
Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Shine on, Be You!

Be secure with who God made you to be. Our differences make us unique. Our differences make us stand out. Don’t let society strip you of your true identity. God made you after his own image and likeness. (Genesis 1: 26-27). What can be better than that! You’re a designer’s original. He made you to rule but how can you rule like he created you to if you’re trying to be someone else? He made us with everything we’re supposed to have, he’s given each and everyone of us a piece of Himself. If God wanted us to be like everybody else he would’ve made us all the same. Don’t let what another person look like stop you from showing who you really are. The world has been looking for something different, they’re looking for you! When we accept who God created us to be we can live free and more confidently. More people would be happier with themselves if they understood that God made them exactly who they were supposed to be. You’re the race you’re supposed to be, the height you’re supposed to be, you have the hair you’re supposed to have, embrace it be you! Let "you" shine and walk into "self" with joy. Don’t hide self any longer due to fear or low self-esteem, wake up and realize you’re the best you and can’t no one do you like you J !! You are fearfully and wonderfully made! (Psalm 139:13-18) God thinks wonderfully about you but you have to think the same way about yourself. Remember, when you be who God created you to be you’ll begin to attract who God created you to have.J Be bold enough to introduce you to the world, shine on J . Stay in the race. -Eri @EriHolmes (twitter)



  1. Ah ha, now this is good. For many years I wanted to change who I was and I wasn't happy with myself, then God let me know I made you to be you and be pleased with yourself, then I let him use me and things begain to come together in my life, I'm glad I'm who I am. Praise God! J rose

    1. Amen! God is so good, he always reminds us of who he made us to be! What an awesome God. God Bless

  2. Hey! Thanks for checking my blog out! :) God Bless, I pray you were encouraged by it.
