
Monday, October 15, 2012


Stay grateful for the ones in your life. At times we can get so  caught up on wanting something else that we ignore what we already have. Know what you have. It’s easy to get too complacent with the ones you know because you’re around them the most. When you get too complacent with someone it can be hard to accept what they tell you. Just because you know a lot about a person doesn’t mean they can’t tell you something new or speak wisdom to you. The people around you prepare you for the future.Understand, God knew the exact people to place around you, he knew the exact family to raise you in. The people around us help develop us, they help bring out what God placed in us.
I’m grateful for who I have in my life. I’m grateful for the lessons I’ve learned through the people closest to me. There comes a point when you just need to sit and think about all you already have in life and be grateful. I have ones in my family that encourage me to keep making dreams happen. I have family and friends that won’t let me give up. I have people that continue to see great things in me when I don’t see them in myself.  I have friends that reminds me of what God says daily. Sometimes we take the closest ones to us for granted. We  can’t downplay a word from God because it’s not from who we want to hear it from then be quick to accept that same word from a stranger. We truly have to know what we have and show appreciation. God mostly speaks through people and most times he’ll speak just what you need to hear from people you already know. You can’t refuse a word from someone because you don’t like something about them especially when you know it’s God speaking. Remember ,God spoke through a donkey, he can use anything! (Numbers 22:28) Pay attention, there’s things God want to tell you, so don’t write off the people you already know. They can tell you the thing you’ve been waiting to hear that will propel you to that next level. Stay encouraged and stay grateful. Stay in the race.


  1. Thanks Eri for continued encouragement. I appreciate you!

    1. Thanks Mika! You are definitely an encouragement as well :)

  2. Yes, yes this is really God! Just like he use YOU to speak to Us, Praise God. J rose

    1. Thanks Rose! I so appreciate your support and continued encouragement!!! God Bless!
