
Thursday, November 30, 2017


Never allow anyone to make you feel bad for obeying God if he told you to disconnect from them. It could be for a season or lifetime but understand if someone or thing is removed permanently , there is greater for you.  Know that pruning always takes place to get more fruit. Some people cannot go to the higher heights that God is taking you. It’s not your job to force people to elevate with you. Don’t burn bridges but definitely move when you get the green light from God.

So stay obedient and keep excelling. 



It’s Okay to Wait

A lot of times in life we go after and thirst after many things that are not the best for us or things we’re really not ready for. We tend to settle because we just can’t seem to wait. It can be hard at times to just relax/rest and let God give us the best in life. Waiting at times can seem like a curse but know that waiting can bring the best. If you learn to wait, you’d learn to appreciate and not take from granted what God has for you. 

You’re not forgotten and God will never forget his promises. You stay on the heart and mind of God constantly. So rest in what he’s told you and allow Him to bring you what you need. 

Blessings and love,

Monday, October 2, 2017

Don’t be Distracted

Whatever goes on around you, don’t be distracted from what you should be focusing on. When there is constant movement, it’s easy to get distracted or fearful. At times, we need to just stop for a moment to re-confirm with God that we are involved with what He want us to be with in our lives. Learn to remove those things and people that are only there to zap your energy & distract you. There has been a lot going on in this world lately but don’t lose focus or hope. Stay tuned into your purpose in life and keep being that light God created you to be. Don’t allow the things around you to cause you to be paralyzed by fear, but let these things motivate you to re-assess self to ensure you’re on the right path. Let these things that are happening around you be a wake up call if you were off path. Don’t ignore the warning signs if God is speaking to you. 
Use this time wisely and re-align if needed. Don’t let the movement of this world cause you to get off your course. Stay focused and keep fulfilling destiny. Stay connected to God and he’ll continually lead you throughout your days. 



“that if you will confess with your mouth that Yeshua is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.”
‭‭Romans‬ ‭10:9‬ ‭WMBBE‬‬

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Love Makes the Difference

Recently I realized a deeper level of what love really means. We hear people say it all the time and unfortunately it's commonly said with little or no meaning behind it. As a Believer in Jesus, Yeshua the Messiah, a lot of times we can get caught up in thinking the proof of me loving God, Yahweh, is based on how I keep myself from drinking, cursing, abstaining for sexual behaviors before marriage, etc (many other things we may commonly hear in the church) but it goes deeper than that. Yes, it's good to not do things that will push you off course but none of that means anything if you don't have love for your neighbor. God shared with me, your proof of your love for me, is how you treat your neighbor. Our self credibility and mindsets of "oh I don't do this or that so I'm good with God," will fail you if you do not have love for your neighbor. God is not going to say, "You had ten alcoholic beverages, to hell you go!" No, but He will take account of how you treated your neighbor. Your ability to love your neighbor does measure how much you love God. Since God is love, to love others represents God. 

This post is not a pass to say go do whatever you want and sin it up ,lol, but it is a message to allow you to look at self to say, hmmm, do I really have love for God? Or am I stuck on self righteousness fooling myself? Just think about it. 

Until next time, Love. 

1 Corinthians 13:1-3

Monday, July 31, 2017

There is Time

It may seem like this year is flying by but know that there is still time to see your dreams manifest and the promises that God has given you manifest. Don't give up, don't quit, keep the faith. Keep doing the work that you were called to do. Your latter shall be greater than your past. Greater is here for you. 


Thursday, June 22, 2017

Don't be Surprised

You've been praying, fasting, and being obedient now it's time for the rain. It's not by your works but it's about God's timing. It's time to reign and rule in this place that God has called us to. Don't be afraid of the favor. God is fulfilling his plans for your life. Don't be shocked at the manifestation of his glory that is being revealed right now. You've gone through struggles, pain, and much suffering now it's time for the release of the latter rain. 

Your heart has been tested and God sees that you're ready. Believe his word and watch you live it out. An open heaven is here.

Believe it.




Wednesday, May 31, 2017

The Purge

You can go far in life but you have to learn to cut off unnecessary weight as you go. In life, there are times when you are waiting and waiting for certain things to happen but fail to realize you have old weights hanging on you that's causing delays. There is a season for everything and we must all learn to let go and grow in order to experience everything God has for us. 

When elevated everyone can't go with you. There are parts of your personal journey that you have to take on your own. Be wise enough to say no when necessary, be strong enough to let go when needed, be loving enough to forgive to embrace more ahead of you, and must be tuned in enough to let God lead you to your next place of dominion ship. Take the journey God has set before you. Don't be afraid to obey God, what he tells you to do will work out for the best in your life. 

At times you may wonder why certain doors are closing right in your face or refuses to open and I believe it's due to God wanting to bring the new into your life and to show you beyond your expectations. At times we can waste time because we don't want to let go of our past in order to come into a greater now.
We can get complacent in an area and forget that everything has a season. We gotta let a purge take place that rids of the past that we need to let go of and current unprofitable habits that need to end. 

I want to speak a word into your life. I declare and decree that you will experience your greater days ahead if you let go of expired people, places, and things. As you let go, you will see the hand of God like never before. Your latter will be greater than your former. The things you're walking into that God has for you will make you forgot pain and toil because the blessing is so great. You won't forget the testimony but you will not be stuck in your past. I believe God has given you the peace to move forward and I pray you allow a purge to take place from inside out that will better you from this moment forward.

Greater blessings are your portion in Jesus name.

May God keep you, cover you, and make his face shine upon you.

Love and blessings,

Sunday, April 23, 2017

The Truth, Right Alignment, and Expectations

Learn to trust God first in all you do then He will lead you to others that you can trust. God is the only one that will never let you down. People will disappoint you at times, they will lie to you at times, they will fail you at times, they will hurt you at times but keep your trust in God. God is your ultimate hope. God is the only one that will not harm or fail you. God has given us people for a reason to assist us as we move forward in life in many areas and seasons but we have to make sure we're not expecting people to fill a place that only God can fill. We have to learn to forgive people and meet them where they are. If someone is causing more hurt than peace you need to be okay with re-assessing them in your life to possibly remove them. God gives us people that are short term and long term in our lives. We must ensure that we are letting go of who is not supposed to be there or releasing those whose season has expired so we can embrace the new ones for the next season. There is nothing wrong with letting people go so you can grow and be where God want you to be. You can always love people from a distance if that's what God is telling you to do. Even with the long term  people that God has placed in your life, you must understand where to put your trust first and not to idolize that person. God was telling me an idol is anything you want more or put before me. Anything. So if all of your trust is in a person over God thats dangerous. Because when that person lets you down, you have no hope due to your anchor being a person and not our Father God. I'm not saying never trust anyone but I am saying be God lead by trusting Him first and to have the right expectations when it comes to people. 

If you constantly expect people to do what only God can do, you will constantly disappoint yourself. God does work through people but in order for things to fall into place correctly you have to do them in God's order, Seek God first then he'll make things happen. 

Matthew 6:33 (NIV)
"33 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well."

It's pressing me to share this, always fight right-on your knees. Learn to fight in prayer. This is a spiritual battle so even when go through things with people there are times when its's demonically strategized so you must learn to stay with your armor on and rebuke the right things. (It's not always the person but what's working behind the person)

Ephesians 6:10-13

10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11 Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 13 Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.

Much love. If you have any questions about anything I share, reach out,


Friday, March 31, 2017


Are you in the place you're supposed to be in? Do you know what you're supposed to be doing right now in life? Are you truly happy?I've mentioned this before but it's true, you hold the keys to your own happiness. You have the power to let go of what's bothering you today or what doesn't make you happy and grab ahold of what does today. If you're not living your purpose in life, you'll always feel a void. God created you to shine bright in what you're passionate about but it's up to you to walk it out. If God has given you a dream that you know must come to past, position yourself to walk it out. If you don't know what you're supposed to be doing in life, ask God. Don't waste time.

We're almost in the 2nd quarter of this year and we cannot afford to live another moment unhappy so choose to make the choice to live free and follow your purpose. Your life is worth living, trust the plan God has set before you. Go travel, move, work out to get in better shape, go to school, start a business, go on a missionary trip, do what makes YOU happy. If you have kids please don't use that as excuse as to why you can't do this or that, make adjustments not excuses and embrace your happiness.

Keep those around that make you happy as well. Don't push away what God has placed In your life for you to have and please don't keep what God has told you to let go of. Whenever God says release, he has something better or need to prepare you a bit more for what he has in store.

So renew your mind and make the choices that allows you to live in your purpose daily. Take a moment and self reflect, ask yourself "Am I happy?" YOU can be happy and live a life of purpose.

*Abba Father, I pray and ask you to cover each person that's reading this. I ask you to reiterate their purpose that you've given them to carry out. Please show them that you have a plan for them and help them position themselves for all that you have for them. Please help them experience so much new joy and happiness. I thank you and asked these things in Yeshua's (Jesus) name.

Much Love,

Monday, February 6, 2017

Faith, "IT WORKS"

Remember, God is the door opener but He's given you the legs to walk through the door. We have to do our part by being obedient while listening to God to do what he says do. Our faith works, we actually have to put works with faith together (again, whatever God tells you to do.) As Jesus did, John 5:19, He did what he seen the Father do and that's when he seen desired results. God's plans for our lives is to give us hope and a good future. It's to prosper us but we will believe His word and move when he says move? ( Jeremiah 29:11) There is a reason why we have a mouth, limbs, etc. it's to carry out what God has already ordained and predestined.

We have to come in agreement with God's word and promises about our lives by believing the dreams and promises he's shown us are real/true. If we really believe, we wouldn't allow anything to stop us from seeing the manifestation of these promises.

Even when things do not make sense, we have to believe that God can see what we can't. He sees us in our future, He sees the manifestation in the end. We can do as God does and see ourselves at the desired result as well. Just Imagine it and believe.

So stand tall, keep moving when God says go,  keep believing God's promises for your life are real, and never give up. God has made you a light to shine bright in the world, make sure you are not hiding your light by not walking in your purpose, walk in it SHINE for HIS glory. Your gifts/talents skills are to help others in this world, people are waiting for you. So think about it: What has God told you to do before, that you haven't done? It's time to do it. Don't miss your season by allowing fear to rob you and being disobedient.

Trust and believe, what God started, He will complete. What he promised, He will fulfill.

#GoTime #171717  #ItsBiggerThanUs

Hebrews 10:23, Philippians 1:6, Romans 10:9-10


Tuesday, January 17, 2017

The War is Over

As back in  the day when they didn't have planes, trains, etc to relay when a war was over and it had been over for months but they were still fighting with the same issue-war-battle, God is saying the war has been over - rejoice "that enemy" has been defeated put on a new mindset. The news has arrived! It's over!

I believe there are many of us who have held on to the same issues that God has delivered us from months even years ago. Somehow many have chosen to hold on to old habits/ways, old beliefs, old unprofitable mindsets, old hurts, old disappointments, old thoughts, just the old, that has not benefited them in any way. Many are used to things going wrong or being stagnant in their lives so they choose to stay in that zone which has now become their comfort zone. We have to realize when we cried out for help in the midst of our previous situations, that God had already delivered us from those old things, we just have to be in agreement that God has done it.

So believe when God says, " That War is over." Not just a battle but there have been major wars that many have dealt with for years that God has brought deliverance to. The only way we'll realize that we're in a new season is if we choose to see and think differently. The next time "that old thought or way" tries to creep up choose a different response and watch the peace that follows. Try what wouldn't work before, some things have changed. God has more great things in store for us but will we let Him bless us? Will we allow him to move us from destitute to destiny? Will we choose to believe that we are already delivered and walk victoriously as God has paved the way of victory for us?

Let's start this new season off with a new mindset, the victory mindset. Let's choose to believe God even more and allow him to bring us into a place of abundance of every good thing in every area of our lives.

Just believe with me, that old war is OVER.

Next step.........
