There comes a time when you have to stop running in circles. Certain patterns you're used to living that bring you to the same results in life must be ended, if you desire to go higher. I know many may not know what to do to break a pattern so they do nothing and stay in the pattern. To break a pattern you must do something different. When you do something different, you get a different result. If you've always left relationships, jobs, or whatever else without closure, it's time to mature and have closure in your life by stop being a runner. We can't run from every problem in life. There are some things we have to face and fight through. God can and will either help you over, around, or through every situation in life. The key words in that last sentence was "help you." We have to put in the work to see certain cycles broken. There are things we have to do for change to occur. If you're currently in a cycle and want something different, ask yourself what keeps me in this pattern? Fear, lack of confidence, shame, guilt, laziness, etc? Be real with yourself to be the better you. We have more power than we think. God has given us the ability to recognize something needs to change and the power to change things. So keep going until you break the norm and get to your new normal. It's time to go beyond where you've been. It's time to see life as God intended it to be. It's time to be all God called you to be. It's time to stop talking yourself out of your blessings. It's time to see yourself as capable. It's time to see yourself the way God sees you. It's time to be bold as a lion and believe God. It's not time to worry but it's time to have faith in a new way. We don't see birds on a branch with the shakes because of worry, so we definitely shouldn't worry. The Bible says the birds don't sow nor reap but they're taken care of (Matthew 6:26). So no excuses, you can stop running in circles because destiny is ahead of you, not behind you. Have faith in God. #StayInTheRace @EriHolmes (twitter)
Thanks Eri, We all need to be reminded at times that God Has It All In Control! Yes He Does! Praise God! J rose