to begin to walk into the direction of your next new place, by first getting out of your comfort zone. Stay in the race. -Eri @EriHolmes (Twitter)
We also have to be aware of the practical things God’s given us the ability to do. We truly don’t have to live life miserable and always wishing for things. There comes a point when wishing isn’t enough, you need results. God’s given you the ability to get results, it‘s called action. With God’s guidance and your obedience you can make so many things manifest. A lot of times we need to stop waiting for this so called “genie” to make our wishes come true. God is not a genie, you can‘t rub him to make things manifest, you have to do something and do it by faith. God has empowered us with himself (His Spirit) and grace to carry out what’s needed for this journey (Ephesians 4:7, Romans 12:6). Don’t let fear and deception hinder you any longer, trust God and move. Let the seeds that God’s implanted inside you be birthed. Birth that book, birth that business, birth that ministry!
Regardless of how scary it may seem while moving out of your comfort zone, remember, God is with you every step of the way. So refuse to stay in a comfort zone if you want to see new results. You can’t continue to fit in things you’ve outgrown and expect to grow more. Take the necessary step to begin to walk into the direction of your next new place, by first getting out of your comfort zone. Stay in the race. -Eri @EriHolmes (Twitter)
Friday, July 13, 2012
Don't Despise Small Beginnings! Zechariah 4:10, Matthew 25:21
Don’t be discouraged because your beginning seems small but be faithful where you‘re at. Be content and have enough drive to push yourself to reach your goals. Know that in order to be great you have to start somewhere. The world may portray that you wake up and greatness falls into your lap but be wise, you have to put in work to see results. Most microwave success ends in disaster because the people never had a chance to prepare for what was coming, they couldn’t handle what they were given. So be glad to start where you’re at because you don‘t have to stay there. Don’t let your now discourage you from pushing forward. In your beginning stages is where you learn who you are and where you build your foundation. Make sure your foundation is Christ, so when you get where you’re going you’ll remember how you got there. Move and keep your goal in mind because a focused person will always reach their goals. Don’t let the next person success be a distraction to you but let it motivate you to keep moving forward and let it encourage you to tap into the greatness God’s placed in you.
Also, don’t curse what you don’t understand. Your small beginning could be the stepping stone for something greater. Know that as you allow God to lead you, he knows which way is best and knows the exact path you need to take to be prepared for what‘s next. (Psalm 32:8). As the bible says, “5 Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.” (Proverbs 3:5-6). Let him be the head of whatever you do big or small and watch it prosper. The bible also states, “8 For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord. 9 For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.” (Isaiah 55:8-9). So don’t be depressed because you don’t understand why you have to go a certain route to see desired results, keep trusting God.
Go forth with what you have, know that God hasn’t forgotten about you he‘s with you every step of the way. Each step you take by faith in your small beginnings prepares you for bigger doors that will open in the future. Remember, your beginning doesn’t define you, God already did that. As the saying goes, “It’s not how you start but how you finish.” Stay in the race. -Eri @EriHolmes
Also, don’t curse what you don’t understand. Your small beginning could be the stepping stone for something greater. Know that as you allow God to lead you, he knows which way is best and knows the exact path you need to take to be prepared for what‘s next. (Psalm 32:8). As the bible says, “5 Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.” (Proverbs 3:5-6). Let him be the head of whatever you do big or small and watch it prosper. The bible also states, “8 For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord. 9 For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.” (Isaiah 55:8-9). So don’t be depressed because you don’t understand why you have to go a certain route to see desired results, keep trusting God.
Go forth with what you have, know that God hasn’t forgotten about you he‘s with you every step of the way. Each step you take by faith in your small beginnings prepares you for bigger doors that will open in the future. Remember, your beginning doesn’t define you, God already did that. As the saying goes, “It’s not how you start but how you finish.” Stay in the race. -Eri @EriHolmes
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Don't Reject the Package
Don’t miss what God has for you because the package looks different. Sometimes we get so used to things looking or being a certain way that we actually miss new things God’s trying to give us. Remember, growth requires change, just like naturally, as we grow we begin to look different. Know that God said “He’s doing a new thing!” (Isaiah 43:19) Something that “we’ve” never personally experienced before. There’s also new things God wants to bring out of us but we have to be willing to let Him lead us down the new path to get it. (His Path). God may be trying to put us in a new position at work or in ministry. He may be trying to introduce you to a new network of people but again, you have to be willing to follow His lead. Abraham(Genesis 12), Jacob(Genesis 29), and Joseph(Genesis 37-41) had to go to new places to get what God had for them. Remember, just because something doesn’t look familiar doesn’t mean it’s not from God. Also, realize that most times to obtain the newness it may require you to be stretched. It may require you to be pushed beyond what you’re used to. Know in your stretching you then become prepared or ready for that new thing.
So don’t reject the blessings from God, let him give you that new thing! Stay in the race. -Eri @EriHolmes (Twitter)
So don’t reject the blessings from God, let him give you that new thing! Stay in the race. -Eri @EriHolmes (Twitter)
Friday, July 6, 2012
Fight Through Adversity
You have to be able to fight through adversity. There are things that WILL come against us but the Word of God says, “No weapon formed against us will prosper,” (Isaiah 54:17). The weapons won’t work that are fired toward the people of God. Know that we have the armor of God on rejecting any fiery darts from the evil one (Ephesians 6:10-17). What we go through God already see us coming out of. God will never allow us to go through something that will kill us, remember he comes to give us life and that more abundantly (John 10:10). We may feel like we can’t handle our current situations but know that you can overcome ANYTHING with God (Philippians 4:13). Know that the enemy only goes after ones who pose as a threat to him. He knows his time is short and he also knows once you step into the Truth he won’t be able to hold you back any longer.
Regardless of what you have to fight through, see yourself coming out on top. See yourself victorious. See your adversity as a stepping stone to something greater in life. Let your mindset be that of an overcomer, let it be so focused on God that whatever tries to come your way doesn’t stand a chance. You have to understand that the one behind the hardship, the devil, is afraid that you’ll find out exactly who God created you to be. He’s afraid you’ll find out the amount of greatness God’s placed on the inside of you. He’s afraid you’ll find out that you’re not a loser, he’s afraid you’ll find out that he’s been lying the whole time and the victory has always belonged to you. You may be going through at work or at home with your family but stay encouraged and whatever you do, keep fighting. Decree and declare on a daily what God’s has already done and what you’re going to walk victoriously in. Decree and declare that this is your time for breakthrough, time for your peace, time for reconciliation of your family, time for your deliverance, time for your healing, time for stability and overflow of your finances! Wholeness belongs to you so don’t let adversity break you , instead let it bring you closer to God.
Know who you are and let the warrior God created come out and overcome adversity. Remember, the one in you is GREATER than the one who is in the world (1 John 4:4). Winning. Stay in the race. -Eri @EriHolmes (Twitter)
Regardless of what you have to fight through, see yourself coming out on top. See yourself victorious. See your adversity as a stepping stone to something greater in life. Let your mindset be that of an overcomer, let it be so focused on God that whatever tries to come your way doesn’t stand a chance. You have to understand that the one behind the hardship, the devil, is afraid that you’ll find out exactly who God created you to be. He’s afraid you’ll find out the amount of greatness God’s placed on the inside of you. He’s afraid you’ll find out that you’re not a loser, he’s afraid you’ll find out that he’s been lying the whole time and the victory has always belonged to you. You may be going through at work or at home with your family but stay encouraged and whatever you do, keep fighting. Decree and declare on a daily what God’s has already done and what you’re going to walk victoriously in. Decree and declare that this is your time for breakthrough, time for your peace, time for reconciliation of your family, time for your deliverance, time for your healing, time for stability and overflow of your finances! Wholeness belongs to you so don’t let adversity break you , instead let it bring you closer to God.
Know who you are and let the warrior God created come out and overcome adversity. Remember, the one in you is GREATER than the one who is in the world (1 John 4:4). Winning. Stay in the race. -Eri @EriHolmes (Twitter)
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Publish(Announce!) What God's Done for You!
We’ve all been through something and have learned something from our tests& trials. Be willing to share your victories and failures to others to show them that with God you’re STILL standing through it all. In our victories and failures we learn who God is, he‘s faithful. He never leaves nor forsake us and has stood with us through ups and downs (Joshua 1:5).When you were facing the storm it may’ve seemed impossible to see a brighter day but now that you’ve overcame the situations, give God the glory by sharing your testimony.
Don’t think your testimony is small and worthless. Know testimonies are the awards or certificates, per se, announcing that you came out on top! It’s the medal after the race so be willing to share it. Regardless of how big or small you feel your testimony is there will ALWAYS be someone that will be encouraged by it. Know that all of what we’ve gone through was not only for us but for the ones we’re going to help/encourage. God has done something for us all, be willing to share it. How will others know unless you share.
Start letting people know that God is a deliverer, that he’s faithful, that he’s a healer, a provider, a friend, etc. Share your experiences with others to bring them closer to Christ. Many people are looking for a savior in the world but they just need to accept the One God sent (Jesus). Your testimony could draw someone to Christ. It could encourage someone to live or keep moving forward. Share what God has done for you in whatever form he allows you to. You don’t have to be in a pulpit or on tv to share your testimony, do it where you’re at. There is a time and place for everything so if God’s released you to share what he’s done for you now, don’t hesitate just do it. J Remember, your tests& trials were not to bring you shame but to give God the glory. Stay in the race. -Eri @EriHolmes (twitter) (Email) if you need to reach me :
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Don’t think your testimony is small and worthless. Know testimonies are the awards or certificates, per se, announcing that you came out on top! It’s the medal after the race so be willing to share it. Regardless of how big or small you feel your testimony is there will ALWAYS be someone that will be encouraged by it. Know that all of what we’ve gone through was not only for us but for the ones we’re going to help/encourage. God has done something for us all, be willing to share it. How will others know unless you share.
Start letting people know that God is a deliverer, that he’s faithful, that he’s a healer, a provider, a friend, etc. Share your experiences with others to bring them closer to Christ. Many people are looking for a savior in the world but they just need to accept the One God sent (Jesus). Your testimony could draw someone to Christ. It could encourage someone to live or keep moving forward. Share what God has done for you in whatever form he allows you to. You don’t have to be in a pulpit or on tv to share your testimony, do it where you’re at. There is a time and place for everything so if God’s released you to share what he’s done for you now, don’t hesitate just do it. J Remember, your tests& trials were not to bring you shame but to give God the glory. Stay in the race. -Eri @EriHolmes (twitter) (Email) if you need to reach me :
****If you want to leave a comment you must have gmail to do so. Thanks for your support****
Monday, July 2, 2012
Show the Love of God 1John 4:7-21
I’m going to stay real as possible, there are days when it’s hard to show the love that God wants us to towards others. There are moments when people may get on your nerves and the last thing you want to do is show the love of God. I think it’s ok to be irritated for a second but don’t stay there, that can be dangerous. As the bible says don’t let the sun go down while still angry, staying there can cause other crazy things to manifest (Ephesians 4:26). So we must do what’s necessary to get our minds and heart back on the right track to show love the way God wants us to, regardless of how we feel.
The love of God is a type of love that is shown unconditionally. It’s shown regardless of the situation, condition, or circumstance. The love God wants us to show overcomes all emotions to do the right thing. I know I don’t always want to show love but then I remember how God showed me love when I really didn’t deserve it. God showed me love when I didn’t even love him back! We have to remember how God’s graced us and given us another chance. You never know what someone is going through and the love you show through a smile, opening a door, or giving an encouraging word can change their world. We have to stay sensitive to others and realize we weren’t always where we’re at. We should count it a privilege and joy daily that we even have breath in our bodies to show love.
I remember how hard it used to be for me to be nice to people. I would be ready to snap at anyone who looked at me the wrong way or said anything that offended me. I was broken but God loved me back to health. So when someone acts nasty towards me or tries to provoke me I just try to show love and give it to God. Know that God can handle our battles better than we can and when we allow Him to we’ll always come out on top. As the bible says, the battle isn’t ours it’s Gods (2 Chronicles 20:15). When we understand that we’re fighting a spiritual battle and most times how people react is just the manifestation of what’s going on spiritually then we can approach situations appropriately. Sometimes people don’t know who God is but by our showing love to them could show them exactly who He is, he’s love J (1John 4:16). So let’s continue to show all who God is by sharing his love. 1John 4:7-21 Stay in the race. -Eri Twitter: @EriHolmes
The love of God is a type of love that is shown unconditionally. It’s shown regardless of the situation, condition, or circumstance. The love God wants us to show overcomes all emotions to do the right thing. I know I don’t always want to show love but then I remember how God showed me love when I really didn’t deserve it. God showed me love when I didn’t even love him back! We have to remember how God’s graced us and given us another chance. You never know what someone is going through and the love you show through a smile, opening a door, or giving an encouraging word can change their world. We have to stay sensitive to others and realize we weren’t always where we’re at. We should count it a privilege and joy daily that we even have breath in our bodies to show love.
I remember how hard it used to be for me to be nice to people. I would be ready to snap at anyone who looked at me the wrong way or said anything that offended me. I was broken but God loved me back to health. So when someone acts nasty towards me or tries to provoke me I just try to show love and give it to God. Know that God can handle our battles better than we can and when we allow Him to we’ll always come out on top. As the bible says, the battle isn’t ours it’s Gods (2 Chronicles 20:15). When we understand that we’re fighting a spiritual battle and most times how people react is just the manifestation of what’s going on spiritually then we can approach situations appropriately. Sometimes people don’t know who God is but by our showing love to them could show them exactly who He is, he’s love J (1John 4:16). So let’s continue to show all who God is by sharing his love. 1John 4:7-21 Stay in the race. -Eri Twitter: @EriHolmes
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