
Thursday, December 27, 2012

Uncomfortable is NOT your Final Destination

You may not be where u want to be but you're where u need to be. When you're uncomfortable you're more willing to move. Understand that being uncomfortable doesn't last always. Just like a pregnant woman may be uncomfortable for 40 weeks but after the baby comes things change. Understand during your time of being uncomfortable you may not know everything that God is doing and that's fine. Our job is to trust God when we don't understand. Again, just like a pregnant woman may feel a pain but not know exactly what the baby is doing but she does know that pain is temporary.
When you're uncomfortable you leave from uncomfortable places, you learn what's not working and cling on to what is working. You learn what to do more of and less of. You learn who to surround yourself around and who to separate from. You learn to really hear God in those times.
In your uncomfortable state you're being prepared for what's to come. You're not the same but have matured. You've matured for that next thing. You become molded to fit the next position God has for you.
No one likes to be uncomfortable but it's necessary to get your attention and to bring you to where God want you to be.
So keep your joy, it's all working for your good. Romans 8:28 Uncomfortable is not your final destination, you're being processed. Trust God. Stay in the race.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Learn to Let Go When Necessary

A lot of times we choose to hold onto things long after God told us to let go. 
Even though God knows all things we tend to somehow think things will change for the better. Understand God shows you things for a reason, he shows you things because he loves you. Some things are brought to our attention because God knows they are not supposed to go with us to that next place in Him. We can't allow other people opinions to keep us from growing and keep us stagnant. Everybody don't know what's best for you but God does. Even though it may not be easy, we have to learn to let go when necessary. Understand that God wouldn't ask you to give up something if He didn't have something better in mind for you. When you give up something to better your walk with God, you'll always be rewarded greater. (Matthew 19:29) Your time is precious and should be used wisely. Never waste your time and energy on things that are not promoting your progress in life. Changing what's so familiar to you may be the hardest thing to do but know once you do it, you can now go to that greater place.
In life we grow and outgrow certain things. There's places God has prepared and matured us for next but everybody and everything may not be able to come with us.  Just like Abraham, he wasn't supposed to bring Lot with him (no relatives-Genesis 12:1) and end up rescuing him later(Genesis 12-Genesis 14). When God speaks, learn to obey the first time. You may not understand but it's for your good. Everybody is not prepared or made to stay with you. Some people or things are meant only for a season.

So learn to let go of whatever means you no good to position yourself for the greater to come. Prepare for 2013, amazing things are happening. Don't miss God's timing, stay tuned in and obey. Much love. Stay in the race.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Spread Love, share God.

Spread love, spread God. On this day we celebrate the birth of Jesus. So thankful for what God has done for us. His love saved us. He gave us the greatest gift and no other gift can compare. Each day should be a day of joy in remembrance of what God's done for us. God gave us life, eternal life, when he sent Jesus. So never forget what Christmas is about. 

Each day we wake up we should remind ourselves how much we're loved. There's no greater love than to have someone give their life for another. John 15:13, " There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends." We've been given love on an incomparable level. That should keep you smiling. :)

So let's appreciate those around us by showing love. God loved us so let's continue to spread love to others. On this day I pray you all experience love, joy, and peace on new levels. Stay grateful. Stay in the race.
Merry Christmas!!

Monday, December 17, 2012

According to Your Faith

Matthew 9:29 "Then He touched their eyes, saying, “According to your faith let it be to you."

What is your faith saying? Are you believing your situation will change or just being religious and going through the acts of just quoting scriptures? Are you walking by faith? Do you truly believe? Is your mind aligned with the Word of God? If you can believe what the Word of God says, you can have it. Let it be given to you because you had the faith to get it. Don’t let things you encounter frustrate your faith walk. Understand, without faith it’s impossible to please God and faith moves God (Hebrews 11:6). Let your perspective be that which lines up with what God told you. How are you viewing life? Are you viewing it from a place of victory or defeat? Your perspective changes things. Your perspective can either usher in what God promised or it can prolong the promise. Your perspective and faith are tied because if you truly have faith, your outlook would be expecting things to change and line up with the Word.
Know that “it’s” not impossible if you have the faith to get “it“. Let your faith bring you to the promise. Refuse to not go all the way when victory is solely up to you. Get what God has for you. Stay in the race.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Rely on the Right Name

Make sure you rely on the right name. Understand people tend forget most names as time goes on. One generation may recognize a person for their work and efforts but if the next generation is not taught about that person they will not recognize their name or truly understand that person’s past importance. Just like in Exodus 1 when it spoke about the children of Israel, who came to Egypt because of God allowing Joseph to save his people from famine, as time went on the next king over Egypt did not know Joseph so the children of Israel were made slaves. The current king of Egypt felt the children of Israel had grown too mighty and they posed a threat to Egypt. (Exodus 1:8-13)You have to understand that if you rely on just a human’s name you may get left behind but if you always rely on the name of the Most High, you’ll always be remembered. Understand you can receive favor from mentioning or knowing a certain person for a “length of time” but you can receive “unlimited endless” favor from mentioning and knowing God. Even though the leader of Egypt didn’t know who Joseph was God remembered His people, children of Israel, because of His covenant with Abraham, Isaac, & Jacob and favored them again by releasing them from Egypt’s bondage (Exodus 2:23-25).  His name stands forever (Exodus 3:15). His name is the name that should come out of your mouth first. His name is the name that you should get excited about.  His name is above every name! His name holds relevance forever. If you can’t remember any other name make sure you remember the name of Jesus because it’ll take you places that other names can’t. Rely on the right One and you‘ll always be remembered. Those who used God’s name throughout the bible were never forgotten, God always kept them and favored them. As the Bible says,  those who put their trust in the Lord will NOT be put to shame (Psalm 25:3, Romans 10:11). God  keeps His. Rely on Jesus. Stay in the race. 

Monday, December 10, 2012

Don't Despise Your Promotion

The process to get to your promotion may not feel good but know that you’ll get there if you don’t despise your tests. Your tests enable promotion. They elevate you to the next level. Just like school, once you pass a test you are allowed to go to another level. Not only does the test enable promotions but they ensure that you understand the lesson you were being taught. God allows our faith to be tested to see if we’re ready for our next level. Passing faith tests tells God that you trust Him and you'll go where He takes you. When you pass tests you let the instructor know that you’ve been listening and you understand the material. Passing faith test enables your environments to be expanded, passing tests ensures God that he can trust you with more. When you truly fear (reverential fear) God you can pass any tests. When you fear God you put on the perspective that God is in control and He has the final say in EVERY situation. You understand that nothing can move without His say, it‘s what God allows that happens. When you truly understand this, you don’t fear any situation or person because you’re constantly reminded that at the name of Jesus EVERY knee shall bow,  of those in heaven, and those on earth, and those under the earth, and that every tongue shall confess that JESUS Christ is Lord! (Philippians 2:10-11). Everything has to answer to God. He knows about EVERY tests you'll ever have to go through. Not only does he know about every test but He's seen the end result of everything you'll have to endured. God knows everything and will NOT allow you to go through something if the end result is not greater than the test. Know that the end of a thing is greater than the beginning. You may had to or have been going through what seems like hell but understand at the end your victory will be monumental. God don't allow us to go through something difficult if the reward is not worth it. What Joseph had to endure(Genesis 37-50), what David had to endure (1 Samuel 16-1 Kings 2), what Daniel (Book of Daniel) had to endure, was ALL worth it because the end result was greater than the pain. As Joseph named his first born, Manasseh which means "For God has made me forget all my toil and all my father's house" because his blessings outweighed his previous distress(Genesis 41:51). Your reward will outweigh your previous distress. As the bible says in Romans 8: 18, "For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared to the glory which shall be revealed in us." Understand your tests are working a greater victory! You have no reason to fear your tests or people, God has the final say. Trust God in every situation and let Him promote you. God is NOT allowing you to go through tests to be defeated, he’s allowing you to go through test to be PROMOTED. GOD wants to promote you, but will you let HIM? Abraham allowed God to test his faith and was blessed beyond measure after passing the test (Genesis 22:15-18). Will you let God bless you!? Pass the test! Get your promotion! Stay in the race.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Let Your Faith Be Confirmed

Trials have a way of confirming what you believe. Either you believe what God told you or you believe what the situation is showing you. Your faith is confirmed when you can move forward in any situation without looking back. Just like Abraham in Genesis 22:1-19 his faith was confirmed, He showed God that no matter what he asked him to do He'd do it. Abraham shows us that when God ask, move. Abraham also shows us that God is faithful and gives us beyond expectation if we keep believing and moving on the path he's set before us.
Abraham had the mentality that if He asked me sacrifice my son, He'll also bring him back up. He shows us that in Genesis 22:5 when he said "we'll" be back, he had his mind set that God was going to provide what was needed and not let Him down. He knew not to worry but to trust instead. We don't have to do things like that now days but we still must have enough faith in God to move when he speaks. It's not our job to figure out every part of our lives out but it's our job to trust God and follow His lead.
Abraham ultimately shows us that with faith you can please God. When you please God you can have it all. God wants to clearly show us that He's our Father ,he will follow through if he gave us a promise, and that we should trust Him no matter what.
So let your faith in God be confirmed by trusting God through every situation. No matter what the situation presents know that God is greater. No matter how it looks, if God said move you move, if God said establish that business-do it, if God said start a church-do it. It's not your job to measure what he told you to do. Whether big or small God can make it happen. Let your faith grow. Stay encouraged and stay in the race. -Eri

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Paid the Price

Just like you have confidence that after paying your phone bill that it won’t be cut off, have that same peace of mind about the price that Jesus paid and that You WILL NOT be cut off from the promises. Your sins are forgiven and you can have EVEYTHING God said you can have. The price has been paid, you just need to have faith and walk it out. If someone turned your phone off after you paid the bill you wouldn’t be happy and you wouldn’t stand for that. Have that same mindset when you encounter anything beneath what God already promised you, don’t put up with it. Be persistent and resist it. Let your situations know that you know the truth, the price is paid and God is not a man that he should lie, nor son of man that he should repent, if he said it’s yours!!(Numbers 23:19-20) Don’t be stopped by deception, resist it and shut it down with truth. Life and that more abundantly belongs to you. (John 10:10) God’s given us all things that pertains to life and godliness and that means we have everything we need to fulfill this life, we just have to know & believe it.(2 Peter 1:3-4)  When you know the price has already been paid for something nothing stops you from owning it!! The PRICE  HAS BEEN PAID, what Jesus did was NOT in vain, it WAS and STILL is effective. Healing belongs to you, peace of mind belongs to you, joy belongs to you, life and that more abundantly belongs to you, financial security belongs to you,  life and blessings belong to you, uncommon favor belongs to you! It belongs to you because it comes from God and he’s given it to you!  Don’t let anything keep you from knowing and believing what’s already been done. What we don’t see is just as real and even more real then what we see, so just because you don’t see what God has promised in front of you now doesn’t mean it’s NOT there or won‘t come. (Hebrews 11:3) Faith is pulling out of the invisible realm what’s needed to the visible realm because it ALREADY belongs to you. Your Source has given it to you. His word NEVER returns void.(Isaiah 55:11) The natural realm has to submit to the spiritual realm and the Bible says we have every spiritual blessing. (Ephesians 1:3). You belong to the Mightiest of all, the Creator of all, the One who has the final say! You’ve already won, don’t baby sit defeat it doesn’t belong to you. Remember, the Word says blessed is the person that yet believes even when they don’t see! (John 20:29) This is a faith walk and it’s never done in vain. You have what God says you have period! I speak now in the name of Jesus that you will NOT perish because of lack of knowledge, I speak you have everything God says you have and you shall see it manifest, I speak that you will be a light to someone else who needs to know about the goodness of the Father. Share what you’ve learned with someone and help them see clearly. It’s time to step out of blindness and ignorance and possess boldly what’s been rightfully given to you. The price has been paid!  Stay encouraged, stay in the race.

Friday, November 30, 2012

Don't Turn Your Back

Don’t turn your back on God when things seem tough. Understand you should be running toward God and not away from Him. You have to keep in mind that God has THE FINAL SAY and he’s ultimately in control so don’t give up on God. God has a way of making your cloudy days feel like sunny days when you learn to rest in Him. He has a way of making you realize what’s really important in life. Tests and trials should ultimately show you that with God you can make it through ANYTHING. With God all things are definitely possible, you just have to believe. (Matthew 19:26) Know that scriptures say, “WITH” God all things are possible and that means if you have the Greater One on the inside of you there’s NOTHING you can’t get through. With the Greater One we can move mountains, With the Greater One we can have peace in what should be chaotic situations, with the Greater One we can keep moving forward when we don’t feel like it. God empowers us to do all things through Christ who strengthens us. (Philippians 4:13) Whenever we go through we should see Christ and what He had to endured and tell yourself THERE’S NOWAY I’m giving up, because of what Christ did! Tell your situation when Christ said IT IS FINISHED that’s what he meant! (John 19:30) We live in Christ and He lives in us. (John 15:4) When we truly understand this truth we’ll get though ANYTHING. When you understand that the One who created what you see lives on the inside of you, it gives you uncommon strength. When you think back on who God is, you somehow seem to get more determined. You have to understand that God equips those he calls!! So if you’re going through something God already equipped you to get out of it! God will never put you in a place to get destroyed! God gave us one of the most important tools, he gave us HIS word!! His Word empowers us, it gives us knowledge about who He is! We have to structure our lives around The Word (Bible), meaning get up early enough to get in the Word to feed our spirits, to empower our angels. Don’t let your natural job prevent you from not having enough time to seek God and get to know Him, do what‘s necessary to have adequate time with your Father. You can’t have an excuse because you need to be filled with God’s word to survive. The bible says in Hosea 4:6, “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.“ As we speak the Word of God it gives our angels strength, our angels respond to God’s voice!! (Psalm 103:20) His voice is His word! The more you really know God the less tempted you’ll be to turn your back on him when going through. Whatever you face in life keep telling yourself, it’s ALL working for my good.(Romans 8:28) That’s the Word of God. So refuse to let “time-sensitive” test cause you to turn your back on an unlimited, unrestricted, unbound God. Know that test are eventually over, they don’t last! Tests bring promotions!! Keep your joy! Get your promotion and let God take you to where he want you to be. So keep smiling, keep singing& praising, keep your eyes on God because truly HE IS going to bring you through EVERY situation. When you can stick with God regardless of what you go through, that’s when you’ll really start to see things work out for your good. (Romans 8:28). DON'T turn your back on God, He's faithful!! Know the truth and be free. (John 8:36) Stay in the race.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Believe What They See

Believe the potential people see in you. There are times God will allow people to see things in us that we may not necessarily have discovered yet. We must be opened to listening and take into consideration the things people inform they see in us. We can use those moments to let God know we’re listening and ask him to show us how to bring them totally forth. God’s placed so much in us and as I said before, when time and experience meet what’s in us will be birthed out. You may have experienced someone saying, “I just see so many leadership abilities in you” but at the same time you may be thinking, “Who me?”. The answer to that question is yes, you. We have to believe all that God placed in us is there and believe that it will be birthed out even when we personally can’t see it. There are things that are currently in us in seed form waiting to be birthed out. There are things that need to be watered in our lives and fed to birth maturely. God knows everything about us even when we don’t. Know that as we continue to grow in the things of God we’ll begin to look different, become more mature, as we become more mature spiritually God will allow us to walk into new levels and dimensions. Just as David was initially a shepherd boy, as time and experience met and he went through some things he was established enough or ready to be king.(1 Samuel 16:11-13) David would not have initially imagined what God had in store for him but even though he may not have seen himself as king, God did. We have to trust God enough to know that if he calls us to do something or be in a certain office he’s also equipped us to carry out the task. So the next time someone says, “I see you being an entrepreneur,” don’t take it lightly but go to God to confirm if that’s something you should pursue. As I often say, God’s place great things inside us but we have to be willing to accept them and go through the process to actually see them birthed. Until next time, stay in the race. You’re loved, keep God 1st. God Bless.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

The Audience of One

When you focus on the right Audience, you’ll get desired results. Focus on the Audience of One, God. Let God be your focus. Do what you do to please God and watch everything line up. (Matthew 6:33) When we keep our eyes on the Creator he’ll give us the creation we‘re supposed to have. We must let God know that we honor him above all and that He’s the most important. If your main purpose for doing something is to please people and you’re placing people above God, you will eventually get let down because people are only satisfied for a moment. But when your main purpose is to please God you’ll stay fulfilled because God always reciprocates and refills. When your focus is right what you desire will come into focus because you’re looking in the right direction. When you’re looking in the right direction you’ll begin to see things that are part of destiny. You’ll begin to notice others headed in the same direction. Things will become clear. God can direct you and show you so many things when he has your attention. So don’t let anything distract you, keep pleasing the Audience of One. Keep excelling. Keep God 1st, above all. Stay encouraged.

Don't Be Shocked

Don’t be shocked when you’re not liked. Realize you’re made in the image & likeness of your Father. (Genesis 1:26). The enemy will never like you because he sees your Maker when he looks at you. The enemy is constantly reminded of his defeat and fall when he sees the people of God. Understand he’s already defeated so don’t waste all your time on him. Give your energy to building the Kingdom and using the authority that the Father has already given you. Focus on the things above. (Phillipians 4:8). Continually focus on moving forward in life and don’t be stopped by hate because God’s love is greater. Keep your armor on and be  unstoppable (Ephesians 6:11). Know that God covers his. So keep rejoicing and showing love, God got this. Stay in the race.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


Resist the devil and he'll flee from you. (James 4:7). The devil is already defeated, whenever he tries to speak lies to you resist him by speaking the Word of God. Put the Truth on his lies and eliminate him. He'll try to come in to test what you believe so know the Word of God. Remember what Jesus did when he was in the wilderness He shut the devil down with the Word and the devil had no choice but to flee from him.(Matthew 4:1-11) When you know the truth it's hard to be deceived. Remember deception and lack of knowledge is what defeats many people of God. As the Bible says in Hosea 4:6 NLT "My people perish because they don't know Me." And the NKJV says, "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge." If you don't know the truth or don't believe the truth there's a great chance you'll be deceived. You have to know that the enemy comes to steal, kill, and destroy so whatever he tells you is a definite lie.(John 10:10). As my Pastor says, if the enemy can't deceive you he can't defeat you. In Jude 1:9 it even spoke that the archangel Michael simply said, "The Lord rebuke you," to the devil. For Michael knew that the enemy was full of lies and that he had already been rebuked. So the next time the devil tries to bring something to u just say, "The Lord rebuked you!" And speak the word of God. Know the truth and stay free. Get what belongs to you because you believe the truth. Keep resisting the devil and believe what God says about you. The truth stands and lies will fall. Stay encouraged. Stay in the race.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Dreams Do Become Reality

Dreams do become reality but you have to believe it first. If you don’t believe in your dreams and what God told you then you may not see it come to past. Understand, what God tells you is definitely true and possible. Know that everything  that tries to come against you in life is trying to prevent you from believing the truth, believing what God said. But don’t let anything take away or contaminate your faith. Your faith is the title deed to what God said you can have. It’s holding or having ownership of what he said you can have before you can actually see it. It’s the substance of things hoped for (Hebrews 11:1). So see yourself having the legal document that informs “It” belongs to you.  Just like a car, when you get the title and your name is on it no one can tell you that it’s not yours. Have the same mindset when God tells you something belongs to you or gives you a dream. Let the Word of God (Bible) be your constant reminder that God cannot fail. Tell yourself that it’s mine and it will not be taken away. Tell yourself my dreams and everything God told me is “coming into view.” At every step keep telling yourself that and see God move. Protect your faith. Hold on to what God promised and never lose hope. Keep taking the necessary practical steps to see your dreams become reality. Remember, if God gave you the vision, he’ll also show you how to work it. Never give up on God. Never get discouraged when you’ve done what you know to do and still don’t see desired results. Have patience, let your faith continually be developed, and always keep in mind that miracles are what God specializes in. You were made for greatness, you have the Greater One in you (1 John 4:4). So keep smiling and have faith in God. The dream or promises God gave you will become reality. Stay encouraged. Stay in the race.

Friday, November 16, 2012

God Will Provide

Genesis 22:13:14 “13 Then Abraham lifted his eyes and looked, and there behind him was a ram caught in a thicket by its horns. So Abraham went and took the ram, and offered it up for a burnt offering instead of his son. 14 And Abraham called the name of the place, The-Lord-Will-Provide; as it is said to this day, “In the Mount of the Lord it shall be provided.”

God will provide regardless of what it looks like. He’s your Shepherd you shall not want. (Psalm 23:1) Understand that your situation doesn’t limit God. God can move in any situations. There’s nothing too big or small for him to do. There’s nothing greater than him. Keep doing the best you can do and keep your hope in the right One. As David said, I’ve never seen the righteous forsaken nor his seed begging bread. (Psalm 37:25). God keeps his word, keep trusting Him. Stay encouraged, keep your joy, keep your peace, and keep being a blessing to others. Stay in the race.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Beyond What You Can See

The wisest person may not be carrying books and the strongest person may not be ripped. The ones you may need to learn from may not be the ones you typically expect. Be willing to hear what God wants you to know from the vessel He sends. At times our preconceived ideas about someone or a type of person can keep us stagnant because we‘re being too picky and not opened to something different. We can learn so much from others if we choose to look beyond the cover of a person. As many know, God looks at the heart of the man, not the outer appearance. (1 Samuel 16:7). God sees things differently from how we see them and if we don't learn this we'll miss out on a lot.  Everybody you expect to have the answers may not have what you need. That’s why you have to be sensitive to what God tells you and be continually lead by the Spirit. Samuel learned this when anointing David, when he seen Jesse’s other sons he thought surely they were who God wanted as king because of their outer appearance but God had other plans. What you see on the outside doesn’t necessarily qualify you for the part. A lot of times God will use someone we least expect to carry out His plans or to even minister to us. There are some things that will not turn out the exact way we believe it should but it will turn out better if we are opened and lead by God. So don’t be closed minded, be opened to receive what God is saying.  Look beyond the cover, see the heart. Stay encouraged and stay in the race. (@EriHolmes)

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Endure & Receive

Faith causes you to see what others can’t. It causes you to do things that others don’t understand. Never let another person’s unbelief cause you to miss what God has for you. If you have to stand alone to get what God has for you, do it!! Stay away from negative people and surround yourself around people who believe in your vision. Don’t be discouraged, God has people set aside to carry out your vision because he loves you. Understand that faith will cause you to keep moving when NOTHING makes sense. Faith will cause you keep going when you feel like you can’t go on. Faith will cause you to face fear head on because you know who your Father is and what he told you. If the Father told you something or gave you a dream hold on to it with ALL you have!!! Don’t give up because of what your five senses are telling or showing you!! Don’t give up if things are not making sense. Don’t give up if it seems you have nothing left to give. Don’t give up if you feel drained. Don’t give up because God will NEVER give up on you. God has things already figured out, you just have to keep walking by faith to receive it!! Continue daily to decree and declare the Word of God over your life. Refuse to give up and not receive what God has for. Let your faith be built as you keep moving daily beyond where you thought you could go. God hasn’t forgotten about you. He hasn’t forgotten what He told you. God didn’t give you a promise and then took it back NO, God’s mind is made up to bless you, BELIEVE that!! You are favored by God and it will remain. Psalm 30:5 says "His favor is for life." God wants to bless you so you can bless someone else. Shortly you will see why you had to go through all of this. Results are closer today then they were yesterday. Each day, each step, each prayer, each breath, each moment, brings you closer to your release. You may’ve or may currently be experiencing some things that you’ve NEVER experienced before but know that GOD is about to BLESS you like YOU’VE NEVER been blessed before!! He’s Faithful!! So I speak strength to you, men and women of God. I speak endurance to you all. I speak restoration beyond belief to you all. I speak blessings beyond measure to you all. I speak a sound mind to you all. I speak that boldness and faithfulness will remain and lead you! You will NOT miss what God has for you! Stay on the path GOD paved for you!! You will get there, just don’t quit!! Hebrews 6:15 "And so, after he had patiently endured, he obtained the promise." Endure and receive. Keep encouraging others, keep showing love to others, stay committed to your call and watch God move. Never let what you're going through hinder you from ministering to others. Stay encouraged and Stay in the race!

Sunday, November 11, 2012


Enough is enough! God sees all and is stepping in. God is about to show himself so strong and mighty that NO ONE will be able to deny who HE IS!! People will know who belongs to God!! It’s happening! Don’t give up, keep the faith, accept His grace!! Uncommon favor time for the children of God!! Stay in the Race.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Train Your Thoughts

Make sure your thoughts are lining up with the Word of God. As Philippians 4:8-9 says, “8 Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things. 9 The things which you learned and received and heard and saw in me, these do, and the God of peace will be with you.”
Regardless of what we go through, we can’t forget that He who promised is faithful.(Hebrews 10:23). We can't let what God has already told us be drowned out by testing situations. We have to learn how to take negative mentalities and align them back up with what the Word of God says. God’s Word is true and it’s impossible for Him to fail. We have to remind ourselves on a daily and throughout the day that we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us.(Philippians 4:13). The Word must stay embedded in our hearts and minds so we can keep moving forward the way God wants us to. I want to encourage you all to begin to speak the Word of God aloud and remind yourself of what God said about your life. Every time a negative thought tries to enter your mind shut it down by speaking the Word of God. Begin to see yourself at the end desired result. Know that God sees everything and knows everything so we have to keep trusting in Him with all we have. So don’t get discouraged by what looks to be a bad situation but be reminded that God can change your situations in a moment. Know that even when it doesn’t seem like it, God is working on your behalf. Even when you don’t understand, God already has an answer for your situation. So rejoice always (1 Thessalonians 5:16)! Everything will fall into place if you keep allowing God to lead you. Stay focused on God, what he said about your life, the dreams he’s placed in you, and never let a temporary situations cause you to forget about our faithful unchanging permanent God. Go all the way, no excuses! -Stay Encouraged.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Pray and Listen

When you pray, make sure you’re expecting to see what you prayed for. At times we can so caught up in the cycle of saying prayers religiously and not really expecting to see results. Our hearts and minds must be in agreement with that prayer. You have to believe what you prayed for can and will happen. Understand that if you’re praying for something aligned with God’s will for your life you will get it. As you pray you need to begin to see yourself with what you petitioned God for. The bible says in 1 John 5:14-15 "Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. 15 And if we know that He hears us, whatever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we have asked of Him."

Also, you must be patient but confident that your prayers will be answered. You can’t complain about the same situation you just prayed for. After you pray see that situation being transferred to God and see him handling it. You can’t worry or doubt. Worrying is a sign of fear and lack of faith. Worrying will prevent you from receiving what God has for you. The bible calls one who doubts double-minded, being unstable in all their ways. James 1:6- 8 "But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind. 7 For let not that man suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord; 8 he is a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways." Understand that in order to please God you must do it by faith. Hebrews 11:6 "But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him."

Activate your faith by rejoicing after you pray. Activate your faith by thanking God for giving you what you asked for. The Bible also says in Philippians 4:6 "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; 7 and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus." Regardless of what goes on, know that God hears the prayers of his children and the Bible says the prayers of the righteous avail much. (James 5:16). Have the prayer of faith. Keep expecting to see the manifestation of your prayers. Keep your ears tuned in to hear what the Spirit is saying and obey when God speaks. Pray and listen. Rejoice, God will never fail us, remember that. Stay in the race.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Growing Up, Part of Life

1 Corinthians 13:11 NLT “When I was a child, I spoke and thought and reasoned as a child. But when I grew up, I put away childish things.” Being a child is part of life but it doesn’t last forever you‘re eventually supposed to grow up. Most things you did when you were a child you can’t do as an adult. As a child you may have thrown temper tantrums to get your way and many of us as adults try this with God. Just because you don’t get what you want when you want it, doesn’t mean throw a fit and shut down on God. We can’t shorten our prayer times or reading the Word times with God if things aren’t going as we planned. You have to understand that everything you ask for may not be good for you or it may not be time for you to have it yet.  Just like most kids and sweets, they want sweets before their dinner but as we all know that would spoil their appetite. From a kid’s point of view, they can’t understand why they can’t have that piece of cake before dinner but from a parent’s point of view it’s understood that cake before dinner may spoil the appetite or cause a tummy ache. We may not be able to understand why we can’t have a certain thing from God right now but we have to trust him and grow up. Grow up meaning being patient without complaining and getting angry at God. Knowing without a shadow of doubt that he will carry out what he promised, not a second too soon or a second too late, right on time. God has us where he wants us, we gotta trust him. God has us in his best interest and will always do what’s best for us. Just as Psalm 32:8 says” The Lord says, “I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you..” The way God is taking you is the way you should go. Don’t be impatient with God. There are things God’s protecting you from, there’s heartaches & unnecessary disappointments God’s is keeping you from by leading you down the path he paved out for your life. Stay content, patience is working something out of you that’s tied to your destiny. As James 1:3-4 says, " 3 For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. 4 So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing." Keep doing things God’s way and keep growing. As many know, growth is a constant process so don’t stunt your growth by refusing to do things God’s way. Keep moving forward. Stay in the Race.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

What Belongs to Him

All the glory belongs to God. Remember in everything you do to give the glory to God. It is because of Him that we were created. It was because of Him that we were given a second chance. We can never forget who makes it all possible. As in 1 Corinthians 1:31 says, “that, as it is written, “He who glorifies, let him glory in the Lord.” Instead of boasting in ourselves, let ‘s boast in God. The Bible says man’s glory is as the flower of the grass, the grass withers and the flower falls away. (1 Peter 1:24) Understand what lasts, God’s Word last, God is the Word. Know who you’re living for. We’re not living to shine for ourselves, we’re living to shine for God. This is a God thing. It’s about letting Christ shine through you so people will know who God is. Before you initiate something, come to the truth that you’re doing  it to please God. In Romans 16: 27 Apostle Paul ends the letter to the church in Rome by saying, “to God, alone wise, be glory through Jesus Christ forever. Amen.” Apostle Paul understood who gave him insight, he understood who makes all things possible, he understood as he walked his life out for Christ it gave Glory to God. Apostle Paul was careful to inform others who gave Him the ability to make things happen and we should as well. King Herod is an example of why we can’t take God’s glory, in Acts 12:23 it says, “Then immediately an angel of the Lord struck him, because he did not give glory to God. And he was eaten by worms and died.” We can never forget who places us in high places and what we‘re placed there for. God gives us breath, he gives us provision, he gives us favor, he gives love, he gives us hope, he gives us the ability to do all things. Without him we are nothing and can do nothing. (John 15:5). So let humility lead you and keep God in his proper place by giving Him the glory. As we honor God he’ll bring us to where we need to be. We know that whoever exalts himself will be humbled and whoever humbles himself will be exalted. (Matthew 23:12). God will exalt you in due time if you stay humble. (1 Peter 5:6). If we took just a moment to realize what we couldn’t do without God, we’d be quick to give Him what belongs to Him. Let's thank God on a daily for His grace and mercy. We know no one is perfect and we've all fallen short of His glory (Romans 3:23) but let's not allow our lack of perfection to keep us from doing better. Start your day with the mindset that it’s because of Him I’m able to see another day and keep God first. Enjoy your day.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Don't Give it Away!

Don’t give away what belongs to you! Don’t give up on what God’s given you. Never let a person or thing take away your joy or peace, God gave you that. Never be tricked out of your inheritance. Shut down deception with truth, take the blinders off and see what God's already placed in your life. Protect your heart, dreams, visions, ministry, and family. Learn to stay under God’s covering. Learn to plead the blood of Jesus over your life to put everything on notice that you’re covered! Don’t let things be taken away from you illegally, don’t let the devil operate in your life, shut him down. Luke 10:19 says, we have power over all the power of the enemy. I’m reiterating what we have not to boast about it but so that you learn to stay in your rightful place as a child of God. When you truly understand the power God’s given you and you truly understand that there’s more with you then against you, you’d begin to take your place of authority, you wouldn‘t let your belongings be snatched away. (2Kings 6:16).  Don’t be fooled , know the truth. The truth will always be the last thing standing so hold onto it, don’t be deceived!  Begin to decree and declare the Word of God(Truth) over your life on a daily. Make known what It says out in the atmosphere and command it established. It’s up to us to believe the Word and walk it out by faith. Revelation 3:11 says, "I am coming soon.[d] Hold on to what you have, so that no one will take away your crown." Regardless of what happens in life, regardless of how you feel, never give way your inheritance. Never give up on God, keep trusting him, keep Him first. He’ll never change his mind about you, he loves you. Remember, God remains faithful, Stay in the race.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Focus & Finish

Hey everyone, I just wanted to send a short blog to encourage you all to focus and finish. Don’t be distracted by daily struggles but be focused on the Word of God and finish what he placed in your heart. Know that everything God placed in your heart was for a reason and wasn’t placed there by accident. God doesn’t make mistakes so trust the plan God paved out for your life. There’s a reason why you like certain things, there’s a reason why you have certain gifts, there’s a reason why you look the way you look, embrace it you were created just as God wanted you to be. If you have a strong desire to be an entrepreneur or whatever else and the desire won’t go away it’s something you need to look into pursuing. God places longings in us to be fulfilled. If you’ve started a new venture and it seems like things are getting a little rocky don’t give up, keep working and keep believing what God placed in you will prosper. Don’t be afraid to go after what you’re passionate about. Speak the Word of God over your dreams and visions God’s given you, keep seeing yourself prosper in those things. Don’t allow negativity to surround you or come out of you but stay positive and keep speaking out what you want to see. Focus until you finish, no excuses. Know that God will back you  up and provision will be made when you carry out a vision or dream he’s given you. So refuse to give up. I pray your strength and joy is renewed. I pray you have a new excitement about what God placed in you and the desire to fulfill the things God’s placed in you strengthens. As Jeremiah 29:11 says, “ For I know the plans I have for you” so trust God and keep moving forward, He knows all. Time for more results. Stay in the race.

Saturday, October 27, 2012


Pride and fear can be very dangerous and can keep you from getting what God has for you. Pride will tell you that people will look at you differently just because you need help. Pride will cause you live life isolated because you don’t want people to know you’re struggling with something. Pride will cause you to live life in need. Understand that we can’t isolate ourselves from others because God can use someone else to help us out of a situation. Love your well-being more than your self-image and be willing to get help when needed. "Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and He will lift you up" (James 4:10), let God help you. So many prayers can be answered if we’d just be willing to let pride go and accept help. Many think getting help is a sign of weakness. I think getting help is a sign of strength because you’re willing to do what’s necessary to better yourself. It always amazes me how God will send the exact people to help at the right time. Everybody needs some type of help at some point in life and that’s ok, that‘s life. We weren't meant to do it all alone. God loves you and will continue to show love by meeting your need. So keep moving forward. Regardless of how God meets your needs, accept the help God sends and stay encouraged. Let pride go. Stay in the race.

Friday, October 26, 2012

What Makes You Different?

In order to be a world changer you must first be changed by the Word. The world is looking for something different they're looking for what they don't have, they're looking for God. You can't be like the world and expect to make a difference. You can't do things the same way they're doing them and expect to get different results. If you're like the world you'll blend in but you have to be like Christ and show the world the love of Christ. You have to be willing to stand out. You have to let the Word of God transform you before becoming a changer for anyone. As Romans 12:2 says, "And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God." You must be changed first. You can't be ashamed of who you serve, you can't be ashamed to share the Gospel, you can't be ashamed to show the love of God. We were chosen by God to show the love of God to others. We were chosen by God to do His work not what we want to do but what he wants to do through us, not my will but Your Will be done God. If we live life selfishly we've missed the whole point of life. Life is bigger than just you, it's about someone else. You can't be so caught up in self that you can't see another person hurting. You've been through things in life and learned about things to help others. You'll never get very far in life if all you think about is yourself. I say this often but Jesus himself came for us not to save himself! We needed Him! He was the Word made Flesh! God in earth. He seen the bigger picture that if he gave his life everyone else could have eternal life. He seen the bigger picture. But do you see the bigger picture? Do you see that your helping another person can save their life, it can give them hope, it can show them what God is all about. Helping someone else can give them the desire to help another person. Life is not about how many cars you can get or how many diamonds you can have, it's about what you can give that will make the difference. You can't get caught up on only wanting material things so bad that you forget your purpose in life. You have to understand that as you do the work of the Lord he'll do work on your behalf and you'll have material things. The bible says in Matthew 6:33, seek first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness and all things shall be added to you. This is bigger than just you. The Kingdom of God is God's way of doing things. The bible says the Kingdom of God is righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost(Romans 14:17). The only way to attain any of those things is through God. You can't have his Spirit if you don't know him. You can't have unshakable peace without God, you can't know what real joy is without God. You are not the righteousness of God without God. It's because of Jesus seeing beyond himself that allows us to have all these things including the Spirit of God which makes all things happen. You have to be willing to see beyond yourself to make a bigger difference. You don't have to go across the world to make a difference you can make a difference in your community. Don't get me wrong, there are people who are called overseas but many are called to their own backyards, own communities. You have to be willing to do God's work where you're at. The only way to do God's work is to know what God's about and be transformed by His word. His word makes you a world changer, not the world. Be willing to let the Word of God change you first before thinking you're going to change another. Being changed by God allows you to lead people in the right direction. It allows people to see the light and life of God. Let's be positive world changers, they're looking for someone like you. So let God transform you so you can help transform the world. Know the truth and stay free. Stay in the race.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

The Basics

Make sure you know the Word of God. You have to spend time in the Bible to get to know what God says about you. You must spend time with God in prayer to commune with him. Learn to feed your spirit often. Your spirit needs food just like your natural body needs food. If you starve your spirit you will become malnourished and won’t be able to stand the tests of life. We fight with the Word. As in Ephesians 6: 17 it speaks that the sword of the Spirit is the Word of God. The Word of God gives you substance, it sustains you  throughout life. You can never forget the basics, the Word of God and prayer. As in Philippians 4:6  it says don’t worry about anything but pray about everything. In the Bible it also says pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:17) It also says this kind comes out only by fasting and praying (Matthew 17:21). Prayer is mentioned many times in the Bible to show it’s importance. It’s not something you can live without. In your prayer time God can really speak. In your prayer time things become clear. In your prayer time you get strengthen. We also know that John 1:1 says the Word is God. When you know the Word, you know God. The only way to get to know someone is to spend time with them. The only way to get to know God is to spend time with Him. God desires a relationship with us but do we desire the same thing? It can be so easy to make excuses throughout life as to why we don’t have time to spend with God. But if we realized that it’s because of Him we’re still breathing and moving we’d get a different revelation about prayer and getting in the Word. Let this thing become personal to you, become intimate with this thing. It’s your life line, it truly is. I pray you all have a hunger and thirst to get into God’s Word more and pray more. I pray the same for myself too, we can all get better. When you understand the benefits of what prayer does and that the most effective way to fight the devil is with the Word, you’d do it all the time. Don’t forget the basics. Stay in the race.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012


Do things in excellence, do it God's way. Don't rush the plan of God but let it flow. Let God develop the finishing touches in you before he brings you to this next place in life. Be patient but keep moving. Stay prepared and encouraged. Seasons are changing and you can’t lose focus when things start to unfold. Keep God in proper place as he takes you higher, it's because of Him that we're promoted. Without God we're nothing so remember in the positions he allows you to be in to give him the glory. Know that our names are made known on earth for God's sake. It's for his purpose that we're favored beyond measure. It's for the plan of God that we're brought to great places. Know that you didn’t get to where you are alone, God orchestrated it. You can never forget who is good and where good comes from, God. We have to stay humble in our places of elevation because it's God that keeps us there. So be patient and let God reveal what you’ve been preparing for because once it's all unveiled it's going to blow your mind. God's plans for us were always for good. (Jeremiah 29:11). You're going to be glad you did things God's way and that you waited. So stay humble, stay in His word, keep praying, things are about to change.  Stay in the race. #KeepGod1st

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Not Weak

To fail doesn’t mean you’re weak it means you’re human. Learn to use your failures as motivation to do better. Failing doesn’t mean it’s the end it means you have another opportunity to do something better. When you fail it’s a lesson on what not to do or what you need to do better. All lessons learned make us wiser, they prepare us for our victory. Also, know what victory means to you. Victory can have different meanings and is measured differently for each person so don’t wear yourself thin trying to be like someone else. Victory is reaching YOUR desired result. So you can’t look at someone else life and go after their victory, you have to learn how to walk out your own victories in life. I believe many more people could  be successful today if they would just use the tools God’s given them and stay focused on what God want them to do, not trying to be someone else. You can go so far in life if you keep your eyes on God.Your victory is on the path God created for you.
Know that most times success happens after trying and trying again. Success takes times and determination. Just like Thomas Edison, he didn’t create the best light bulb the first time, it took him many tries to come up with a successful invention but he didn’t give up. Determination and commitment will lead you to success, they will prevent you from giving up. So never think just because you fail at something that it’s over but be willing to make the necessary adjustments for better results next time. Know there’s always a lesson to learn in your test so pay attention. Remember, it’s not how many times you fall but how many times you get back up that matters. So no matter how long it takes you to complete your task or to reach that desired level of success, learn to go at your own pace. Going at another person’s pace can kill you. Be content with the path that God’s called you to walk on and don’t give up. Stay in your lane, stay encouraged and stay in the race. 

Monday, October 22, 2012

Can't Be Stopped

You can’t be stopped unless you want to be. You have to make up in your mind that what you’re going after is worth fighting for. You have to believe that what you stand for is real. You have to know in your heart that God’s word is true, period. You will face challenges and disappointments in life but that doesn’t mean give up, it means go harder.  You have to use your tests and trials as motivational tools. Be motivated to overcome them and see God work. Adversity shouldn’t pull you away from God , it should bring you closer to God. The mere fact that you have any opposition should provoke you to reposition for the victory. When  something comes against you it should remind you that you’re carrying greatness. The enemy goes after ones who have something! Purpose and destiny lies in you, don’t quit. So instead of backing up when a battle comes, face it. We have to keep in mind that this battle belongs to God and there’s more with us then against us. (2 Chronicles 20:15, 2 Kings 6:16-17))  Put prayer, faith, & works on your situation. God is working behind the scene, in actuality he already worked before the scene came to past! Go forth confident in the plan of God even if you don’t know everything. One thing is for sure, God is with us and He knows what he’s doing. The devil can’t stop God plans so don’t be deceived, keep moving forward. If we continue to allow God to lead us we’ll be lead to victory every time. You have to know who you belong to. You belong to God, who is the Greatest and there is none above Him. If God placed a dream in your heart don’t let nothing stop you from making it happen. Take a “can do” from God instead of a “can’t do” from man. If God said you can, move on it. God can see what we can’t see so we have to learn to really trust him. Nothing we go through should be able to separate us from the love of God, nothing.  (Romans 8:35-39) God has been truly good to us, he’s given us life, we have nothing to complain about. Because we have life we have ability and because we have ability we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. (Philippians 4:13)We are able to do something about our situations, keep believing God. He’s given us the ability to make things happen. Know who's inside you, the Greater One is living in you. (1 John 4:4) So keep smiling, keep praying, keep believing, keep going . Learn to rest in God because he is the final say, he’s victory. We’re winning.  Encouraged, don’t be stopped. #Stay in the race.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Prayer of Encouragement

I pray that you all experience God in a greater way. I pray you all are drawn closer to God in your everyday life. I pray you are strengthen in your walk with Christ and grow daily. I pray you will not be drained by tests&trials but refreshed by God's Word and His Spirit. I speak that you are refreshed and encouraged. You will not faint, keep going. You will not be intimidated by the devil, he's already defeated, know your authority! You will not be too tired to receive your reward. I bind the python& grave spirit that attempts to come drain and suck the life out of you and command them to cease to exist in your life. I loose rejuvenation, help, and new Godly mentorship/relationships in your life. You will not be stagnated but will continually advance in life. I pray the support you need in the natural realm is released. You will not go backwards but you will keep moving forward in life. Life is worth living and you will see the reward. I bind the spirit of discouragement& rejection and command it to cease to exist in your life. I loose joy, encouragement, open doors, peace, love, hope, and strength in your life. You will NOT die but LIVE and declare the works of the Lord! I declare and decree this is your season and time for restoration, manifestation, magnificent favor,overflowing love, a surplus of peace, unexplainable blessings, countless miracles, advancement of your ministry and overall enjoyment of life. I speak it now in the name of Jesus. Receive it and keep speaking the Word of God. Never stop trusting God. What God has in store for you will bring tears of joy to your eyes. This is also a time where we'll receive tears of joy instead of mourning. Never accept less than God's Word. Keep doing what God called you to do regardless of what it looks like. If God gave you the vision he'll also get you the provision. Don't look to yourself but look to a higher power, God. Depend on God. As I speak these words I also encourage myself. I want to see all the people of God prosper in all areas of life and be the light full force that God called us to be. Stay in the race. Much love.

Read Deuteronomy 28:1-14. Isaiah 60
Isaiah 61:3

Friday, October 19, 2012

Something for the Singles

Something for the Singles

Never sell yourself short or chase after a fantasy. Don't accept being just an option, be an only choice. Don't go after a person that can't accept you for who you are. Don't waste your energy trying to change yourself for someone because the person that's for you will accept you. Don't ignore open doors, what's already there, because you think you want what's behind a closed door, something you haven't seen yet. Know your value. Know who God made you to be.
Desire to have someone that has the heartbeat of God. Desire someone that pushes you towards God and not away from God. Desire to have someone that loves God first before they love you. Desire someone that's not caught up in self but willing to help another. Desire to have someone who know who they are in Christ. Desire someone that is not a distraction but a motivation to keep living right. Desire someone that supports you not make excuses. We only have one life to live here on earth so make sure you choose to live it with someone that pushes you toward destiny and not away from it.

Remember, always be careful what you ask for and don't try to be seen by someone you know that's not good for you. Make sure your motives are right because if not, it's time and energy wasted. Keep your eyes on God first and he'll bring you to where you're supposed to be. Never accept less than what God told you can have. Stay focused, let God lead you. Stay in the race.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

What Jesus Did

Never forget what Jesus did. If it wasn’t for his coming we’d still be lost. Think about where you were when you gave your life to him. He took you out of a chaotic place and brought you to a place of peace. Don’t let your current hardships cause you to have amnesia. Never forget what Jesus did. He redeemed us from the curse of the law (Galatians 3:13) He redeemed us from sickness, poverty, satan. He reconciled us back with the Father. So never accept anything less than what he gave his life for. Don’t accept sickness, don’t accept poverty, don’t accept satan trespassing trying to harass you, don’t accept separation from God, don’t accept the results of curse. Because of what Jesus did we have wealth, health, prosperity, reconciliation, eternal life, liberty belongs to us. All good things come from above, never forget that (James 1:17). Know that God wants the best for you so never accept less than His word. Don’t be deceived by the devil, he’s already been defeated, don’t believe what he tells you. Truth defeats deception. So accept what Christ did and live the way Christ paved for you. Stay in the race.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Do for Others

Philippians 2:3-5 (NLT)“3 Don’t be selfish; don’t try to impress others. Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourselves. 4 Don’t look out only for your own interests, but take an interest in others, too.
5 You must have the same attitude that Christ Jesus had.”  Keep others in mind and be willing to go the extra mile for someone else. Christ came to help others and I believe our purpose is to do the same in some way. So whatever way God’s equipped you to help others be willing to share it and share the love of God with someone else. Remember, it's the little things that can make the most difference. Also, know the love you show to others by helping them in some way is a seed planted. One plants, another waters, and it's God that gives the increase. So do your part in planting or watering and let God do his part.
1 Corinthians 3:6-9 NLT says, "6 I planted the seed in your hearts, and Apollos watered it, but it was God who made it grow. 7 It’s not important who does the planting, or who does the watering. What’s important is that God makes the seed grow. 8 The one who plants and the one who waters work together with the same purpose. And both will be rewarded for their own hard work. 9 For we are both God’s workers. And you are God’s field. You are God’s building."
You never have to beat someone over the head with religion, just learn to show the love of God and they'll get it :). God is about love not a religion, remember that. Because of His love Christ came and helped us so now be willing to help another. Stay encouraged and never let your light for Christ go out. Stay in the race. -Eri

Monday, October 15, 2012


Stay grateful for the ones in your life. At times we can get so  caught up on wanting something else that we ignore what we already have. Know what you have. It’s easy to get too complacent with the ones you know because you’re around them the most. When you get too complacent with someone it can be hard to accept what they tell you. Just because you know a lot about a person doesn’t mean they can’t tell you something new or speak wisdom to you. The people around you prepare you for the future.Understand, God knew the exact people to place around you, he knew the exact family to raise you in. The people around us help develop us, they help bring out what God placed in us.
I’m grateful for who I have in my life. I’m grateful for the lessons I’ve learned through the people closest to me. There comes a point when you just need to sit and think about all you already have in life and be grateful. I have ones in my family that encourage me to keep making dreams happen. I have family and friends that won’t let me give up. I have people that continue to see great things in me when I don’t see them in myself.  I have friends that reminds me of what God says daily. Sometimes we take the closest ones to us for granted. We  can’t downplay a word from God because it’s not from who we want to hear it from then be quick to accept that same word from a stranger. We truly have to know what we have and show appreciation. God mostly speaks through people and most times he’ll speak just what you need to hear from people you already know. You can’t refuse a word from someone because you don’t like something about them especially when you know it’s God speaking. Remember ,God spoke through a donkey, he can use anything! (Numbers 22:28) Pay attention, there’s things God want to tell you, so don’t write off the people you already know. They can tell you the thing you’ve been waiting to hear that will propel you to that next level. Stay encouraged and stay grateful. Stay in the race.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Your Past Positioned You for Now

Your past has positioned you for now. It has positioned you for the future. The pain you endured was not about the pain but it was to cause you to move from where you were to where you needed to be. Understand that some choices we’ve made in the past were not the best which caused us to be in the wrong position. But God had a plan for our lives so he caused us to be uncomfortable so we’d move into the right place so he could use us. So you can’t be imprisoned by your past hurts but you must learn that if it wasn’t for that pain you may still be in the same position. Learn to be grateful you left toxic situations because God has greater for you. Also, understand life is not all about what you can get but what you give. Your past has given you experiences and with those experiences you can help others. Time and experience are great teachers because they bring out what was always in you. So be joyful that you’re in position to be used by God, that’s when blessing really start to flow. Know that God sees the bigger picture and he knows what it takes to bring you to where you‘re supposed to be. Your heartbreaks, your financial struggles, your lonely moments, and everything else you’ve endured have taught you that it’s only God that brings you through. You’ve been able to realize the only constant thing while going through was God, he never changed he remained faithful. You’ve found out who was really for you and you’ve found out what you can live without. The One that was always there to rescue you was God ,which reiterates that without Him you can do nothing. So rejoice in all you’ve gained throughout these times. Trying times allowed you to really get to know God. Don’t hate your past because it positioned you for now. Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. God's plans were always for our good. Stay encouraged. Stay in the race.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

A Preview

Everything God shows us is not necessarily for us at that moment, it could be just a preview for what’s to come. At times God will allow us to see certain things to let us know he hasn’t forgotten about us. He will also show you things to let you know what you’re preparing for. There are many things in life we believe we want but God knows exactly what we need. I strongly believe that if we wait on God to give us what we need we’ll be happy we didn’t get what we thought we wanted back then. Whatever God has placed aside for us to have is greater than what we think we want. God gives us what we need on our path with him. He gives us things that are a part of our destinies. I do believe he’ll give us our heart’s desires as our desires line up with Him. As 1 John 5:14-15 says, “14 And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us:15 And if we know that he hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of him.” So stay encouraged when God shows you a preview of what’s to come. He’ll never forget us and he’s always thinking about us. Stay in the race.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


I’ve found out that the only One who can permanently satisfy your desire for attention is God. We all go through moments when we feel we need attention so we must be careful to look to God at those moments. Those moments are critical because one wrong move could leave us worse off then we were before. I’ve looked to many things throughout my life to fulfill my desire for attention but nothing satisfied it until I focused my attention on the One who’s always there. The busyness of life can cause us to forget that we have a God that never leaves us. People come and go but God remains. In John 15:4 it says, Abide in me, and I in you. So we must remember to abide in God, desire God, and he’ll fulfill our desires because he’s truly the only one that knows exactly what we need.  We have a God that loves us unconditionally and will never let us down. God desires to give us attention all the time but at times our own efforts don’t reciprocate that and we tend not to be open to receiving His attention. At times we can believe that receiving attention from another person is better than receiving it from God but that’s the wrong mindset because people can change their mind about you but God won’t. I’ve learned that the attention that God gives is like none other, it’s more than enough. God has a way of making you feel special in your weakness times. God cares so much about us and wants the best for us. Don’t be down and out because you feel no one cares about you. Know that God cares and the enemy wants you to believe you’re not cared for. If you allow your mind to be overtaken by dangerous thoughts that’s when the enemy can work best. You have to know you’re the apple of God’s eye and once you realize how much He loves you you’d kiss your down days goodbye. Realize that once your focus is on God and His ways of doing things,  he’ll give you everything you need. Just as Matthew 6:33 says, seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and  all things shall be added. We have to learn how to be satisfied with God first because he’s truly is in control. God knows more about us then we know about ourselves so be willing to spend time with Him. Be willing to get to know Him.  As James 4:8 NLT says, “Come close to God and God will come close to you.“ Know that God will send others in your life but you must keep in mind that a person can never take Gods place. Keep God in proper place and you’ll stay fulfilled. Remember, God touches the hearts of people so you don’t have to do crazy things to get attention, let God lead the right ones to you, trust Him. He’s our Father and knows us best. Stay encouraged and stay in the race.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

It's Bigger than Me

Often I have to tell myself this as I go through life’s hurdles. I have to remind myself that it’s bigger than Me. Things I’ve been through and currently going through, are constantly building me to be the person God called me to be. I’ve had successes, I’ve had failures and I’m still standing. Life is not perfect but my peace is made perfect because I know who God is. I came to the understanding that the challenges I face in life did not come to make me bitter but they came to make me better. There are things I wish I could’ve avoided in life but I know now going through those things have made me a stronger person. My struggles have brought me closer to God and have showed me just how amazing God is. Life has a way of making you realize what’s important. A lot of what I used to think was important is not as vital as I thought it was. I’ve found out that there are many things I can do without and still keep my joy. I found out that life is better when God’s will prevails over your will. I pray God’s will is continually done in my life and I know every step I take is ordered by God because that’s His word, (Psalm 37:23). So I encourage myself by realizing many of the things I’ve gone through will help someone else. It’s bigger than me and if I can encourage one person, that’s worth what I had to endure. I pray these blog posts help you in some way and that you’re continually encouraged. Know that life is worth living and God is worth serving. There’s none greater than God and He has the final say. So whatever you have to face in life know that you’re not facing it alone, God is with you. Life brings many exciting times and some not so exciting times but always remember who is in control. Always remember who’s permanent, God is. Refuse to give up, keeping standing and watch your dark days turn to light. You have destiny to fulfill so keep letting God lead you, he’ll never steer you on the wrong path. Everyday you wake up always give God thanks because he still continues to give us breath. Be grateful for the little things, their the stepping stones to greater things. Be grateful for your family, friends, jobs, skills, be grateful for everything God’s given you. Know that you are loved by God, favored by God, and predestined for something great for God. God placed what he wanted to in you, you’re a unique designer’s original so never dislike yourself. God will surround you around the people you need to be around so never fear being left out. I had to understand that it’s amazing who you can attract when you’re truly being the person God made you to be. God knew what he was doing when he created you so shine on. Keep the faith, keep hope, and most of all keep loving. Take life day by day with a smile knowing that you’re more than a conqueror. You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. Never forget that it’s bigger than you and that your testimonies can help someone else. Keep your joy, God gives you that, let’s go all the way. Stay in the race.

God Knows What He’s doing, Wait on Him

“Yet how quickly they forgot what he had done! They wouldn’t wait for his counsel!”  Psalm 106: 13 NLT. Don’t get impatient and miss what God has for you. Don’t forget what he’s done for you in the past because you don’t have what you want right now. The same God that blessed you back then is the same God that’s going to bless you now. God knows what he’s doing, don’t forget that. There are things God want to produce out of you and production takes time. Some things need to be produced out of you before you’re given what you’ve been waiting on.  As I often say, greatness take time to prepare, so be willing to wait. There are things God’s placed in you that must come out.  If God gave us everything we wanted when we asked we’d be underdeveloped. Time and experiences develop us. They pull out of us what God predestined a long time ago. The way God is taking us is necessary. We have to wait and take his counsel because it’s the best way. Know that Psalm 32:8 says, “I’ll teach you what’s best for you, I’ll show you which way to go.“ God has a perfect time to release what he has for you. If God said he’ll do it, then that’s exactly what’s going to happen. Never let waiting cause you to forget who God is, He’s faithful.  God doesn’t make mistakes, He knows what he’s doing. Don’t try to take matters in your own hands because the wait seems too long. Don’t try to do God’s job and mess things up by moving out of God’s perfect timing. Sometimes we may think maybe God needs my help so we do something but it makes things worse. God knows what’s best and sometimes it’s takes longer than we’d like to receive that best but know it’ll be worth the wait. So regardless of what you see around you don’t forget that God knows what he’s doing. Wait for Him, remember he waited for you. God will tell you exactly what to do at the right time. As Philippians 4:6 says, “6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.“ So don’t be anxious but be prayerful. God got you :). Stay in the race.

Monday, October 8, 2012

When Nothing Makes Sense

"Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. 6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths." Proverbs 3:5-6. There are many things in life we won’t understand but know that if God is leading your life your path is being directed. In times when things don’t make sense learn to lean on the Word of God and not your understanding. We’ll never be able to fully grasp the ways of God so we can’t stress ourselves out trying to figure them all out. This is a faith walk and faith walks require you to move even when nothing makes sense. You must keep going, keep hope, and keep believing God’s Word. Things will begin to line up and you’ll see one day why you had to take this path. Remember, without faith it’s impossible to please God so keep pleasing God by walking by faith. (Hebrews 11:6). Faith walks can be the most difficult because as humans we’re used to believing because we can see a thing in front of us. As the Word says, blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed. (John 20:29) So we have to stop letting our five senses dominate our walk with God and be lead by His Spirit into the things of God. God is greater than our natural senses and he wants us to trust Him. People will eventually let you down but God is the only one that will never let us down. So even when nothing makes sense tell yourself God is greater than my five senses, His thoughts are not my thoughts  and His ways are higher than mine so I’ll trust Him. (Isaiah 55:8-9). Stay in the race, you’re almost to your finish line.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

God is Not Limited by a "No!"

Realize a "No" gives God the ability to do something better for you. You have to understand who ultimately creates opportunities. God knows when a door is too small or not right for you. Trust God enough to lead you to the right doors for your life. Understand that if God placed a desire in you, he’ll also give you the tools necessary to bring that thing forth and that includes the supporters you need. Everybody you asked help from is not qualified to help you or you may not be ready for that door. God can see the future and He knows which connections will bring you to where you need to be. God knows when you’re prepared for certain doors so don’t be discontent by closed doors.  Don’t be distraught from a “No” but rejoice for the greater to come! Keep preparing for that greater latter because God told us our latter will be greater than our former.(Haggai 2:9) Don’t curse those who don’t do for you but pray for them, pray God blessings over them. You can’t hold grudges and expect to be blessed. The person or company that said no to you can be doing you a favor because it may not have been the right fit. Forgive and let go so you can walk freely into the place God has for you. Don’t allow past "no's" to disrupt your future. Choose to be kind and keep showing love, your time is nearer than ever! Know that when God opens a door no man can shut it.(Revelation 3:7) So keep working towards your God given desires and stay prepared. God is NOT limited by a “No” everything has to respond to God so know when it’s your time, It’s YOUR time. If you truly knew what God had in store for you, you’d never again in your life sweat the small stuff. A “no” is not the end of your life it’s a sign that you need to keep trying and keep moving forward. We’ve come too far to give up now!!! Let’s make it to the end!!! Can’t stop, won’t stop!  Rejoice!! Stay in the race. -Eri

Sunday, September 30, 2012


Don’t let the battle destroy your praise. Understand that praise confuses the enemy. Praise lets God know you trust Him regardless of what you see. Praise lets others know you have the victory. Praise is a weapon and should be used when things are going well and not so well. Praise helps you stay focused on the finish line. Don’t let the battle silence your praise, instead let it increase it! Keep Moving. Stay encouraged. Stay in the race. -Eri

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Don't Tie God's Hands with Doubt, Just Believe.

Doubting can prolong what you've been waiting on or cause you to give up..So ask yourself, why do I doubt? Is it because you don't trust God? Is it because you think it's taking too long to receive what you've been waiting on? Is it because you don't see everything you ask God for? Regardless of the reason don't let doubt tie God's hands. As the bible says without faith it's impossible to please God(Hebrews 11:6). The bible also says doubt causes us to be turned away from God (Hebrews 3:12).As I always say, as Believers we can't be moved by what we see but we have to be firmly planted in the Word. What we see changes all the time but the Word remains the same. So don't give up on God because of temporary situations! Regardless of what's going on around you God's Word is not affected by your circumstances it can cut through anything. So rejoice today, rejoice everyday, have the peace of God, have the faith of God, shout with the voice of triumph! Don't go through each day down and depressed but go through each day knowing you're being taken care of by God! Learn to encourage yourself during these times, learn to encourage others during these times! Your praise should not be dependent on your feelings, your praise should be based off who God is and He's good! No one is more faithful then our God!!! As my dad always says, "We're going over not under!! This is a time of rejoicing, a time of moving forward! Awake from your slumber and remember how good God is!! So stay encouraged keep your eyes on Jesus and not your problems. Look to the problem solver, he can solve anything! God Bless and love u!! I refuse to stop being excited because I know who I belong to! #God. Stay in the race. -Eri

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Stay Content

Don't compare yourself to others. It seems once people compare themselves to others that's when dissatisfaction/discontent, and jealously starts to set in. You have to understand our journeys will be different to get us to the place God want us to be at. You're the only one that can fill your shoes and that other person you may be looking at is the only person that can fill their shoes. As Christians, our goal to give God all the glory & spread the Gospel is the same but everybody's route to carry that out may be different. Looking in someone else's yard all the time will cause you to desire what they have. Instead you need to stay focused on God and what He has for you. When you look at what someone else has for too long you can get distracted and forget what you have, that's dangerous. What God gives another fits their life and purpose. Know that following the plans and purpose God has for your life will release the necessities it takes to fulfill your purpose. 
God will give you what you need on YOUR journey not someone else's journey. So be content with what God has for you on your path. Know that what God has for you compliments who you are. So the next time you see someone accomplish something or move forward in life congratulate them because they're carrying out THEIR purpose then allow God to help you carry out yours. 
No reason to be jealous, discontent, or depressed, God is not a respecter of person he plans to bless us all(Romans 2:11). Trust Him. Stay in the race. -Eri

Shut Down Fear with Faith

“For God hath not given us the spirit of fear: but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” (2 Timothy 1:7). Understand that fear is not of God and it shouldn’t be with us either.  As you can see, God’s given us power, love and a sound mind, He’s given us Himself. So there’s no reason to fear. The Greater One is living in you, there’s no reason to be afraid. (1 John 4:4)  Know that fear’s main job is to prevent you from going to where God want you to be, it wants you to believe that God’s Word isn’t true. You have to get to a point where you believe God’s Word over fear, period. When the Creator speaks it’s true. Stop running from fear and face it with faith. As the bible says, Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. (Romans 10:17). The more Word you hear the more faith you can produce. As you read the word and hear the Word things will begin to click , the more you will begin to believe, the more you believe the more you will begin to move. Understand that faith causes you to move and fear will cause you to be stagnated. God is with you and what He says is true. You can’t let nothing stop you from believing, not even yourself. Faith and fear can’t dwell together, choose wisely. Shut fear down with faith and keep moving forward. Stay in the race.

****If you haven’t accepted Christ, you can do so today. All is takes is a few seconds to welcome Him in. As Romans 10:9 says, If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. Repeat this: Jesus you are Lord and I accept you as my Lord and personal savior come into my heart, I believe the Father raised you from the dead, make me new, I repent of my sins and I’m now ready to live for you. Thank you for saving me. Amen***** If you repeated that prayer I’d like to say welcome to the family. God loves you and so do I. If you’re not connected with a church ask God to lead you to one and get a church home. Then start reading the four Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, & John) to find out more about Christ. This is an exciting time! You’ve made the most important decision in your life today and all of heaven is rejoicing with you. Stay encouraged, keep moving forward.  God Bless.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Covered by the Blood

Ephesians 1:7  "In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace;“ Have the knowledge of what the Blood of Jesus did for you. Because of the shedding of His blood we have been redeemed. Our sins have been forgiven, we’re no longer under the curse of the law, we have been reconciled back with the Father, the devil has no authority to touch us, we have life and blessings instead of death and cursing. We’re blood covered, we’re protected. We don’t have to walk around in fear or condemned because the Son has set us free. Know as you go forth today that by accepting Christ as your Lord and personal savior you are a child of God and as a child of God you are protected from evil (If you haven‘t accepted Christ you can do it now, Romans 10:9). Know that the Blood of Jesus is powerful and very effective. Keep believing in what Jesus did, keep the armor of God on daily (Ephesians 6:10-18), keep speaking the Word, keep moving forward. Let the truth set you free. Stay in the race. -Eri

Sunday, September 23, 2012

God Won't Let You Give Up

Have you ever felt this way? You may’ve tried to throw in the towel several times but somehow the towel gets thrown back at you. This is because there is something God wants you to do. There’s a place God wants you to be at and giving up now is not an option. You’ve come too far to turn back now and turning back now wouldn’t make sense. You've invested faith and tears in what you believe so understand that God is faithful and his Word NEVER fails. You’re so close to your next season that  people will begin to see the change on you even if you don’t recognize it yet. Understand that your season changes first in the spiritual realm before you see it. You’re about get direction and clarity on what to do next to, you are in your preseason of your next season and all is about to unfold. You can’t give up, your future needs you. Keep moving forward. Stay in the race. -Eri 

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Your Time Will Come

When you do things God's way, you'll always exceed expectations. Know that God's way may not always seem like the "quickest" way per se but know that it is truly the best way. God knows best and he knows exactly what's needed to bring you to where he wants you to be. We are continually being prepared so we can handle what God has for us. Just as naturally, many go to college to prepare for their careers. The process of going through college can seem long but the end result seems worth it. We have to be patient and let God take us through the necessary stages/tests in life. We have to stay where God wants us to be to get what God wants us to have. As Ecclesiates 9:11 says, " I returned, and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all." Have patience, your time will come. Keep working, stay focused, keep Moving, stay in the race. Stay encouraged. -Eri

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Keep Moving forward

Regardless of the response, keep doing what God called you to do. Aim to please God not man. Never quit, keep moving forward. Stay in the race. -Eri

The Right Attitude

Your attitude can determine how far you go in life. It's a direct reflection of what you believe and what you believe affects the way you live. It can keep you going in life or cause you to live stagnated. Your attitude can help open and close doors in life. Your attitude can attract others to you or push them away from you. Your attitude is also connected to how you view life. Ask God to open the eyes of your understanding so you can view life under the right light(Ephesians 1:18). Regardless of what happened yesterday or even 5 minutes ago choose to have the right attitude. If you haven't received what you've been waiting on don't be bitter but keep believing and moving. Galatians 6:9 says, "And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not." Stay encouraged and keep moving. Stay in the race. God Bless -Eri

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Less Stress

News Flash: You don't have to be involved with everything, just make sure you're doing what God wants you to do. In life we can get so busy with doing unnecessary things that we welcome unnecessary stress in our lives. Realize you're living to please God so stay focused on what he wants you to do. Cut out the unnecessary things and use that time to do more things you enjoy doing. You know how to determine what's unnecessary. If you're doing things just because someone else is doing them then that's unnecessary. Be real with yourself, be real to the person God made you to be. You don't have to do extra things in life just to get attention, know that when you do what God wants you to do you'll get the right attention you need. Don't let the pressures and opinions of others dictate your life. Instead be God lead. You can't get time back, each moment is new, so make up in your mind that you won't waste another moment on unnecessary things. Know that God sees your heart, so keep aiming to please Him. Stay in the race. -Eri

Monday, September 17, 2012

Keep Going!!

Hey all. Try not to let fear of making mistakes and possible failure prevent you from moving forward. Know that Psalm 37:23-24 says, "(23)The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord: and he delighteth in his way. (24) Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down: for the Lord upholdeth him with his hand." Don't fear what you don't know but be confident in what you do know, the Word of God. Don't fear the future but be confident in Who holds the future. Be confident in what God says about you and know that God is on your side. You have to get to a point where you've decided to believe what God says over everything else. It's at that point that you can truly move into where God wants you to be. So put your trust first in God and keep moving towards the things God's placed in your heart. Also know that mistakes happen and people fail but that doesn't mean it's the end it just means, "Dust yourself off and try again."  Stay encouraged. God Bless. Stay in the race. -Eri

Saturday, September 15, 2012


Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. (Hebrews 11:1). Just because you don't see what you've been waiting on doesn't mean it's not coming. Don't let doubt cancel out what you believe. If you allow fear and doubt to contaminate your faith you'll never receive what you're waiting on. You have to understand that if God said it, it'll come to pass. It's sad many will believe people before they believe God and God made people....It may seem like this has been a long season of preparation and waiting but you have to understand that patience must have her perfect work. (James 1:3-4) You have to be patient and endure time because He who promised is faithful(Hebrews 10:23). You also have to make sure you're doing your part as a believer and acting on what you believe. You can't forget that action goes with faith. Meaning because you believe you move and run with what God's given you even if you don't see how it'll all work out. You have to DO something, results won't magically appear without action. I believe, as people of God, that we're stepping into our greatest season yet. Those who have refused to doubt and give-up are walking into the promise. Don't be the one who regrets their actions because they gave up but be the one who celebrates because they hung in there and received the promise. It's worth the wait. It's a waste of time to give up now, you're too close. Keep believing and keep moving. Stay in the race. -Eri

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Same God

"If He did it before, He'll do it again, same God right now, same God back then!" Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, and today, and for ever.(Hebrews 13:8) His love never changes for you. Don't let anything you go through separate you from His love.(Romans 8:35) Know that storms are temporary but God is permanent. Storms don't last forever, take another breath and keep moving forward. He'll never leave u nor forsake you. (Hebrew 13:5).God still works miracles, he still heals, he still delivers, he still fulfills promises. It gets better, keep your eyes on God.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Take Another Breath

It may seem like you’ll never reach desired results but take another breath, keep moving you’ll get there. Don’t be discouraged if it seems like others are surpassing you but be confident in God’s plan for your life. Know that we all have to go through a process before reaching that place God has for us. Let God prepare you for what’s to come. Don’t be so caught up in thinking about the future that you forget to live for today. Know that we all will reach and experience our due seasons if we don’t faint (Galatians 6:9) . God knows exactly what we can handle and he wants us to take the time limits off of him because God’s not defined by time. We all have to come to a place where we believe God regardless of how long it takes for His Word to manifest. God is pleased when we can yet believe without seeing(John 20:29). So believe what God said about your life just because God said it, His word NEVER returns void (Isaiah 55:11). Know that God’s plans for your life are for good and not evil(Jeremiah 29:11). God never intended for us to be overwhelmed and that’s why he said cast your cares on Him for He cares for you (1Peter 5:7). God knows carrying around cares will weigh you down so just do as He says and give them all to Him. Know that God hears your prayers and know that when you pray according to His will you’ll have what you pray(1John 5:14-15). So keep believing, keep moving forward and know that God will NEVER let you down. God knows the exact route each of us need to take before releasing the promise to us. So trust Him with all you have and have faith in God, he’s faithful. Take another breath, life gets better J . Stay in the race. Love u all, stay encouraged. -Eri

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Don't Let Your Feelings Get You Left Behind

If we go off of feelings and not faith, we can get left behind. You have to understand that feelings change depending on your circumstances but God doesn’t change depending on your circumstances, he’s always faithful. God is not moved by feelings but by faith. As the bible says, if you have faith as small of a mustard seed you can move mountains. (Matthew 17:20). The bible also says, without faith it is impossible to please God. (Hebrews 11:6). Just because things seem to be chaotic doesn’t mean that’s the end. It’s when things seem out of control when God usually takes control to remind you who He is. God never intended for us to be overtaken by our circumstances and many are when they are moved by feelings and not by faith. Your feelings will get you in trouble, they can cause you to miss the very thing God’s been trying to get to you because you move too fast or quitting. Don’t let your feelings control you, you control your feelings. You must keep in mind that God has the final say not your circumstances. Your feelings will cause you to forget what the Word says, He who promised is FAITHFUL! (Hebrews 10:23) God is always moving on your behalf regardless of how it seems. God knows what you can handle and is with you every step of the way. Many are experiencing tough and trying times now but we all have to remember, the rain makes things grow, storms are not permanent-they have an end, and the fire refines. So keep your joy and keep believing the Word of God. Choose to walk by faith and not feelings, get the release God has for you. Stay in the race. -Eri

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Don't Jump Ship!

Don’t jump ship, you can drown. I just wanted to share a few brief words with you regarding waiting on God’s timing and not being anxious but resting in what God told you. As the bible says in Philippians 4:7” and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” Know that you can’t go off your own understanding when it comes to the things of God, you have to go off the Word, period! As the bible says in Philippians 4:6, “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God;” Understand that anxiousness and worry brings fear and doubt. You have to be rooted in the truth that God didn’t save you to leave you. Know that when God’s ready to reveal the prepared way that you’ve been waiting for, you’ll be ready for it. Trust God enough to know that he knows the time and season to bring you to that next phase. It’s dangerous moving outside of God’s timing. When you move outside of God’s timing you can lose your covering. You can literally go through unnecessary mess and heartaches by moving outside of God’s timing. You have to understand that within God’s timing is exactly what you need for that next phase. But if you move out of God’s timing provision may not be made. Psalm 23:1 Says, “The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want”, that means you will not want when God’s your shepherd, not yourself. Just as Paul was in the ship and they hit a bad storm, the Angel of God told him that no one will die if they stayed in the ship (Acts 27). You have to stay in the ship of preparation to get where God want you to go next. You have to be like Paul with the mindset that if God said stay here I’ll be here and make it to the other side. Not only did Paul know he was going to make it safe through the storm but he knew he wasn’t going to die because he had destiny to reach on the other side. You have to get to a place where you know that God placed something in you that has to come out, so you refuse to give up because you have destiny to fulfill, purpose to fulfill. You have to get to a place where you know without a shadow of doubt that regardless of how bad the storm seems your God is bigger than the storm. You have to know that it’s not about the storm but about you believing God regardless of what you see. Don’t jump before it’s time and miss your promise land. Don’t miss God’s timing. What you’ve been waiting on could be released tomorrow, just hold on and know that God is faithful. If God said it, He’s going to fulfill it! Stay in the Ship, rest in what God already told you!! Stay in the race. -Eri