It seems like recently every other day we're hearing about someone committing suicide. Suicide is not an option people. There are MANY times when I feel overwhelmed and like I'm at the end of the rope but God supernaturally gives me strength. I've also learn to let people know when I need help. You guys, we must be more sensitive to people who don't have a relationship with God. We have to encourage more and cut off foolish talk & tear downs. It hurts my heart every time I hear about someone that committed suicide because life is worth living. Life is precious and we're supposed to have dominion over everything on earth (Genesis). We're made to be overcomers. I've learned throughout life that with God I can get through anything. The disappointments, headaches, and whatever else, is not worth taken your life. Storms and trials don't last always, remember that. Also understand if you're dealing with suicidal thoughts or have a failed attempt at it(tried to do it), know that the only reason the enemy is trying to have you take your life is because there's greatness inside you and in your future. The enemy or opposition tries to convince you that things will never get better when in fact they will get better, you just have to choose to keep going on. Put pride and whatever else aside to get help when you need it. It's ok to get help, especially when you feel like giving up. Understand there's churches all over the world that have prayer lines to help you through your moments. I admit, I've called prayer lines before because I understand the power of prayer and agreement. So choose to live and keep the hope. There are things in life to live for. You have a whole future ahead of you. Regardless if a person looks like they need encouragement or not, be willing to share kinds words. Don't let suicide be the answer to your problems, we need you. If you haven't heard anyone tell you that you're love, I'm here to say Jesus loves you and so do I. Be willing to get help.
Below I've listed some numbers you can call to get help or prayer. Also if you need to talk, I'm here. I'm not a professional therapist but I do know how to pray and listen. I can be reached at ,
Suicide prevention line(24/7 available):
Prayer line (Kenneth Copeland Ministry-24/7 available line):
God's Ministry Prayer line:
Coming straight from the heart, stay encouraged. We have work to do.
Much love,
Erica (Eri)
Eri this is soooooooooo God, People Really Need This. We will keep prayin and People out there Please Call The Numbers If U Need To. J rose