A lot of times we choose to hold onto things long after God told us to let go.
Even though God knows all things we tend to somehow think things will change for the better. Understand God shows you things for a reason, he shows you things because he loves you. Some things are brought to our attention because God knows they are not supposed to go with us to that next place in Him. We can't allow other people opinions to keep us from growing and keep us stagnant. Everybody don't know what's best for you but God does. Even though it may not be easy, we have to learn to let go when necessary. Understand that God wouldn't ask you to give up something if He didn't have something better in mind for you. When you give up something to better your walk with God, you'll always be rewarded greater. (Matthew 19:29) Your time is precious and should be used wisely. Never waste your time and energy on things that are not promoting your progress in life. Changing what's so familiar to you may be the hardest thing to do but know once you do it, you can now go to that greater place.
In life we grow and outgrow certain things. There's places God has prepared and matured us for next but everybody and everything may not be able to come with us. Just like Abraham, he wasn't supposed to bring Lot with him (no relatives-Genesis 12:1) and end up rescuing him later(Genesis 12-Genesis 14). When God speaks, learn to obey the first time. You may not understand but it's for your good. Everybody is not prepared or made to stay with you. Some people or things are meant only for a season.
So learn to let go of whatever means you no good to position yourself for the greater to come. Prepare for 2013, amazing things are happening. Don't miss God's timing, stay tuned in and obey. Much love. Stay in the race.
Praise God! For that powerful Word. I agree whenever we let go of something, God Always give Better. Thanks Eri. J rose