
Thursday, December 27, 2012

Uncomfortable is NOT your Final Destination

You may not be where u want to be but you're where u need to be. When you're uncomfortable you're more willing to move. Understand that being uncomfortable doesn't last always. Just like a pregnant woman may be uncomfortable for 40 weeks but after the baby comes things change. Understand during your time of being uncomfortable you may not know everything that God is doing and that's fine. Our job is to trust God when we don't understand. Again, just like a pregnant woman may feel a pain but not know exactly what the baby is doing but she does know that pain is temporary.
When you're uncomfortable you leave from uncomfortable places, you learn what's not working and cling on to what is working. You learn what to do more of and less of. You learn who to surround yourself around and who to separate from. You learn to really hear God in those times.
In your uncomfortable state you're being prepared for what's to come. You're not the same but have matured. You've matured for that next thing. You become molded to fit the next position God has for you.
No one likes to be uncomfortable but it's necessary to get your attention and to bring you to where God want you to be.
So keep your joy, it's all working for your good. Romans 8:28 Uncomfortable is not your final destination, you're being processed. Trust God. Stay in the race.

1 comment:

  1. Very Good Word Eri, God is moving for Us and He is holding us with His Right Hand, He will Never let us Down, so We will get to where He wants Us. J rose
