
Sunday, September 30, 2012


Don’t let the battle destroy your praise. Understand that praise confuses the enemy. Praise lets God know you trust Him regardless of what you see. Praise lets others know you have the victory. Praise is a weapon and should be used when things are going well and not so well. Praise helps you stay focused on the finish line. Don’t let the battle silence your praise, instead let it increase it! Keep Moving. Stay encouraged. Stay in the race. -Eri

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Don't Tie God's Hands with Doubt, Just Believe.

Doubting can prolong what you've been waiting on or cause you to give up..So ask yourself, why do I doubt? Is it because you don't trust God? Is it because you think it's taking too long to receive what you've been waiting on? Is it because you don't see everything you ask God for? Regardless of the reason don't let doubt tie God's hands. As the bible says without faith it's impossible to please God(Hebrews 11:6). The bible also says doubt causes us to be turned away from God (Hebrews 3:12).As I always say, as Believers we can't be moved by what we see but we have to be firmly planted in the Word. What we see changes all the time but the Word remains the same. So don't give up on God because of temporary situations! Regardless of what's going on around you God's Word is not affected by your circumstances it can cut through anything. So rejoice today, rejoice everyday, have the peace of God, have the faith of God, shout with the voice of triumph! Don't go through each day down and depressed but go through each day knowing you're being taken care of by God! Learn to encourage yourself during these times, learn to encourage others during these times! Your praise should not be dependent on your feelings, your praise should be based off who God is and He's good! No one is more faithful then our God!!! As my dad always says, "We're going over not under!! This is a time of rejoicing, a time of moving forward! Awake from your slumber and remember how good God is!! So stay encouraged keep your eyes on Jesus and not your problems. Look to the problem solver, he can solve anything! God Bless and love u!! I refuse to stop being excited because I know who I belong to! #God. Stay in the race. -Eri

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Stay Content

Don't compare yourself to others. It seems once people compare themselves to others that's when dissatisfaction/discontent, and jealously starts to set in. You have to understand our journeys will be different to get us to the place God want us to be at. You're the only one that can fill your shoes and that other person you may be looking at is the only person that can fill their shoes. As Christians, our goal to give God all the glory & spread the Gospel is the same but everybody's route to carry that out may be different. Looking in someone else's yard all the time will cause you to desire what they have. Instead you need to stay focused on God and what He has for you. When you look at what someone else has for too long you can get distracted and forget what you have, that's dangerous. What God gives another fits their life and purpose. Know that following the plans and purpose God has for your life will release the necessities it takes to fulfill your purpose. 
God will give you what you need on YOUR journey not someone else's journey. So be content with what God has for you on your path. Know that what God has for you compliments who you are. So the next time you see someone accomplish something or move forward in life congratulate them because they're carrying out THEIR purpose then allow God to help you carry out yours. 
No reason to be jealous, discontent, or depressed, God is not a respecter of person he plans to bless us all(Romans 2:11). Trust Him. Stay in the race. -Eri

Shut Down Fear with Faith

“For God hath not given us the spirit of fear: but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” (2 Timothy 1:7). Understand that fear is not of God and it shouldn’t be with us either.  As you can see, God’s given us power, love and a sound mind, He’s given us Himself. So there’s no reason to fear. The Greater One is living in you, there’s no reason to be afraid. (1 John 4:4)  Know that fear’s main job is to prevent you from going to where God want you to be, it wants you to believe that God’s Word isn’t true. You have to get to a point where you believe God’s Word over fear, period. When the Creator speaks it’s true. Stop running from fear and face it with faith. As the bible says, Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. (Romans 10:17). The more Word you hear the more faith you can produce. As you read the word and hear the Word things will begin to click , the more you will begin to believe, the more you believe the more you will begin to move. Understand that faith causes you to move and fear will cause you to be stagnated. God is with you and what He says is true. You can’t let nothing stop you from believing, not even yourself. Faith and fear can’t dwell together, choose wisely. Shut fear down with faith and keep moving forward. Stay in the race.

****If you haven’t accepted Christ, you can do so today. All is takes is a few seconds to welcome Him in. As Romans 10:9 says, If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. Repeat this: Jesus you are Lord and I accept you as my Lord and personal savior come into my heart, I believe the Father raised you from the dead, make me new, I repent of my sins and I’m now ready to live for you. Thank you for saving me. Amen***** If you repeated that prayer I’d like to say welcome to the family. God loves you and so do I. If you’re not connected with a church ask God to lead you to one and get a church home. Then start reading the four Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, & John) to find out more about Christ. This is an exciting time! You’ve made the most important decision in your life today and all of heaven is rejoicing with you. Stay encouraged, keep moving forward.  God Bless.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Covered by the Blood

Ephesians 1:7  "In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace;“ Have the knowledge of what the Blood of Jesus did for you. Because of the shedding of His blood we have been redeemed. Our sins have been forgiven, we’re no longer under the curse of the law, we have been reconciled back with the Father, the devil has no authority to touch us, we have life and blessings instead of death and cursing. We’re blood covered, we’re protected. We don’t have to walk around in fear or condemned because the Son has set us free. Know as you go forth today that by accepting Christ as your Lord and personal savior you are a child of God and as a child of God you are protected from evil (If you haven‘t accepted Christ you can do it now, Romans 10:9). Know that the Blood of Jesus is powerful and very effective. Keep believing in what Jesus did, keep the armor of God on daily (Ephesians 6:10-18), keep speaking the Word, keep moving forward. Let the truth set you free. Stay in the race. -Eri

Sunday, September 23, 2012

God Won't Let You Give Up

Have you ever felt this way? You may’ve tried to throw in the towel several times but somehow the towel gets thrown back at you. This is because there is something God wants you to do. There’s a place God wants you to be at and giving up now is not an option. You’ve come too far to turn back now and turning back now wouldn’t make sense. You've invested faith and tears in what you believe so understand that God is faithful and his Word NEVER fails. You’re so close to your next season that  people will begin to see the change on you even if you don’t recognize it yet. Understand that your season changes first in the spiritual realm before you see it. You’re about get direction and clarity on what to do next to, you are in your preseason of your next season and all is about to unfold. You can’t give up, your future needs you. Keep moving forward. Stay in the race. -Eri 

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Your Time Will Come

When you do things God's way, you'll always exceed expectations. Know that God's way may not always seem like the "quickest" way per se but know that it is truly the best way. God knows best and he knows exactly what's needed to bring you to where he wants you to be. We are continually being prepared so we can handle what God has for us. Just as naturally, many go to college to prepare for their careers. The process of going through college can seem long but the end result seems worth it. We have to be patient and let God take us through the necessary stages/tests in life. We have to stay where God wants us to be to get what God wants us to have. As Ecclesiates 9:11 says, " I returned, and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all." Have patience, your time will come. Keep working, stay focused, keep Moving, stay in the race. Stay encouraged. -Eri

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Keep Moving forward

Regardless of the response, keep doing what God called you to do. Aim to please God not man. Never quit, keep moving forward. Stay in the race. -Eri

The Right Attitude

Your attitude can determine how far you go in life. It's a direct reflection of what you believe and what you believe affects the way you live. It can keep you going in life or cause you to live stagnated. Your attitude can help open and close doors in life. Your attitude can attract others to you or push them away from you. Your attitude is also connected to how you view life. Ask God to open the eyes of your understanding so you can view life under the right light(Ephesians 1:18). Regardless of what happened yesterday or even 5 minutes ago choose to have the right attitude. If you haven't received what you've been waiting on don't be bitter but keep believing and moving. Galatians 6:9 says, "And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not." Stay encouraged and keep moving. Stay in the race. God Bless -Eri

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Less Stress

News Flash: You don't have to be involved with everything, just make sure you're doing what God wants you to do. In life we can get so busy with doing unnecessary things that we welcome unnecessary stress in our lives. Realize you're living to please God so stay focused on what he wants you to do. Cut out the unnecessary things and use that time to do more things you enjoy doing. You know how to determine what's unnecessary. If you're doing things just because someone else is doing them then that's unnecessary. Be real with yourself, be real to the person God made you to be. You don't have to do extra things in life just to get attention, know that when you do what God wants you to do you'll get the right attention you need. Don't let the pressures and opinions of others dictate your life. Instead be God lead. You can't get time back, each moment is new, so make up in your mind that you won't waste another moment on unnecessary things. Know that God sees your heart, so keep aiming to please Him. Stay in the race. -Eri

Monday, September 17, 2012

Keep Going!!

Hey all. Try not to let fear of making mistakes and possible failure prevent you from moving forward. Know that Psalm 37:23-24 says, "(23)The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord: and he delighteth in his way. (24) Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down: for the Lord upholdeth him with his hand." Don't fear what you don't know but be confident in what you do know, the Word of God. Don't fear the future but be confident in Who holds the future. Be confident in what God says about you and know that God is on your side. You have to get to a point where you've decided to believe what God says over everything else. It's at that point that you can truly move into where God wants you to be. So put your trust first in God and keep moving towards the things God's placed in your heart. Also know that mistakes happen and people fail but that doesn't mean it's the end it just means, "Dust yourself off and try again."  Stay encouraged. God Bless. Stay in the race. -Eri

Saturday, September 15, 2012


Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. (Hebrews 11:1). Just because you don't see what you've been waiting on doesn't mean it's not coming. Don't let doubt cancel out what you believe. If you allow fear and doubt to contaminate your faith you'll never receive what you're waiting on. You have to understand that if God said it, it'll come to pass. It's sad many will believe people before they believe God and God made people....It may seem like this has been a long season of preparation and waiting but you have to understand that patience must have her perfect work. (James 1:3-4) You have to be patient and endure time because He who promised is faithful(Hebrews 10:23). You also have to make sure you're doing your part as a believer and acting on what you believe. You can't forget that action goes with faith. Meaning because you believe you move and run with what God's given you even if you don't see how it'll all work out. You have to DO something, results won't magically appear without action. I believe, as people of God, that we're stepping into our greatest season yet. Those who have refused to doubt and give-up are walking into the promise. Don't be the one who regrets their actions because they gave up but be the one who celebrates because they hung in there and received the promise. It's worth the wait. It's a waste of time to give up now, you're too close. Keep believing and keep moving. Stay in the race. -Eri

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Same God

"If He did it before, He'll do it again, same God right now, same God back then!" Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, and today, and for ever.(Hebrews 13:8) His love never changes for you. Don't let anything you go through separate you from His love.(Romans 8:35) Know that storms are temporary but God is permanent. Storms don't last forever, take another breath and keep moving forward. He'll never leave u nor forsake you. (Hebrew 13:5).God still works miracles, he still heals, he still delivers, he still fulfills promises. It gets better, keep your eyes on God.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Take Another Breath

It may seem like you’ll never reach desired results but take another breath, keep moving you’ll get there. Don’t be discouraged if it seems like others are surpassing you but be confident in God’s plan for your life. Know that we all have to go through a process before reaching that place God has for us. Let God prepare you for what’s to come. Don’t be so caught up in thinking about the future that you forget to live for today. Know that we all will reach and experience our due seasons if we don’t faint (Galatians 6:9) . God knows exactly what we can handle and he wants us to take the time limits off of him because God’s not defined by time. We all have to come to a place where we believe God regardless of how long it takes for His Word to manifest. God is pleased when we can yet believe without seeing(John 20:29). So believe what God said about your life just because God said it, His word NEVER returns void (Isaiah 55:11). Know that God’s plans for your life are for good and not evil(Jeremiah 29:11). God never intended for us to be overwhelmed and that’s why he said cast your cares on Him for He cares for you (1Peter 5:7). God knows carrying around cares will weigh you down so just do as He says and give them all to Him. Know that God hears your prayers and know that when you pray according to His will you’ll have what you pray(1John 5:14-15). So keep believing, keep moving forward and know that God will NEVER let you down. God knows the exact route each of us need to take before releasing the promise to us. So trust Him with all you have and have faith in God, he’s faithful. Take another breath, life gets better J . Stay in the race. Love u all, stay encouraged. -Eri