You will get to a point when you've exhausted your options. That point is actually a great point because you then get to see God really work. At times we can get so caught up in trying to make things work and figure out everything, that we forget Who makes all things possible. We can get so focused on our own strength and abilities that we fail to realize there's a Greater One. Your ways of doing things are not the only way to make things happen in your life.
There will be times when nothing will work until you relax and let God handle it. You can't let your mind get engulfed with only accepting things to manifest in one way. God's thoughts & ways are higher than ours so we have to learn to trust the journey He places us on (Isaiah 55:8).
You may feel like your strength is little but know that's the time God's strength is shown the greatest (2 Corinthians 12:9). Learn to have patience in your moments of exhaustion. We weren't made to stress, rely on God (Philippians 4:6).
Patience may be most difficult to embrace but patience manifests the best. Be willing to stay encouraged when you've done all you can because as you give it to Him, you won't just see good results but God results. Remember, having little strength is not time to give up but time to give it to God.
Keep smiling, there's One with a greater plan. Trust Him.
A word at the right time:))) thanks Eri