
Monday, May 13, 2013

The Chilling Truth

If you're not happy, you can make changes..We hold more power than we think. Some walk around sad and distraught because of their situations. The truth is wecan change most things and for the things we can't change, we can change our mindset about them. Your mindset, the way you think, can propel you into your future or hold you back from moving forward in life. A lot of times we can let small situations overtake our lives. God said, we have dominion over all things on earth so we must act like it (Genesis 1:26). Of course there are situations that only God can fix but in those situations we must refuse to let our joy be taken away. If God is handling a situation then you know it'll be taken care of. There is NO situation too hard for God, remember that.

So keep a smile on your face and know who you are in God. God has our back, He has us covered. Learn to rest in God's word and continually do what you have the power to do. Don't lose your peace or joy over a temporary situation but keep your eyes fixed on the permanent God. So choose to be happy. Stay encouraged.


  1. Eri very powerful needed Word from God! We must be reminded what the Word of God Says in every situation, thanks for this Word of Encouragement. J rose

    1. I'm encouraged that this was a blessing to you. Thanks for your support! God Bless
