
Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Love Makes the Difference

Recently I realized a deeper level of what love really means. We hear people say it all the time and unfortunately it's commonly said with little or no meaning behind it. As a Believer in Jesus, Yeshua the Messiah, a lot of times we can get caught up in thinking the proof of me loving God, Yahweh, is based on how I keep myself from drinking, cursing, abstaining for sexual behaviors before marriage, etc (many other things we may commonly hear in the church) but it goes deeper than that. Yes, it's good to not do things that will push you off course but none of that means anything if you don't have love for your neighbor. God shared with me, your proof of your love for me, is how you treat your neighbor. Our self credibility and mindsets of "oh I don't do this or that so I'm good with God," will fail you if you do not have love for your neighbor. God is not going to say, "You had ten alcoholic beverages, to hell you go!" No, but He will take account of how you treated your neighbor. Your ability to love your neighbor does measure how much you love God. Since God is love, to love others represents God. 

This post is not a pass to say go do whatever you want and sin it up ,lol, but it is a message to allow you to look at self to say, hmmm, do I really have love for God? Or am I stuck on self righteousness fooling myself? Just think about it. 

Until next time, Love. 

1 Corinthians 13:1-3


  1. Oooooooo I thank God for his LOVE, it's soooooo powerful, it's everything to where we need to be from him!! Eri thank you sooooooo much, it's a very good message LOVE!!!!!!

  2. Yes his Love is amazing!! So glad you’ve experienced it!!
