
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

What Belongs to Him

All the glory belongs to God. Remember in everything you do to give the glory to God. It is because of Him that we were created. It was because of Him that we were given a second chance. We can never forget who makes it all possible. As in 1 Corinthians 1:31 says, “that, as it is written, “He who glorifies, let him glory in the Lord.” Instead of boasting in ourselves, let ‘s boast in God. The Bible says man’s glory is as the flower of the grass, the grass withers and the flower falls away. (1 Peter 1:24) Understand what lasts, God’s Word last, God is the Word. Know who you’re living for. We’re not living to shine for ourselves, we’re living to shine for God. This is a God thing. It’s about letting Christ shine through you so people will know who God is. Before you initiate something, come to the truth that you’re doing  it to please God. In Romans 16: 27 Apostle Paul ends the letter to the church in Rome by saying, “to God, alone wise, be glory through Jesus Christ forever. Amen.” Apostle Paul understood who gave him insight, he understood who makes all things possible, he understood as he walked his life out for Christ it gave Glory to God. Apostle Paul was careful to inform others who gave Him the ability to make things happen and we should as well. King Herod is an example of why we can’t take God’s glory, in Acts 12:23 it says, “Then immediately an angel of the Lord struck him, because he did not give glory to God. And he was eaten by worms and died.” We can never forget who places us in high places and what we‘re placed there for. God gives us breath, he gives us provision, he gives us favor, he gives love, he gives us hope, he gives us the ability to do all things. Without him we are nothing and can do nothing. (John 15:5). So let humility lead you and keep God in his proper place by giving Him the glory. As we honor God he’ll bring us to where we need to be. We know that whoever exalts himself will be humbled and whoever humbles himself will be exalted. (Matthew 23:12). God will exalt you in due time if you stay humble. (1 Peter 5:6). If we took just a moment to realize what we couldn’t do without God, we’d be quick to give Him what belongs to Him. Let's thank God on a daily for His grace and mercy. We know no one is perfect and we've all fallen short of His glory (Romans 3:23) but let's not allow our lack of perfection to keep us from doing better. Start your day with the mindset that it’s because of Him I’m able to see another day and keep God first. Enjoy your day.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Don't Give it Away!

Don’t give away what belongs to you! Don’t give up on what God’s given you. Never let a person or thing take away your joy or peace, God gave you that. Never be tricked out of your inheritance. Shut down deception with truth, take the blinders off and see what God's already placed in your life. Protect your heart, dreams, visions, ministry, and family. Learn to stay under God’s covering. Learn to plead the blood of Jesus over your life to put everything on notice that you’re covered! Don’t let things be taken away from you illegally, don’t let the devil operate in your life, shut him down. Luke 10:19 says, we have power over all the power of the enemy. I’m reiterating what we have not to boast about it but so that you learn to stay in your rightful place as a child of God. When you truly understand the power God’s given you and you truly understand that there’s more with you then against you, you’d begin to take your place of authority, you wouldn‘t let your belongings be snatched away. (2Kings 6:16).  Don’t be fooled , know the truth. The truth will always be the last thing standing so hold onto it, don’t be deceived!  Begin to decree and declare the Word of God(Truth) over your life on a daily. Make known what It says out in the atmosphere and command it established. It’s up to us to believe the Word and walk it out by faith. Revelation 3:11 says, "I am coming soon.[d] Hold on to what you have, so that no one will take away your crown." Regardless of what happens in life, regardless of how you feel, never give way your inheritance. Never give up on God, keep trusting him, keep Him first. He’ll never change his mind about you, he loves you. Remember, God remains faithful, Stay in the race.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Focus & Finish

Hey everyone, I just wanted to send a short blog to encourage you all to focus and finish. Don’t be distracted by daily struggles but be focused on the Word of God and finish what he placed in your heart. Know that everything God placed in your heart was for a reason and wasn’t placed there by accident. God doesn’t make mistakes so trust the plan God paved out for your life. There’s a reason why you like certain things, there’s a reason why you have certain gifts, there’s a reason why you look the way you look, embrace it you were created just as God wanted you to be. If you have a strong desire to be an entrepreneur or whatever else and the desire won’t go away it’s something you need to look into pursuing. God places longings in us to be fulfilled. If you’ve started a new venture and it seems like things are getting a little rocky don’t give up, keep working and keep believing what God placed in you will prosper. Don’t be afraid to go after what you’re passionate about. Speak the Word of God over your dreams and visions God’s given you, keep seeing yourself prosper in those things. Don’t allow negativity to surround you or come out of you but stay positive and keep speaking out what you want to see. Focus until you finish, no excuses. Know that God will back you  up and provision will be made when you carry out a vision or dream he’s given you. So refuse to give up. I pray your strength and joy is renewed. I pray you have a new excitement about what God placed in you and the desire to fulfill the things God’s placed in you strengthens. As Jeremiah 29:11 says, “ For I know the plans I have for you” so trust God and keep moving forward, He knows all. Time for more results. Stay in the race.

Saturday, October 27, 2012


Pride and fear can be very dangerous and can keep you from getting what God has for you. Pride will tell you that people will look at you differently just because you need help. Pride will cause you live life isolated because you don’t want people to know you’re struggling with something. Pride will cause you to live life in need. Understand that we can’t isolate ourselves from others because God can use someone else to help us out of a situation. Love your well-being more than your self-image and be willing to get help when needed. "Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and He will lift you up" (James 4:10), let God help you. So many prayers can be answered if we’d just be willing to let pride go and accept help. Many think getting help is a sign of weakness. I think getting help is a sign of strength because you’re willing to do what’s necessary to better yourself. It always amazes me how God will send the exact people to help at the right time. Everybody needs some type of help at some point in life and that’s ok, that‘s life. We weren't meant to do it all alone. God loves you and will continue to show love by meeting your need. So keep moving forward. Regardless of how God meets your needs, accept the help God sends and stay encouraged. Let pride go. Stay in the race.

Friday, October 26, 2012

What Makes You Different?

In order to be a world changer you must first be changed by the Word. The world is looking for something different they're looking for what they don't have, they're looking for God. You can't be like the world and expect to make a difference. You can't do things the same way they're doing them and expect to get different results. If you're like the world you'll blend in but you have to be like Christ and show the world the love of Christ. You have to be willing to stand out. You have to let the Word of God transform you before becoming a changer for anyone. As Romans 12:2 says, "And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God." You must be changed first. You can't be ashamed of who you serve, you can't be ashamed to share the Gospel, you can't be ashamed to show the love of God. We were chosen by God to show the love of God to others. We were chosen by God to do His work not what we want to do but what he wants to do through us, not my will but Your Will be done God. If we live life selfishly we've missed the whole point of life. Life is bigger than just you, it's about someone else. You can't be so caught up in self that you can't see another person hurting. You've been through things in life and learned about things to help others. You'll never get very far in life if all you think about is yourself. I say this often but Jesus himself came for us not to save himself! We needed Him! He was the Word made Flesh! God in earth. He seen the bigger picture that if he gave his life everyone else could have eternal life. He seen the bigger picture. But do you see the bigger picture? Do you see that your helping another person can save their life, it can give them hope, it can show them what God is all about. Helping someone else can give them the desire to help another person. Life is not about how many cars you can get or how many diamonds you can have, it's about what you can give that will make the difference. You can't get caught up on only wanting material things so bad that you forget your purpose in life. You have to understand that as you do the work of the Lord he'll do work on your behalf and you'll have material things. The bible says in Matthew 6:33, seek first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness and all things shall be added to you. This is bigger than just you. The Kingdom of God is God's way of doing things. The bible says the Kingdom of God is righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost(Romans 14:17). The only way to attain any of those things is through God. You can't have his Spirit if you don't know him. You can't have unshakable peace without God, you can't know what real joy is without God. You are not the righteousness of God without God. It's because of Jesus seeing beyond himself that allows us to have all these things including the Spirit of God which makes all things happen. You have to be willing to see beyond yourself to make a bigger difference. You don't have to go across the world to make a difference you can make a difference in your community. Don't get me wrong, there are people who are called overseas but many are called to their own backyards, own communities. You have to be willing to do God's work where you're at. The only way to do God's work is to know what God's about and be transformed by His word. His word makes you a world changer, not the world. Be willing to let the Word of God change you first before thinking you're going to change another. Being changed by God allows you to lead people in the right direction. It allows people to see the light and life of God. Let's be positive world changers, they're looking for someone like you. So let God transform you so you can help transform the world. Know the truth and stay free. Stay in the race.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

The Basics

Make sure you know the Word of God. You have to spend time in the Bible to get to know what God says about you. You must spend time with God in prayer to commune with him. Learn to feed your spirit often. Your spirit needs food just like your natural body needs food. If you starve your spirit you will become malnourished and won’t be able to stand the tests of life. We fight with the Word. As in Ephesians 6: 17 it speaks that the sword of the Spirit is the Word of God. The Word of God gives you substance, it sustains you  throughout life. You can never forget the basics, the Word of God and prayer. As in Philippians 4:6  it says don’t worry about anything but pray about everything. In the Bible it also says pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:17) It also says this kind comes out only by fasting and praying (Matthew 17:21). Prayer is mentioned many times in the Bible to show it’s importance. It’s not something you can live without. In your prayer time God can really speak. In your prayer time things become clear. In your prayer time you get strengthen. We also know that John 1:1 says the Word is God. When you know the Word, you know God. The only way to get to know someone is to spend time with them. The only way to get to know God is to spend time with Him. God desires a relationship with us but do we desire the same thing? It can be so easy to make excuses throughout life as to why we don’t have time to spend with God. But if we realized that it’s because of Him we’re still breathing and moving we’d get a different revelation about prayer and getting in the Word. Let this thing become personal to you, become intimate with this thing. It’s your life line, it truly is. I pray you all have a hunger and thirst to get into God’s Word more and pray more. I pray the same for myself too, we can all get better. When you understand the benefits of what prayer does and that the most effective way to fight the devil is with the Word, you’d do it all the time. Don’t forget the basics. Stay in the race.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012


Do things in excellence, do it God's way. Don't rush the plan of God but let it flow. Let God develop the finishing touches in you before he brings you to this next place in life. Be patient but keep moving. Stay prepared and encouraged. Seasons are changing and you can’t lose focus when things start to unfold. Keep God in proper place as he takes you higher, it's because of Him that we're promoted. Without God we're nothing so remember in the positions he allows you to be in to give him the glory. Know that our names are made known on earth for God's sake. It's for his purpose that we're favored beyond measure. It's for the plan of God that we're brought to great places. Know that you didn’t get to where you are alone, God orchestrated it. You can never forget who is good and where good comes from, God. We have to stay humble in our places of elevation because it's God that keeps us there. So be patient and let God reveal what you’ve been preparing for because once it's all unveiled it's going to blow your mind. God's plans for us were always for good. (Jeremiah 29:11). You're going to be glad you did things God's way and that you waited. So stay humble, stay in His word, keep praying, things are about to change.  Stay in the race. #KeepGod1st

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Not Weak

To fail doesn’t mean you’re weak it means you’re human. Learn to use your failures as motivation to do better. Failing doesn’t mean it’s the end it means you have another opportunity to do something better. When you fail it’s a lesson on what not to do or what you need to do better. All lessons learned make us wiser, they prepare us for our victory. Also, know what victory means to you. Victory can have different meanings and is measured differently for each person so don’t wear yourself thin trying to be like someone else. Victory is reaching YOUR desired result. So you can’t look at someone else life and go after their victory, you have to learn how to walk out your own victories in life. I believe many more people could  be successful today if they would just use the tools God’s given them and stay focused on what God want them to do, not trying to be someone else. You can go so far in life if you keep your eyes on God.Your victory is on the path God created for you.
Know that most times success happens after trying and trying again. Success takes times and determination. Just like Thomas Edison, he didn’t create the best light bulb the first time, it took him many tries to come up with a successful invention but he didn’t give up. Determination and commitment will lead you to success, they will prevent you from giving up. So never think just because you fail at something that it’s over but be willing to make the necessary adjustments for better results next time. Know there’s always a lesson to learn in your test so pay attention. Remember, it’s not how many times you fall but how many times you get back up that matters. So no matter how long it takes you to complete your task or to reach that desired level of success, learn to go at your own pace. Going at another person’s pace can kill you. Be content with the path that God’s called you to walk on and don’t give up. Stay in your lane, stay encouraged and stay in the race. 

Monday, October 22, 2012

Can't Be Stopped

You can’t be stopped unless you want to be. You have to make up in your mind that what you’re going after is worth fighting for. You have to believe that what you stand for is real. You have to know in your heart that God’s word is true, period. You will face challenges and disappointments in life but that doesn’t mean give up, it means go harder.  You have to use your tests and trials as motivational tools. Be motivated to overcome them and see God work. Adversity shouldn’t pull you away from God , it should bring you closer to God. The mere fact that you have any opposition should provoke you to reposition for the victory. When  something comes against you it should remind you that you’re carrying greatness. The enemy goes after ones who have something! Purpose and destiny lies in you, don’t quit. So instead of backing up when a battle comes, face it. We have to keep in mind that this battle belongs to God and there’s more with us then against us. (2 Chronicles 20:15, 2 Kings 6:16-17))  Put prayer, faith, & works on your situation. God is working behind the scene, in actuality he already worked before the scene came to past! Go forth confident in the plan of God even if you don’t know everything. One thing is for sure, God is with us and He knows what he’s doing. The devil can’t stop God plans so don’t be deceived, keep moving forward. If we continue to allow God to lead us we’ll be lead to victory every time. You have to know who you belong to. You belong to God, who is the Greatest and there is none above Him. If God placed a dream in your heart don’t let nothing stop you from making it happen. Take a “can do” from God instead of a “can’t do” from man. If God said you can, move on it. God can see what we can’t see so we have to learn to really trust him. Nothing we go through should be able to separate us from the love of God, nothing.  (Romans 8:35-39) God has been truly good to us, he’s given us life, we have nothing to complain about. Because we have life we have ability and because we have ability we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. (Philippians 4:13)We are able to do something about our situations, keep believing God. He’s given us the ability to make things happen. Know who's inside you, the Greater One is living in you. (1 John 4:4) So keep smiling, keep praying, keep believing, keep going . Learn to rest in God because he is the final say, he’s victory. We’re winning.  Encouraged, don’t be stopped. #Stay in the race.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Prayer of Encouragement

I pray that you all experience God in a greater way. I pray you all are drawn closer to God in your everyday life. I pray you are strengthen in your walk with Christ and grow daily. I pray you will not be drained by tests&trials but refreshed by God's Word and His Spirit. I speak that you are refreshed and encouraged. You will not faint, keep going. You will not be intimidated by the devil, he's already defeated, know your authority! You will not be too tired to receive your reward. I bind the python& grave spirit that attempts to come drain and suck the life out of you and command them to cease to exist in your life. I loose rejuvenation, help, and new Godly mentorship/relationships in your life. You will not be stagnated but will continually advance in life. I pray the support you need in the natural realm is released. You will not go backwards but you will keep moving forward in life. Life is worth living and you will see the reward. I bind the spirit of discouragement& rejection and command it to cease to exist in your life. I loose joy, encouragement, open doors, peace, love, hope, and strength in your life. You will NOT die but LIVE and declare the works of the Lord! I declare and decree this is your season and time for restoration, manifestation, magnificent favor,overflowing love, a surplus of peace, unexplainable blessings, countless miracles, advancement of your ministry and overall enjoyment of life. I speak it now in the name of Jesus. Receive it and keep speaking the Word of God. Never stop trusting God. What God has in store for you will bring tears of joy to your eyes. This is also a time where we'll receive tears of joy instead of mourning. Never accept less than God's Word. Keep doing what God called you to do regardless of what it looks like. If God gave you the vision he'll also get you the provision. Don't look to yourself but look to a higher power, God. Depend on God. As I speak these words I also encourage myself. I want to see all the people of God prosper in all areas of life and be the light full force that God called us to be. Stay in the race. Much love.

Read Deuteronomy 28:1-14. Isaiah 60
Isaiah 61:3

Friday, October 19, 2012

Something for the Singles

Something for the Singles

Never sell yourself short or chase after a fantasy. Don't accept being just an option, be an only choice. Don't go after a person that can't accept you for who you are. Don't waste your energy trying to change yourself for someone because the person that's for you will accept you. Don't ignore open doors, what's already there, because you think you want what's behind a closed door, something you haven't seen yet. Know your value. Know who God made you to be.
Desire to have someone that has the heartbeat of God. Desire someone that pushes you towards God and not away from God. Desire to have someone that loves God first before they love you. Desire someone that's not caught up in self but willing to help another. Desire to have someone who know who they are in Christ. Desire someone that is not a distraction but a motivation to keep living right. Desire someone that supports you not make excuses. We only have one life to live here on earth so make sure you choose to live it with someone that pushes you toward destiny and not away from it.

Remember, always be careful what you ask for and don't try to be seen by someone you know that's not good for you. Make sure your motives are right because if not, it's time and energy wasted. Keep your eyes on God first and he'll bring you to where you're supposed to be. Never accept less than what God told you can have. Stay focused, let God lead you. Stay in the race.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

What Jesus Did

Never forget what Jesus did. If it wasn’t for his coming we’d still be lost. Think about where you were when you gave your life to him. He took you out of a chaotic place and brought you to a place of peace. Don’t let your current hardships cause you to have amnesia. Never forget what Jesus did. He redeemed us from the curse of the law (Galatians 3:13) He redeemed us from sickness, poverty, satan. He reconciled us back with the Father. So never accept anything less than what he gave his life for. Don’t accept sickness, don’t accept poverty, don’t accept satan trespassing trying to harass you, don’t accept separation from God, don’t accept the results of curse. Because of what Jesus did we have wealth, health, prosperity, reconciliation, eternal life, liberty belongs to us. All good things come from above, never forget that (James 1:17). Know that God wants the best for you so never accept less than His word. Don’t be deceived by the devil, he’s already been defeated, don’t believe what he tells you. Truth defeats deception. So accept what Christ did and live the way Christ paved for you. Stay in the race.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Do for Others

Philippians 2:3-5 (NLT)“3 Don’t be selfish; don’t try to impress others. Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourselves. 4 Don’t look out only for your own interests, but take an interest in others, too.
5 You must have the same attitude that Christ Jesus had.”  Keep others in mind and be willing to go the extra mile for someone else. Christ came to help others and I believe our purpose is to do the same in some way. So whatever way God’s equipped you to help others be willing to share it and share the love of God with someone else. Remember, it's the little things that can make the most difference. Also, know the love you show to others by helping them in some way is a seed planted. One plants, another waters, and it's God that gives the increase. So do your part in planting or watering and let God do his part.
1 Corinthians 3:6-9 NLT says, "6 I planted the seed in your hearts, and Apollos watered it, but it was God who made it grow. 7 It’s not important who does the planting, or who does the watering. What’s important is that God makes the seed grow. 8 The one who plants and the one who waters work together with the same purpose. And both will be rewarded for their own hard work. 9 For we are both God’s workers. And you are God’s field. You are God’s building."
You never have to beat someone over the head with religion, just learn to show the love of God and they'll get it :). God is about love not a religion, remember that. Because of His love Christ came and helped us so now be willing to help another. Stay encouraged and never let your light for Christ go out. Stay in the race. -Eri

Monday, October 15, 2012


Stay grateful for the ones in your life. At times we can get so  caught up on wanting something else that we ignore what we already have. Know what you have. It’s easy to get too complacent with the ones you know because you’re around them the most. When you get too complacent with someone it can be hard to accept what they tell you. Just because you know a lot about a person doesn’t mean they can’t tell you something new or speak wisdom to you. The people around you prepare you for the future.Understand, God knew the exact people to place around you, he knew the exact family to raise you in. The people around us help develop us, they help bring out what God placed in us.
I’m grateful for who I have in my life. I’m grateful for the lessons I’ve learned through the people closest to me. There comes a point when you just need to sit and think about all you already have in life and be grateful. I have ones in my family that encourage me to keep making dreams happen. I have family and friends that won’t let me give up. I have people that continue to see great things in me when I don’t see them in myself.  I have friends that reminds me of what God says daily. Sometimes we take the closest ones to us for granted. We  can’t downplay a word from God because it’s not from who we want to hear it from then be quick to accept that same word from a stranger. We truly have to know what we have and show appreciation. God mostly speaks through people and most times he’ll speak just what you need to hear from people you already know. You can’t refuse a word from someone because you don’t like something about them especially when you know it’s God speaking. Remember ,God spoke through a donkey, he can use anything! (Numbers 22:28) Pay attention, there’s things God want to tell you, so don’t write off the people you already know. They can tell you the thing you’ve been waiting to hear that will propel you to that next level. Stay encouraged and stay grateful. Stay in the race.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Your Past Positioned You for Now

Your past has positioned you for now. It has positioned you for the future. The pain you endured was not about the pain but it was to cause you to move from where you were to where you needed to be. Understand that some choices we’ve made in the past were not the best which caused us to be in the wrong position. But God had a plan for our lives so he caused us to be uncomfortable so we’d move into the right place so he could use us. So you can’t be imprisoned by your past hurts but you must learn that if it wasn’t for that pain you may still be in the same position. Learn to be grateful you left toxic situations because God has greater for you. Also, understand life is not all about what you can get but what you give. Your past has given you experiences and with those experiences you can help others. Time and experience are great teachers because they bring out what was always in you. So be joyful that you’re in position to be used by God, that’s when blessing really start to flow. Know that God sees the bigger picture and he knows what it takes to bring you to where you‘re supposed to be. Your heartbreaks, your financial struggles, your lonely moments, and everything else you’ve endured have taught you that it’s only God that brings you through. You’ve been able to realize the only constant thing while going through was God, he never changed he remained faithful. You’ve found out who was really for you and you’ve found out what you can live without. The One that was always there to rescue you was God ,which reiterates that without Him you can do nothing. So rejoice in all you’ve gained throughout these times. Trying times allowed you to really get to know God. Don’t hate your past because it positioned you for now. Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. God's plans were always for our good. Stay encouraged. Stay in the race.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

A Preview

Everything God shows us is not necessarily for us at that moment, it could be just a preview for what’s to come. At times God will allow us to see certain things to let us know he hasn’t forgotten about us. He will also show you things to let you know what you’re preparing for. There are many things in life we believe we want but God knows exactly what we need. I strongly believe that if we wait on God to give us what we need we’ll be happy we didn’t get what we thought we wanted back then. Whatever God has placed aside for us to have is greater than what we think we want. God gives us what we need on our path with him. He gives us things that are a part of our destinies. I do believe he’ll give us our heart’s desires as our desires line up with Him. As 1 John 5:14-15 says, “14 And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us:15 And if we know that he hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of him.” So stay encouraged when God shows you a preview of what’s to come. He’ll never forget us and he’s always thinking about us. Stay in the race.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


I’ve found out that the only One who can permanently satisfy your desire for attention is God. We all go through moments when we feel we need attention so we must be careful to look to God at those moments. Those moments are critical because one wrong move could leave us worse off then we were before. I’ve looked to many things throughout my life to fulfill my desire for attention but nothing satisfied it until I focused my attention on the One who’s always there. The busyness of life can cause us to forget that we have a God that never leaves us. People come and go but God remains. In John 15:4 it says, Abide in me, and I in you. So we must remember to abide in God, desire God, and he’ll fulfill our desires because he’s truly the only one that knows exactly what we need.  We have a God that loves us unconditionally and will never let us down. God desires to give us attention all the time but at times our own efforts don’t reciprocate that and we tend not to be open to receiving His attention. At times we can believe that receiving attention from another person is better than receiving it from God but that’s the wrong mindset because people can change their mind about you but God won’t. I’ve learned that the attention that God gives is like none other, it’s more than enough. God has a way of making you feel special in your weakness times. God cares so much about us and wants the best for us. Don’t be down and out because you feel no one cares about you. Know that God cares and the enemy wants you to believe you’re not cared for. If you allow your mind to be overtaken by dangerous thoughts that’s when the enemy can work best. You have to know you’re the apple of God’s eye and once you realize how much He loves you you’d kiss your down days goodbye. Realize that once your focus is on God and His ways of doing things,  he’ll give you everything you need. Just as Matthew 6:33 says, seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and  all things shall be added. We have to learn how to be satisfied with God first because he’s truly is in control. God knows more about us then we know about ourselves so be willing to spend time with Him. Be willing to get to know Him.  As James 4:8 NLT says, “Come close to God and God will come close to you.“ Know that God will send others in your life but you must keep in mind that a person can never take Gods place. Keep God in proper place and you’ll stay fulfilled. Remember, God touches the hearts of people so you don’t have to do crazy things to get attention, let God lead the right ones to you, trust Him. He’s our Father and knows us best. Stay encouraged and stay in the race.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

It's Bigger than Me

Often I have to tell myself this as I go through life’s hurdles. I have to remind myself that it’s bigger than Me. Things I’ve been through and currently going through, are constantly building me to be the person God called me to be. I’ve had successes, I’ve had failures and I’m still standing. Life is not perfect but my peace is made perfect because I know who God is. I came to the understanding that the challenges I face in life did not come to make me bitter but they came to make me better. There are things I wish I could’ve avoided in life but I know now going through those things have made me a stronger person. My struggles have brought me closer to God and have showed me just how amazing God is. Life has a way of making you realize what’s important. A lot of what I used to think was important is not as vital as I thought it was. I’ve found out that there are many things I can do without and still keep my joy. I found out that life is better when God’s will prevails over your will. I pray God’s will is continually done in my life and I know every step I take is ordered by God because that’s His word, (Psalm 37:23). So I encourage myself by realizing many of the things I’ve gone through will help someone else. It’s bigger than me and if I can encourage one person, that’s worth what I had to endure. I pray these blog posts help you in some way and that you’re continually encouraged. Know that life is worth living and God is worth serving. There’s none greater than God and He has the final say. So whatever you have to face in life know that you’re not facing it alone, God is with you. Life brings many exciting times and some not so exciting times but always remember who is in control. Always remember who’s permanent, God is. Refuse to give up, keeping standing and watch your dark days turn to light. You have destiny to fulfill so keep letting God lead you, he’ll never steer you on the wrong path. Everyday you wake up always give God thanks because he still continues to give us breath. Be grateful for the little things, their the stepping stones to greater things. Be grateful for your family, friends, jobs, skills, be grateful for everything God’s given you. Know that you are loved by God, favored by God, and predestined for something great for God. God placed what he wanted to in you, you’re a unique designer’s original so never dislike yourself. God will surround you around the people you need to be around so never fear being left out. I had to understand that it’s amazing who you can attract when you’re truly being the person God made you to be. God knew what he was doing when he created you so shine on. Keep the faith, keep hope, and most of all keep loving. Take life day by day with a smile knowing that you’re more than a conqueror. You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. Never forget that it’s bigger than you and that your testimonies can help someone else. Keep your joy, God gives you that, let’s go all the way. Stay in the race.

God Knows What He’s doing, Wait on Him

“Yet how quickly they forgot what he had done! They wouldn’t wait for his counsel!”  Psalm 106: 13 NLT. Don’t get impatient and miss what God has for you. Don’t forget what he’s done for you in the past because you don’t have what you want right now. The same God that blessed you back then is the same God that’s going to bless you now. God knows what he’s doing, don’t forget that. There are things God want to produce out of you and production takes time. Some things need to be produced out of you before you’re given what you’ve been waiting on.  As I often say, greatness take time to prepare, so be willing to wait. There are things God’s placed in you that must come out.  If God gave us everything we wanted when we asked we’d be underdeveloped. Time and experiences develop us. They pull out of us what God predestined a long time ago. The way God is taking us is necessary. We have to wait and take his counsel because it’s the best way. Know that Psalm 32:8 says, “I’ll teach you what’s best for you, I’ll show you which way to go.“ God has a perfect time to release what he has for you. If God said he’ll do it, then that’s exactly what’s going to happen. Never let waiting cause you to forget who God is, He’s faithful.  God doesn’t make mistakes, He knows what he’s doing. Don’t try to take matters in your own hands because the wait seems too long. Don’t try to do God’s job and mess things up by moving out of God’s perfect timing. Sometimes we may think maybe God needs my help so we do something but it makes things worse. God knows what’s best and sometimes it’s takes longer than we’d like to receive that best but know it’ll be worth the wait. So regardless of what you see around you don’t forget that God knows what he’s doing. Wait for Him, remember he waited for you. God will tell you exactly what to do at the right time. As Philippians 4:6 says, “6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.“ So don’t be anxious but be prayerful. God got you :). Stay in the race.

Monday, October 8, 2012

When Nothing Makes Sense

"Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. 6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths." Proverbs 3:5-6. There are many things in life we won’t understand but know that if God is leading your life your path is being directed. In times when things don’t make sense learn to lean on the Word of God and not your understanding. We’ll never be able to fully grasp the ways of God so we can’t stress ourselves out trying to figure them all out. This is a faith walk and faith walks require you to move even when nothing makes sense. You must keep going, keep hope, and keep believing God’s Word. Things will begin to line up and you’ll see one day why you had to take this path. Remember, without faith it’s impossible to please God so keep pleasing God by walking by faith. (Hebrews 11:6). Faith walks can be the most difficult because as humans we’re used to believing because we can see a thing in front of us. As the Word says, blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed. (John 20:29) So we have to stop letting our five senses dominate our walk with God and be lead by His Spirit into the things of God. God is greater than our natural senses and he wants us to trust Him. People will eventually let you down but God is the only one that will never let us down. So even when nothing makes sense tell yourself God is greater than my five senses, His thoughts are not my thoughts  and His ways are higher than mine so I’ll trust Him. (Isaiah 55:8-9). Stay in the race, you’re almost to your finish line.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

God is Not Limited by a "No!"

Realize a "No" gives God the ability to do something better for you. You have to understand who ultimately creates opportunities. God knows when a door is too small or not right for you. Trust God enough to lead you to the right doors for your life. Understand that if God placed a desire in you, he’ll also give you the tools necessary to bring that thing forth and that includes the supporters you need. Everybody you asked help from is not qualified to help you or you may not be ready for that door. God can see the future and He knows which connections will bring you to where you need to be. God knows when you’re prepared for certain doors so don’t be discontent by closed doors.  Don’t be distraught from a “No” but rejoice for the greater to come! Keep preparing for that greater latter because God told us our latter will be greater than our former.(Haggai 2:9) Don’t curse those who don’t do for you but pray for them, pray God blessings over them. You can’t hold grudges and expect to be blessed. The person or company that said no to you can be doing you a favor because it may not have been the right fit. Forgive and let go so you can walk freely into the place God has for you. Don’t allow past "no's" to disrupt your future. Choose to be kind and keep showing love, your time is nearer than ever! Know that when God opens a door no man can shut it.(Revelation 3:7) So keep working towards your God given desires and stay prepared. God is NOT limited by a “No” everything has to respond to God so know when it’s your time, It’s YOUR time. If you truly knew what God had in store for you, you’d never again in your life sweat the small stuff. A “no” is not the end of your life it’s a sign that you need to keep trying and keep moving forward. We’ve come too far to give up now!!! Let’s make it to the end!!! Can’t stop, won’t stop!  Rejoice!! Stay in the race. -Eri