
Thursday, December 27, 2012

Uncomfortable is NOT your Final Destination

You may not be where u want to be but you're where u need to be. When you're uncomfortable you're more willing to move. Understand that being uncomfortable doesn't last always. Just like a pregnant woman may be uncomfortable for 40 weeks but after the baby comes things change. Understand during your time of being uncomfortable you may not know everything that God is doing and that's fine. Our job is to trust God when we don't understand. Again, just like a pregnant woman may feel a pain but not know exactly what the baby is doing but she does know that pain is temporary.
When you're uncomfortable you leave from uncomfortable places, you learn what's not working and cling on to what is working. You learn what to do more of and less of. You learn who to surround yourself around and who to separate from. You learn to really hear God in those times.
In your uncomfortable state you're being prepared for what's to come. You're not the same but have matured. You've matured for that next thing. You become molded to fit the next position God has for you.
No one likes to be uncomfortable but it's necessary to get your attention and to bring you to where God want you to be.
So keep your joy, it's all working for your good. Romans 8:28 Uncomfortable is not your final destination, you're being processed. Trust God. Stay in the race.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Learn to Let Go When Necessary

A lot of times we choose to hold onto things long after God told us to let go. 
Even though God knows all things we tend to somehow think things will change for the better. Understand God shows you things for a reason, he shows you things because he loves you. Some things are brought to our attention because God knows they are not supposed to go with us to that next place in Him. We can't allow other people opinions to keep us from growing and keep us stagnant. Everybody don't know what's best for you but God does. Even though it may not be easy, we have to learn to let go when necessary. Understand that God wouldn't ask you to give up something if He didn't have something better in mind for you. When you give up something to better your walk with God, you'll always be rewarded greater. (Matthew 19:29) Your time is precious and should be used wisely. Never waste your time and energy on things that are not promoting your progress in life. Changing what's so familiar to you may be the hardest thing to do but know once you do it, you can now go to that greater place.
In life we grow and outgrow certain things. There's places God has prepared and matured us for next but everybody and everything may not be able to come with us.  Just like Abraham, he wasn't supposed to bring Lot with him (no relatives-Genesis 12:1) and end up rescuing him later(Genesis 12-Genesis 14). When God speaks, learn to obey the first time. You may not understand but it's for your good. Everybody is not prepared or made to stay with you. Some people or things are meant only for a season.

So learn to let go of whatever means you no good to position yourself for the greater to come. Prepare for 2013, amazing things are happening. Don't miss God's timing, stay tuned in and obey. Much love. Stay in the race.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Spread Love, share God.

Spread love, spread God. On this day we celebrate the birth of Jesus. So thankful for what God has done for us. His love saved us. He gave us the greatest gift and no other gift can compare. Each day should be a day of joy in remembrance of what God's done for us. God gave us life, eternal life, when he sent Jesus. So never forget what Christmas is about. 

Each day we wake up we should remind ourselves how much we're loved. There's no greater love than to have someone give their life for another. John 15:13, " There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends." We've been given love on an incomparable level. That should keep you smiling. :)

So let's appreciate those around us by showing love. God loved us so let's continue to spread love to others. On this day I pray you all experience love, joy, and peace on new levels. Stay grateful. Stay in the race.
Merry Christmas!!

Monday, December 17, 2012

According to Your Faith

Matthew 9:29 "Then He touched their eyes, saying, “According to your faith let it be to you."

What is your faith saying? Are you believing your situation will change or just being religious and going through the acts of just quoting scriptures? Are you walking by faith? Do you truly believe? Is your mind aligned with the Word of God? If you can believe what the Word of God says, you can have it. Let it be given to you because you had the faith to get it. Don’t let things you encounter frustrate your faith walk. Understand, without faith it’s impossible to please God and faith moves God (Hebrews 11:6). Let your perspective be that which lines up with what God told you. How are you viewing life? Are you viewing it from a place of victory or defeat? Your perspective changes things. Your perspective can either usher in what God promised or it can prolong the promise. Your perspective and faith are tied because if you truly have faith, your outlook would be expecting things to change and line up with the Word.
Know that “it’s” not impossible if you have the faith to get “it“. Let your faith bring you to the promise. Refuse to not go all the way when victory is solely up to you. Get what God has for you. Stay in the race.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Rely on the Right Name

Make sure you rely on the right name. Understand people tend forget most names as time goes on. One generation may recognize a person for their work and efforts but if the next generation is not taught about that person they will not recognize their name or truly understand that person’s past importance. Just like in Exodus 1 when it spoke about the children of Israel, who came to Egypt because of God allowing Joseph to save his people from famine, as time went on the next king over Egypt did not know Joseph so the children of Israel were made slaves. The current king of Egypt felt the children of Israel had grown too mighty and they posed a threat to Egypt. (Exodus 1:8-13)You have to understand that if you rely on just a human’s name you may get left behind but if you always rely on the name of the Most High, you’ll always be remembered. Understand you can receive favor from mentioning or knowing a certain person for a “length of time” but you can receive “unlimited endless” favor from mentioning and knowing God. Even though the leader of Egypt didn’t know who Joseph was God remembered His people, children of Israel, because of His covenant with Abraham, Isaac, & Jacob and favored them again by releasing them from Egypt’s bondage (Exodus 2:23-25).  His name stands forever (Exodus 3:15). His name is the name that should come out of your mouth first. His name is the name that you should get excited about.  His name is above every name! His name holds relevance forever. If you can’t remember any other name make sure you remember the name of Jesus because it’ll take you places that other names can’t. Rely on the right One and you‘ll always be remembered. Those who used God’s name throughout the bible were never forgotten, God always kept them and favored them. As the Bible says,  those who put their trust in the Lord will NOT be put to shame (Psalm 25:3, Romans 10:11). God  keeps His. Rely on Jesus. Stay in the race. 

Monday, December 10, 2012

Don't Despise Your Promotion

The process to get to your promotion may not feel good but know that you’ll get there if you don’t despise your tests. Your tests enable promotion. They elevate you to the next level. Just like school, once you pass a test you are allowed to go to another level. Not only does the test enable promotions but they ensure that you understand the lesson you were being taught. God allows our faith to be tested to see if we’re ready for our next level. Passing faith tests tells God that you trust Him and you'll go where He takes you. When you pass tests you let the instructor know that you’ve been listening and you understand the material. Passing faith test enables your environments to be expanded, passing tests ensures God that he can trust you with more. When you truly fear (reverential fear) God you can pass any tests. When you fear God you put on the perspective that God is in control and He has the final say in EVERY situation. You understand that nothing can move without His say, it‘s what God allows that happens. When you truly understand this, you don’t fear any situation or person because you’re constantly reminded that at the name of Jesus EVERY knee shall bow,  of those in heaven, and those on earth, and those under the earth, and that every tongue shall confess that JESUS Christ is Lord! (Philippians 2:10-11). Everything has to answer to God. He knows about EVERY tests you'll ever have to go through. Not only does he know about every test but He's seen the end result of everything you'll have to endured. God knows everything and will NOT allow you to go through something if the end result is not greater than the test. Know that the end of a thing is greater than the beginning. You may had to or have been going through what seems like hell but understand at the end your victory will be monumental. God don't allow us to go through something difficult if the reward is not worth it. What Joseph had to endure(Genesis 37-50), what David had to endure (1 Samuel 16-1 Kings 2), what Daniel (Book of Daniel) had to endure, was ALL worth it because the end result was greater than the pain. As Joseph named his first born, Manasseh which means "For God has made me forget all my toil and all my father's house" because his blessings outweighed his previous distress(Genesis 41:51). Your reward will outweigh your previous distress. As the bible says in Romans 8: 18, "For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared to the glory which shall be revealed in us." Understand your tests are working a greater victory! You have no reason to fear your tests or people, God has the final say. Trust God in every situation and let Him promote you. God is NOT allowing you to go through tests to be defeated, he’s allowing you to go through test to be PROMOTED. GOD wants to promote you, but will you let HIM? Abraham allowed God to test his faith and was blessed beyond measure after passing the test (Genesis 22:15-18). Will you let God bless you!? Pass the test! Get your promotion! Stay in the race.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Let Your Faith Be Confirmed

Trials have a way of confirming what you believe. Either you believe what God told you or you believe what the situation is showing you. Your faith is confirmed when you can move forward in any situation without looking back. Just like Abraham in Genesis 22:1-19 his faith was confirmed, He showed God that no matter what he asked him to do He'd do it. Abraham shows us that when God ask, move. Abraham also shows us that God is faithful and gives us beyond expectation if we keep believing and moving on the path he's set before us.
Abraham had the mentality that if He asked me sacrifice my son, He'll also bring him back up. He shows us that in Genesis 22:5 when he said "we'll" be back, he had his mind set that God was going to provide what was needed and not let Him down. He knew not to worry but to trust instead. We don't have to do things like that now days but we still must have enough faith in God to move when he speaks. It's not our job to figure out every part of our lives out but it's our job to trust God and follow His lead.
Abraham ultimately shows us that with faith you can please God. When you please God you can have it all. God wants to clearly show us that He's our Father ,he will follow through if he gave us a promise, and that we should trust Him no matter what.
So let your faith in God be confirmed by trusting God through every situation. No matter what the situation presents know that God is greater. No matter how it looks, if God said move you move, if God said establish that business-do it, if God said start a church-do it. It's not your job to measure what he told you to do. Whether big or small God can make it happen. Let your faith grow. Stay encouraged and stay in the race. -Eri

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Paid the Price

Just like you have confidence that after paying your phone bill that it won’t be cut off, have that same peace of mind about the price that Jesus paid and that You WILL NOT be cut off from the promises. Your sins are forgiven and you can have EVEYTHING God said you can have. The price has been paid, you just need to have faith and walk it out. If someone turned your phone off after you paid the bill you wouldn’t be happy and you wouldn’t stand for that. Have that same mindset when you encounter anything beneath what God already promised you, don’t put up with it. Be persistent and resist it. Let your situations know that you know the truth, the price is paid and God is not a man that he should lie, nor son of man that he should repent, if he said it’s yours!!(Numbers 23:19-20) Don’t be stopped by deception, resist it and shut it down with truth. Life and that more abundantly belongs to you. (John 10:10) God’s given us all things that pertains to life and godliness and that means we have everything we need to fulfill this life, we just have to know & believe it.(2 Peter 1:3-4)  When you know the price has already been paid for something nothing stops you from owning it!! The PRICE  HAS BEEN PAID, what Jesus did was NOT in vain, it WAS and STILL is effective. Healing belongs to you, peace of mind belongs to you, joy belongs to you, life and that more abundantly belongs to you, financial security belongs to you,  life and blessings belong to you, uncommon favor belongs to you! It belongs to you because it comes from God and he’s given it to you!  Don’t let anything keep you from knowing and believing what’s already been done. What we don’t see is just as real and even more real then what we see, so just because you don’t see what God has promised in front of you now doesn’t mean it’s NOT there or won‘t come. (Hebrews 11:3) Faith is pulling out of the invisible realm what’s needed to the visible realm because it ALREADY belongs to you. Your Source has given it to you. His word NEVER returns void.(Isaiah 55:11) The natural realm has to submit to the spiritual realm and the Bible says we have every spiritual blessing. (Ephesians 1:3). You belong to the Mightiest of all, the Creator of all, the One who has the final say! You’ve already won, don’t baby sit defeat it doesn’t belong to you. Remember, the Word says blessed is the person that yet believes even when they don’t see! (John 20:29) This is a faith walk and it’s never done in vain. You have what God says you have period! I speak now in the name of Jesus that you will NOT perish because of lack of knowledge, I speak you have everything God says you have and you shall see it manifest, I speak that you will be a light to someone else who needs to know about the goodness of the Father. Share what you’ve learned with someone and help them see clearly. It’s time to step out of blindness and ignorance and possess boldly what’s been rightfully given to you. The price has been paid!  Stay encouraged, stay in the race.