
Sunday, December 28, 2014

Won't He Do it!?

Yes God will, you just have to keep trusting Him. It's time to be so exciting about life. God is doing amazing things, you just have to believe. Every promise He's given you will be fulfilled, keep expecting the manifestation of it. I believe God will give you what you prepare for.

What are you doing until the promise manifest? Don't just sit there but continue to prepare yourself and enjoy life. If you prepare now, you'll be ready when the time comes. Keep praising and worshipping God in your everyday life. Be content as you wait and know your joy should not be contingent on "if IT happens or when IT happens." Be joyful now and bask in the goodness of God.


Thursday, December 4, 2014

Breaking unhealthy cycles

I'd like to encourage you all to break unhealthy cycles. Some people are stuck in the past to the point that they can't see what's a head of them. Due to that, they continue to get same results in life.  In life we need to take on the windshield/rear view mirror perspective. The windshield in a car is way bigger so you can see what's ahead of you versus the rear view mirror that's small and should only be paid attention to when necessary. What's behind you should not distract you from getting what's ahead of you. Understand that your past happened to educate you. A lot of what you've gone through in life was to build you and prepare you.
We can't be so blinded by what was that we miss what is. We can miss serious opportunities if we choose to be stagnant in our yesterdays. You don't have to necessarily forget your past but have control over your past, meaning it's not negatively controlling what you have going on today. If your past does come back up brining unhealthy cycles, you need to be wise and ask God why/what to do. God is here to give us wisdom but we have to want it. (James 1:5)
This subject also includes not letting past negative behaviors or habits follow you into your future. At times we get delivered from certain things but can be so used to reacting to things a certain way that we forget to change our responses/habits. We get delivered to have a different response. We should make sure we're breaking negative cycles by the responses we give. If not, we end of in the same cycle which could allow you to miss a God opportunity.

Again take the time to do what's necessary so you can get better results in life. Don't get stuck in the comforts zone of your past. Break unhealthy cycles and watch you experience a better outcome.


Monday, November 3, 2014

That word, Trust..

Trust and patience will get you there. I had to learn to trust God. I had to learn that God can't fail. I had to learn that there is nothing too hard for God to do.

Really nothing can work if trust isn't there. Where there is no trust, fear and doubt are present. You can't completely believe or have faith in what you can't trust. I had to learn who God is and more about His character. Throughout my life's journey, I've found out that God is more than trustworthy, He's faithful, loving, and kind. I had to realize that God wants and only has the best for me. There are times when it didn't seem that way but after the storm things worked out better.
To trust is so important especially in any type of relationship. You'll only get so far in life with a limited trust life. We have to understand who God really is then we can relax and have patience because he is faithful. He will do everything He said he'll do. Just because something is taking longer than expected, doesn't mean it won't happen. We shouldn't pick and choose when to trust God but He should be trusted all the time. God should be trusted in every area of our lives.
Sometimes it's easy to say, oh yeah I trust God in this area but in another area you don't trust He can do what you need him to do. Understand that God is looking out for you and wants to do amazing things in your life but you have to let him. We can't let our lack of trust cause us to be impatient. Impatience can get you in trouble at times and may cause you to mess up or prolong what you've been waiting on. A lot of times forcing things and being impatient causes unnecessary drama, heartaches, and other hurts/pain. A lot of this can be avoided if we choose to have patience. God is more than capable of doing EVERYTHING he promised. Watch and see.

Don't let doubt, deception, or anything else cause you to believe anything other than what God has said to you. Trust what God don't allow and have enough patience to see why it worked out that way. Regardless, It's all working for your good, just believe. Remember, as many have heard before, delayed is not denied. If He said it, He'll do it. Trust Him. End of story.

Much luv,
Romans 8:28

Wednesday, September 3, 2014


This is a time where a lot of people are in storms but open your eyes to realize you have NOT been overtaken by the storm. Keep in mind that just because something looks unfamiliar doesn't mean it's not God. Your unfamiliar situations will take you into the promise land, don't jump off path. God is showing us that while in a storm doors can still be opened and life does go on. God wants to expand our territory and that means going into places you've never seen while experiencing things you've never experience. It's working something greater out, believe that. Also, blessings are given on a continuous basis from God regardless of what we see before us. We have to learn to continually function through storms as well as times of breeze. We have to carry out the necessary assignments regardless of how we feel and what's going on. We have to learn not to flip flop when things get hard. We have to learn to stick and stay with God because he is always good and remains faithful. We have to learn to control our emotions and to not make decisions solely based on emotions. We must learn and remember to only speak what God says and have said about our situations/lives. His promises will manifest. (Hebrews 10:23)

 Life is not about ducking and hiding when storms do come but it's about learning to stay on the path God places before us while going through every aspect of Life. Know that God is looking at our heart while in various situations. God's ways and thoughts are above ours(Isaiah 55:8-9). What He's allowing is positioning us for the greatest release we've ever experienced.  We must understand that all situations have an expiration date, they're temporary, and the only thing that doesn't change is God. With that mindset we should be confident in God and encouraged that he's in control.

So keep your joy, keep your hope in God, and know that you are being aligned for something great. Major doors you've been waiting on and praying for have been opened, it's just a matter of days before natural manifestation presents itself. Be grateful for what God has already done and expect greater then watch it happen. It's not as bad as it seems, it's better. Looks through the right eyes. Life is not all about storms but it's about trusting God with every part of your life. You were made for greatness, never forget that. Regardless of what's in your past, you're forgiven. No good thing will he withhold from you. (psalm 84:11) Know that God loves you with an everlasting love and he's always thinking about you. So keep God first, keep trusting Him, and choose to stay grounded in your faith.

Isaiah 40:31 "but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
    they will run and not grow weary,
    they will walk and not be faint."

Let your hope be in the Lord.

Blessing and love,

**look at this encouraging video. God is so loving and gives us what we need when we need it. Keep smiling luvs. :)***

**romans 10:9**matthew 6:33**

Friday, July 25, 2014

Through His eyes

Learn to see yourself the way God sees you. See yourself through His eyes. In order to do this you must have a personal relationship with Him and understands when he looks at you, He sees Jesus. There’s greatness in us all that must come out but we have to believe that we can fill the shoes God created for us to walk in. Understand this journey we live is a journey with God., never alone. We can truly do all things through Christ who strengthens us. So never think less of yourself or beat yourself down because of your past. God has chosen you to represent Him ,so no fear. When you accepted Jesus, your past no longer has rights to hold you back.

As soon as you accept this truth, the sooner you’ll be able to walk on the path into exactly what God has for you. You may have accomplished some things already that God had you to do but there’s more in you that must come out. No job is too big. Degrees and qualifications can’t hold you back from doing God’s work if you don’t have them because he‘ll qualify the called. I will say, if God told you to get a degree for a particular field do it but when God chooses a person God has the final say. People will not be able to stop you if God has chosen you. The job may be a big job that God has chosen you for but know that if He chose you for it, apparently you can handle it. Just like Gideon and Abraham, they choose to believe what God seen in them and it manifested.  Again remember, you’re not doing this alone.  Move into your proper place toward destiny.

You’re loved.

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For prayer requests email:

“Father, forgive us for not seeing ourselves the way you see us. Refocus our vision on our true identities. Help us understand when we accepted Jesus as our personal savior that our identities changed and there’s no limits to what You can do through us. Help us remember these truths and forever walk in your will. In Jesus precious name. Amen”

Reference Scriptures:

1 Samuel 16:7
John 17:20-23
Joshua 1:5
Judges 6
Philippians 4:13
Genesis 12
2 Corinthians 5:17

Monday, June 9, 2014

Beyond your Strength


You will get to a point when you've exhausted your options. That point is actually a great point because you then get to see God really work. At times we can get so caught up in trying to make things work and figure out everything, that we forget Who makes all things possible. We can get so focused on our own strength and abilities that we fail to realize there's a Greater One. Your ways of doing things are not the only way to make things happen in your life.
There will be times when nothing will work until you relax and let God handle it. You can't let your mind get engulfed with only accepting things to manifest in one way. God's thoughts & ways are higher than ours so we have to learn to trust the journey He places us on (Isaiah 55:8).
You may feel like your strength is little but know that's the time God's strength is shown the greatest (2 Corinthians 12:9). Learn to have patience in your moments of exhaustion. We weren't made to stress, rely on God (Philippians 4:6).
Patience may be most difficult to embrace but patience manifests the best. Be willing to stay encouraged when you've done all you can because as you give it to Him, you won't just see good results but God results. Remember, having little strength is not time to give up but time to give it to God.

Keep smiling, there's One with a greater plan. Trust Him.


Wednesday, April 16, 2014

When you least expect it. Keep preparing.

God’s timing is perfect, we just have to learn not to be too focused on time. We can’t be bound by something God has control over. Our focus must be planted on preparing and not stuck on, “why is it taking so long.” We can mess up things if we decide to move out of God’s timing. Just as Abraham did with Hagar (Genesis 16). God knows what he’s doing and he knows when to open your eyes to the release. The wait is never too long when your focus is right. I can attest to this now. God has been putting things in order in my life and showing me that he’s been listening to me the whole time. He’s amazing. :) We must remember that, James 1:4 says, "But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing."

A friend of mine recently gave me a word that was given by TD Jakes. My friend was telling me that, putting yourself in position is part of preparation and when you’re in position, you can receive the promise. I want to share this quote from TD Jakes, “When we are doers of the word we will dig for the rock, if you are a hearer of the word only, you will go for the promise without the preparation. But being a doer of the word will prepped you for the promise because you know the promise is big enough that it justifies preparation. So that when “it” appear it will not disappear.” You want to be ready for what you’ve been asking for. God does hear your every word and heart’s desires. He created you, he knows everything about you. You’re not forgotten, trust, and keep moving.

So in your waiting, actively prepare for the promise and learn to accept God’s timing. Live your life right now, be free from worry, and let God unveil your future.

Surround yourself around positive like-minded strong people. “It” will happen, as you prepare. So Stay encouraged and stay focused. You’re closer than you think.  Xoxo & Blessings -Eri

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

What A Joy to GIVE!


Know that most times, your purpose for connecting to someone is to give to them. God showed us how important this principle is when He gave us Jesus (John 3:16). When you’re motivated by love you’ll have no problem giving to others. When your perspective is right, you’ll understand giving unto others exemplifies love and that's God’s command that sums up everything, to Love others. God is love. At times we mix our purpose of giving up and have a selfish mentality. A lot of times we may say, well I’ll only give if they give me something back but that’s the worst mentality you can have. I'm not saying let others take advantage of you but don't have a tid for tat mentality. When you think like that you set yourself up for failure, disappointment,  and rejection. You have to know that God blesses givers and the more you give the more you’ll receive back from Him. Give as if you're giving to God.
Don’t hold extra high expectations on a person, keep your focus on God. Give from a heart that completely wants to please God. In your pleasing God and not focusing to only please people, you’ll become more satisfied. Giving shows God’s characteristics, it shows others who he is in a tangible way. You can give your time, prayers, money, clothes, etc. Just make sure your motives stay right and you’ll keep your joy. Do know, when your focus is right while you’re giving, God can touch the heart of someone to give way more back then you gave. As the Bible says, “It’s more of a blessing to give then to receive,” (Acts 20:35).But know, God will not leave a giver empty handed. Be motivated by Love, keep giving :).

 Much Love, Eri

Monday, February 24, 2014


Material things don't complete you, God does. A person doesn't complete you, God does. Money don't complete you, God does. A job doesn't complete you, God does. A relationship doesn't complete you, God does.

If you're looking for material things or people to complete you, you'll forever feel empty or alone. Understand God completes and everything else are additions. It's wonderful to have all the things mentioned above but they were never meant to take God's place. The creation can never be better than the Creator. You have to keep God in proper place and then you'll begin to experience the joy you're created to have. God wants us to be happy but we have to understand  just because you don't have "a certain thing", it should not change your mind about God. He should always be first. Learn to be happy with Him.

I'm guilty, I've placed these things before God before but was eventually checked because I kept feeling empty. If this is you it's ok, you can repent and put God back in proper place now. God loves you so much and he showed us the greatest example of his love when he gave us Jesus. God wants to show you more love but you need to spend time with Him.

You are on the mind of God. He sees your every move, never fret. Never allow fear to cause you to put other people or things before God. You may go through your struggles and feel lonely at times but go to God first in those moments and watch him embrace you with His love. Learn to love God back without limits and watch your love for other people mature and grow. Don't try to fill a void with temporary satisfactions. Learn to lean on God for the permanent satisfaction.

Trust Him, God won't let you down.


Purpose Lead

Be  conscious of the decisions you make. Make sure you're purpose lead. Don't allow fear, unbelief, or your past to prevent you from believing you can have a brighter future. There is purpose for your life regardless of how you feel. Don't be emotion lead, they change all the time. Be God lead. He'll bring you to where you need to be.

I know personally, I just had to make a big decision in my life and I had to do it by faith. I couldn't make moves based off my feelings because they 're constantly changing.. I had to learn to to trust God even when it didn't make sense. I had to trust just like His word says,that he'll teach me what's best for me and show me where to go.  (Psalm 32:8) You have to remember that it's impossible to know every part of your future so you HAVE to trust God. You have to keep in mind that God says his plans are good for us and not to harm us (Jeremiah 29:11). You have to keep renewing your mind and know that good things are in store for you. God has the best for you but you have to let Him lead you to get it.

It's time for results and release. It's time to hold the promise in your hand but you have to take that leap of faith toward purpose. Make decisions that support your purpose, not destroy your purpose. It's time. Keep going.


Salvation prayer: Lord, I'm  ready to live for  you. I'm tired and I want to live the life you have for me.  Please forgive me for my sins. I'm ready to turn from my old ways and become the new person  you said I can be. I believe  you were risen from the dead and  you are God's son.  I welcome you in as my lord and  personal Savior. Thank you for redeeming me and I ask you for you Holy Spirit.. Take me over and show me your love .  In Jesus name, Amen..

Sunday, January 12, 2014


It's time to live the life you're supposed to have. No more comparing yourself to others, you have your own shoes to fill. There's only one you, nobody can compete with that. No more listening to negativity or naysayers, if God told you to do it you can do it. No more second guessing yourself, end of indecisiveness. No more being stagnated, success comes with faith&movement. No more fear, the devil is a liar and whatever he tries to trick you with is not the truth.

It's time to live, don't just exist. There are places you have yet to go to, grounds you have to cover. So keep your focus right, eliminate distractions or crutches. Time to thrive. Season fulfillment. This is your time. This is the start of something great. Believe, move, and live.
