
Monday, July 16, 2012

Get Out of Your Comfort Zone!

You have to be willing to step outside of your comfort zone to reach full potential. Stepping out of your comfort zone may not make sense at first but you’ll be glad you took that step when you experience desired results. Your comfort zone could be a place where you’ve hit the ceiling or highest peak but continue to stay there because it’s what you’re used to. A comfort zone is a place where you can’t grow anymore but you’re ok because you’re comfortable. We can’t get to a new place staying in a comfort zone. Comfort zones could be areas we’ve already mastered. We know how to pray for a certain amount of time a day and read the bible but what about fast? We have to go beyond what we’re used to. Stepping out of your comfort zone means being willing to do something different to get something different. God’s given us the approval or go ahead to live life fully but the choice is up to us to do it. We have to keep in mind what God’s already given us the ability to do. Yes, we must stay dependent on God but true dependence includes using what he’s already given you/placed inside you to go further in life. The only way we’ll continue to find out what God’s placed inside us is by moving out of comfort zones and discovering new things.

We also have to be aware of the practical things God’s given us the ability to do. We truly don’t have to live life miserable and always wishing for things. There comes a point when wishing isn’t enough, you need results. God’s given you the ability to get results, it‘s called action. With God’s guidance and your obedience you can make so many things manifest. A lot of times we need to stop waiting for this so called “genie” to make our wishes come true. God is not a genie, you can‘t rub him to make things manifest, you have to do something and do it by faith. God has empowered us with himself (His Spirit) and grace to carry out what’s needed for this journey (Ephesians 4:7, Romans 12:6). Don’t let fear and deception hinder you any longer, trust God and move. Let the seeds that God’s implanted inside you be birthed. Birth that book, birth that business, birth that ministry!

Regardless of how scary it may seem while moving out of your comfort zone, remember, God is with you every step of the way. So refuse to stay in a comfort zone if you want to see new results. You can’t continue to fit in things you’ve outgrown and expect to grow more. Take the necessary step to begin to walk into the direction of your next new place, by first getting out of your comfort zone. Stay in the race. -Eri @EriHolmes (Twitter)


  1. Yes we must move forward in the things of God, I totally agree Eri, continue to let God use you, it's a blessings to all. Thank You. J rose
