
Wednesday, April 16, 2014

When you least expect it. Keep preparing.

God’s timing is perfect, we just have to learn not to be too focused on time. We can’t be bound by something God has control over. Our focus must be planted on preparing and not stuck on, “why is it taking so long.” We can mess up things if we decide to move out of God’s timing. Just as Abraham did with Hagar (Genesis 16). God knows what he’s doing and he knows when to open your eyes to the release. The wait is never too long when your focus is right. I can attest to this now. God has been putting things in order in my life and showing me that he’s been listening to me the whole time. He’s amazing. :) We must remember that, James 1:4 says, "But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing."

A friend of mine recently gave me a word that was given by TD Jakes. My friend was telling me that, putting yourself in position is part of preparation and when you’re in position, you can receive the promise. I want to share this quote from TD Jakes, “When we are doers of the word we will dig for the rock, if you are a hearer of the word only, you will go for the promise without the preparation. But being a doer of the word will prepped you for the promise because you know the promise is big enough that it justifies preparation. So that when “it” appear it will not disappear.” You want to be ready for what you’ve been asking for. God does hear your every word and heart’s desires. He created you, he knows everything about you. You’re not forgotten, trust, and keep moving.

So in your waiting, actively prepare for the promise and learn to accept God’s timing. Live your life right now, be free from worry, and let God unveil your future.

Surround yourself around positive like-minded strong people. “It” will happen, as you prepare. So Stay encouraged and stay focused. You’re closer than you think.  Xoxo & Blessings -Eri

1 comment:

  1. Yesssssss I'm Encourged,Praise God! Thank You For This Word!
