
Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Publish(Announce!) What God's Done for You!

We’ve all been through something and have learned something from our tests& trials. Be willing to share your victories and failures to others to show them that with God you’re STILL standing through it all. In our victories and failures we learn who God is, he‘s faithful. He never leaves nor forsake us and has stood with us through ups and downs (Joshua 1:5).When you were facing the storm it may’ve seemed impossible to see a brighter day but now that you’ve overcame the situations, give God the glory by sharing your testimony.

Don’t think your testimony is small and worthless. Know testimonies are the awards or certificates, per se, announcing that you came out on top! It’s the medal after the race so be willing to share it. Regardless of how big or small you feel your testimony is there will ALWAYS be someone that will be encouraged by it. Know that all of what we’ve gone through was not only for us but for the ones we’re going to help/encourage. God has done something for us all, be willing to share it. How will others know unless you share.

Start letting people know that God is a deliverer, that he’s faithful, that he’s a healer, a provider, a friend, etc. Share your experiences with others to bring them closer to Christ. Many people are looking for a savior in the world but they just need to accept the One God sent (Jesus). Your testimony could draw someone to Christ. It could encourage someone to live or keep moving forward. Share what God has done for you in whatever form he allows you to. You don’t have to be in a pulpit or on tv to share your testimony, do it where you’re at. There is a time and place for everything so if God’s released you to share what he’s done for you now, don’t hesitate just do it. J Remember, your tests& trials were not to bring you shame but to give God the glory. Stay in the race. -Eri     @EriHolmes (twitter) (Email) if you need to reach me :

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  1. Yes, Yes We never know who we helping by sharing what God has done for us, I remember telling people things God has brought me out of and to hear someone say I need that, was such a Blessing. Thank Again Eri. J rose

    1. God Bless! Yes, so true that's why it's important to release when God tells you to. :) Thanks for your support.
